4 SIGNS that you need to MOVE OUT of your hometown

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The scariest decision I've ever made was quitting my job in my hometown (Montreal, Canada) 4 months ago to live across the ocean in London, England. Fast forward to 4 months later of me living in London and this move has changed my entire life for the better.
Before I made the final decision to commit to moving abroad to England, I experienced these 4 SIGNS that I talk about in this video. My hope is to shed some light on some of the things I experienced before moving out of my hometown, so that people experiencing similar things hopefully won't feel so alone.

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TIKTOK: overseaswithkey



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You’ve articulated this perfectly. For a long time I perceived my move as “running away from my problems” but that narrative I had been telling myself and others is actually so problematic and hurtful. It has negative connotations and insinuates immaturity or that I couldn’t deal with my issues head on. The reality was I’ve always wanted to leave my hometown ever since finishing high school but kept rationalising & making excuses to stay. I ended up hurting myself so much that I carried this guilt and shame on with me, but I’m honestly so much happier living where I am now and I’m glad I saw this video to help me reframe my thinking. Thank you!


The other sign is that things don't go well for you. Things abruptly end or friendship gets strained for no reason. Our enviroment does dictate weather we achieve success or failure. Like they said it takes a village to raise a child, that is also true when you are an adult. You can't be just you pushing for things you want if your enviroment is not supportive. You will eventually wither away.


I agree with everything you said. I became numb to my environment and I had the desire to move. I did in 2020 and I do not regret it. I prayed about it and stepped out on faith. God opened the door and made it possible. I think about moving again from time to time. I am going to pray and ask God's decision on it because it's crucial. Have Jesus in all your plans and He will never steer you wrong.


I agree im super depressed in hometown and its like omg just go part of me was like just wait it out, just wait it out😩everyday was hard.its better to follow ur instincts follow ur heart, especially if ur around VERY TOXIC PEOPLE like me.


I left my hometown 2 years ago, was tired of the same environment everyday, same people, friends, shops, city there was nothing New to see, i decided to leave to the neighbour country and it was the best decision i ever made, the peace and happiness i got was definetly worth it…


What a great illustration about the plant that outgrows it's container (environment)


I’m leaving my hometown in 6 days to practically live with a stranger which I had doubts about but I finally decided this is really just what I have to do to grow and have more joy & inspiration in my life. All of these signs are 100% accurate in my case thank you for this ❤ hoping London treats you well 🎉


In 3 months i will be officially leaving my hometown. I never felt like i belonged here growing up period. I'm estranged from family due to traumatic events that took place such as my mom and first fiance passing away a year apart. I'm about to graduate college in 7 months. I got backlash for wanting to leave, but its was no growth here.


She’s right, I used to think I needed to be home to help my family and stuff out putting my dreams and goals aside to help family out only made me feel like shit, I’ve left my hometime since the age of 18 3 times and came back due to personal reasons. Everytime I made my way back home I could feel anxiety, trauma and just the thought of repetitive day to day task feeling like a robot kick in. But whenever I go to where I want to live (Arizona ) which is where I first lived before I moved back . I can feel my soul get excited it’s almost like I shed a layer of protection and humbleness and get to shine without worrying about someone trying to dim my light but when I’m at home I feel as if I have to dumb myself down around people so I can “fit in” and I’m tired of that. I know I deserve to look at palm trees cause I’ve took the risk and know what comes with it, thank you for this video very much needed


Needed this!! 😢I’m so ready for a big change


I just got back from a vacation yesterday. Picked right back up at my hometown from the vacay where I left off. Anger, sadness, depression, and hatred. I couldn’t believe it.

Oh and not to mention I had none of those symptoms when I was on vacation


So many signs for me to finally do it. This is the 7th video today that popped up on my timeline.


For me it’s moving back to my hometown. I been away from family and friends since I was 12 I’m now 24 and been having the urge to wanna pack up and start over and go back home. I’ve also been going through the same cycle like I’ve been reliving my years all over again 🫤 I’m stagnant now I feel God has put me in a situation where I have no choice but to go back to my hometown to start over 🥹 but I’m nervous I have a toddler and her father would still be here.


Good message. I lived abroad for about a year. Then I came back to the United States and my whole life since I have been here has been depressing. I'm thankful for what I have but the people around me just don't inspire me. Nobody comes to visit. I don't have any friends. There's no jobs around here. I have no car. And I live in a very rural environment. We don't even have a gas station. And I'm just starting to think that I'm letting my life pass me by. I like to travel. I hate sitting in one place for a long time. Thanks for this message.


You have just listed all the things I have been experiencing for quite some time now. I have been saying I want to move for a few years. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for confirming.. 🙏🙏🌹


Great advice. I know all these all to well as I experienced all 4. I knew then it was time for me to haven't looked back.


I have finally reached a point in my life where I can go anywhere I want. I was essentially trapped here in my hometown with obligations to family. I now remain in my hometown because I’ve not found a place that has really "hooked me". I am beginning to travel internationally and am searching for that place with the right fit. Your video has put into words how I feel and has inspired me further to "pull the plug" and move on… Thank you!


I left my hometown and didn't tell NOBODY not even tell my Mama. didn't even call home until 2 years later.


Very good video, and Kudos for having the courage to move to London. My situation is - I'm not living in my hometown, but I've been in this place for over 20 years and there's been a lot of changes both in this city and in my life personally. So I'm starting to plan move. The new city in new state is only about 360 miles away and a 7 hr drive, but the state is much more progressive, and I need a full reset, new digs and a new scene.


the sign i needed. thank you! im so happy for you
