10 Post menopausal symptoms and changes. What to expect in post menopause.

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This video details 10 post menopausal symptoms and changes. Many of the perimenopause symptoms that cycle in and out for years usually ease up after menopause but the permanent hormonal low in post menopause often comes with it's own list of problems and frustrations. If you've reached menopause or you're close and you're curious about what to expect in post menopause this video is for you. Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more videos on menopause.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor! The information in my videos is based on my research and personal experiences and is presented from my perspective. Please contact your physician for medical advice.
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0:00 - Introduction
0:37 - Dryness in post menopause
1:41 - Hair loss in post menopause
2:36 - High blood pressure in post menopause
3:13 - High cholesterol in post menopause
3:51 - Changes in body composition in post menopause
4:40 - Mental health changes in post menopause
5:18 - Hot flashes and night sweats in post menopause
6:04 - Insomnia in post menopause
6:33 - Loss of bone density in post menopause
6:52 - Insulin resistance in post menopause
7:12 - Final thoughts
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At 56, mine is dizziness, heart palpitations, shaky legs, restless arms n the worst anxiety not to mention depression. NO mood to do anything


Absolutely lost all motivation at 58 . Still make myself go to work .
But when I am home it's a real struggle to go out now . Not to mention I feel like I'm losing my mind .😮


I'm so glad I came across this video. Even though I don't speak English (I understand it well), I would also like to lament my suffering; The sweats began occasionally at 49, and at the same time the periods became irregular until they stopped completely at 52. That's when the menopause hit. My doctor advised me against hormones because my mother had breast cancer. After a year, I couldn't take it anymore. Nothing seemed to help until I came across the evening primrose oil capsules. These helped enormously. I took them for 3 years, during this time the symptoms became bearable. And I thought I had everything under control or even survived. Far from it! When I was 60 I had suddenly brown spotting for a day. The doctor said it was hormone-related. Then the whole thing really started. The evening primrose was no longer of any use either.Right after a sulfur smell like from hell set in and made every deodorant fail. Now I'm 63 and have been struggling with sweating, breast tension, brain fog...again for 3 years. There are also new symptoms that I didn't have before: racing heart, fluctuations in blood pressure, dizziness, ...two thirds of my hair fell out due to Covid ... Unbearable itch that I have to scratch myself with shoe brushes during hours at night and constant headaches and severe circulatory problems . I've been in an emergency 7 times, wrongly diagnosed with a heart attack, I developed panic disorder and cardiac neurosis. My lifelong low blood pressure increases extremely, then drops again. I always think that my last hour has come.You can forget about driving a car.I always carry my blood pressure monitor in my pocket.I just spend most of my time at home . They say at 63 it couldn't all be due to hormones because I don't have any anymore. But they couldn't find anything else either. All in all: my last 11 years had a quality of life of 0, it seems to me as if I had one a cheerful mother of five became a 90-year-old, listless, depressed old woman. My marriage is also suffering a lot. Men can't really understand something like that. Not to mention all the symptoms mentioned below.I also have fibromyalgia since I was 40 and don't know life without pain anymore. Menopause has made everything worse. My doctor's consolation: "Don't worry, I have 80-year-old women with flushes" .
Now I've ended up at a psychiatrist and I'am addicted to Xanax. I'm currently going through a withdrawal for the fourth time, but I haven't given up hope for a little happiness yet and I can totally understand each and every one of you here.
❤From Switzerland


I'm 59. I was in full menopause at the age of 44. I have consisered taking meds for anxiety and depresion, but I'm to scared of the side effects. I can't take estrogen, because it makes me sick. I could not take "the pill" in my fertile years, for this reason. My periods were so heavy and painful, it was debilitating. It has been a very difficult road. I wish there was a magical potion or pill. I have experienced most of the symptoms you speak about. Being a woman is like getting old, i'ts not for the weak. I wish all the women watching, much love and compassion. ❤❤❤


65 and dealing with night sweats occasionally. They leveled off but creep back. Anxiety is the worst one. I want to stay home and I’d be happy if I didn’t see anyone for weeks. It’s difficult because I’m self employed and work along with my husband. Menopause took away the vibrant, outgoing me.


Kari, I'm 57 yrs old and 5 yrs post-menopausal. My mother had a horrible transition from Peri to Post, she suffered greatly. It looks like I will be carrying that torch. I started losing my hair back when I was around 35, after a shower, it looked like a cat was at the bottom of my bathtub. As the years went by the thinning and hair loss became extremely noticeable, so instead of fighting a losing battle, I decided to shave my head 4 years ago. Instead of getting negative comments as I expected to receive, I got so much support and praise as well as many compliments. I have grown to love my shaved head, it's cute and it would appear nowadays to be very cool for a woman to sport a shaved head, it has become somewhat of my "thing". I also suffer greatly from mood swings, anxiety, health anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. I had hot flashes and night sweats really bad when I was in peri-menopause, now I get them sporadically. My biggest thing at the moment is Insomnia! I'm lucky if I get 3 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. I feel haunted by insomnia, it's odd, I get these weird adrenaline surges and heart palps like I drank 10 coffees and I'm wide awake all night but become sleepy around 4 am, sleeping till around 7 am 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Also, my whole body hurts, cracking, grinding, popping, snapping! I've had an extreme case of Tennis Elbow and Tendonitis in both shoulders for 4 months now 😣 My body is literally falling apart before my very eyes! Yup, good times, good times 😒


My beloved great grandmother wore a wig. If strangers or acquaintances asked whether it was her own hair, she would always answer yes. Her reasoning was that she had paid for it herself.


I'm sharing this with my husband. The more he knows... 🌈


I am so sorry post-menopausal women have to go thru this. However, I'm relieved to see I'm not alone. Thank you for this video!


Was perimenopausal at 48, now 63 and still having menopausal symptoms, hot flushes during the day and evening/night sweats. Upped my fluid intake as I'm sure was getting dehydrated. Looking forward to old age😂


High blood pressure and high cholesterol I dropped mine to normal again by eating mainly plant based and exercising. God bless u all ❤


The insomnia is actually great! I get so much done, more time to read and do other quiet things. I embrace it, and am glad to have more time in the day. Thank you for your vids.


I'm 53 and can relate to so many of these! Insomnia is kicking my butt right now.


You are definitely spot on. I am 55 and post menopause and I transitioned to post at 52. I have had hormonal ups and downs for 3 years and times where I have lost a lot of hair, I am experiencing that again right now. It doesn't seem to end. I am thinking I will be in my 70's and still suffering. A good diet, working out and so on does help although the imbalance of the hormones and how they rise and falls of the estrogen is just enough to make you bonkers.


I’m watching this now because I’m recently post menopausal… and I just turned 45. So unfair. Wish I could have held onto my hormones for at least 5 more years


Worst part of post menopause for me (and many women I’m sure) IT COMES BACK! Even after a week or even 2 if lucky, the awful symptoms can cycle and cycle again and again. It’s beyond hell. My sympathies to all who come to this channel.❤️🙏🏼


Here is how I cope I hope this helps someone.
Dryness in post menopause sweet almond oil...all over
1:41 - Hair loss in post menopause.... high protein diet / multivitamin every day - water
2:36 - High blood pressure in post menopause - low salt diet / meditiation / hydration
3:13 - High cholesterol in post menopause - not my issue
3:51 - Changes in body composition in post menopause - Walking / Low sugar high protein diet.
4:40 - Mental health changes in post menopause - meditation practice / emotional regulation practice (deep breathing) - counseling if needed
5:18 - Hot flashes and night sweats in post menopause - drink cool drinks only - dress in layers
6:04 - Insomnia in post menopause - nightly meditation and 2 magnesium glycinate before bed
6:33 - Loss of bone density in post menopause --- take calcium and vit D daily / avoid caffeine, sress, alsohol and smoking (I don't do these things)
6:52 - Insulin resistance in post menopause - Low glycemic LOAD diet / high protein / low sugar


If you can, go regularly in an infrared sauna. I have a major muscle/back/spine Issue so purchased an infrared sauna for that (which has been a godsend and almost have no more nerve pain). It has been amazing for so many things. My skin is hydrated and any skin issue I had is gone. My hair is soft and shiny, my allergies have lessened. It’s also good for muscle atrophy, lessons chance of cardiovascular disease and dementia. Plus if you put on some zen music, it is a wonderful meditation time. Also, go for an evening walk if you can. Best for mental health and your body. I am going to get a rebounder for the winter months as I think that will be amazing for my body.


Very informative video. I’ve been post menopausal for 5+ years. When I was having hot flashes, I’d carry cotton bandanas because of all the sweating, to wipe away sweat. Btw, I honestly would not have known you wear a wig if you hadn’t told us. ❤️


Thank you for including post menopause symptoms, it surely has its own set of problems. The worst being pain, digestive issues and even the simplest thing like a bug bite can just swell into a huge hive and take much longer to heal !
