Most Common Problem With REALLY Old Zippo Lighters & How To Fix It !!!

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~I have a Zippo Lighter that I bought in Vietnam in 1973 . I still use it and it works fine. I've never had to send it back to Zippo.


Nice! I just got my grandfathers Zippo. It's 22 years old and hasn't been used in forever. This video helps me out so much. Thank you


Thanks, Your videos really helped me. My wheel didnt turn, put a new flit in the zippo, it turned until i screwed the flint tight, then it turned no more. after watching Your videos I took the flint out again and I noticed, that there was a little rest of the old flint blocking the wheel. Snapped it out and there You go! Stay well!


I had that exact problem. I bought an old Beattie Jet lighter and the flint had deteriated and resolidified. I used a very small drill bit by hand and I was able to clear it. Works like a charm now. Great video. 👍


hey! Thank you for this. Following your instructions I fixed my zippo which I inherited from my Dad (stamped 1950)!! Very meaningful to see it working again. Thanks!


I just bought a 2001 Harley davidson gear zippo (pewter front) for $15. The wheel was stuck and the front looked like someone painted it or left it in water. It was a mess. After a couple hours of cleaning and fixing, it looks and works like new. Appreciate this video and helping me figure out what was wrong with it.


Thanks! The Zippo I carried with me during OIF in 2003 was sitting on a shelf for the last 20 years and I discovered the wheel was stuck fast. You showed me how to fix it, works great now. I appreciate the video.


That was exactly what i needed to fix my grandpas zippo he had durring the Korean war. Thank you so much for the helpful video


I have a couple of old zips. They had been in the safe for years. I went to light and the wheel wouldn’t spin. Then it spun freely. Thanks to you I think I found my problem.


73 year old Zippo and this guy gets it to work, shows us how to fix the main problems with old Zippos and gives us a nice little hack (Which I'm sure I'll use at some point) to boot. Great video. This stuff is why I love youtube.


Lifesaving video. Answered all my questions!


An app called FIX THE ITEM has stolen audio and used it in their ad


Thank you! My Zippo is a circa 80s to 90s Harley Davidson "1961" edition in brass that was sitting forgotten in a drawer for at least 20 yrs. I took out the insert and then took to the dirty and tarnished outside. I cleaned it up, and then hit it with my favorite product for such things - Mothers Mag Polish. Turned out beautifully!

I was ordering flints for it, when I came across the butane insert. Wow! What a piece of art! Looks exactly like what it is, a machined and polished piece of precision.

And while it's fun and really cool to have an old lighter with an unexpected, beautiful, butane jet flame - I still want to show my grandson how the original works.

I have the exact issue with the flint in mine and I thank you for this video.

Oh, and on the warranty - it totally reminds me of the warranty on the classic Cross pens and pencils.

I feel the same way about my new/old vintage revolvers. Perfectly designed pieces of American function and art.

Love these American companies that have Made In America products for which they have great pride. 🇺🇲


Just a note, yes you can drill out any blockages, but I prefer to do it the way I talk about in the video to prevent any damage to the lighter, of course if your handy with a drill it makes the job quick and painless, lol but if your not handy you may just ruin the lighter...


This video is so weird, because today, I was going through my grandpas old stuff, and found an old zippo. Cool, but I also found one of those Gerber multitools he has there


My boyfriend (now husband) gave me a Zippo when I was 18 (now 61). I recently found it again but since I quit smoking 40 years ago it wouldn't light. Thanks to your video my husband was able to restore it and it works perfectly now!! Thank you!


Watched your video and learned a lot. I fixed an old Zippo I paid a dollar for. Now it's as good as new. It's marked J IV on the bottom. On the case it's marked USS VREELAND FF-1068. By the way I had to drill the blockage in the tube. I tried your method with the hex key, but no go. THANK YOU for your knowledge.


Very Helpful and Thank You for Sharing with Us !!!!
My Zippo's Outer Case is Marked
(C 2000 XVI).
The Inner Case is Marked (F XVI).


I actually have my grandfather's zippo its from the early 70s it still works great nothing wrong with it and i still use it for my cigars i love the old zippos there the best lighter ever produced and they go through hell and still keep on going love them


I went thru 3 videos on how to fix my pipe tobacco zippo light until I found yours. Thanks for this video got it fixed.
