Stop Being So Offended

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In a world where everyone has access to their own platform and nothing better to do, it's easy to get criticized, especially when your putting your work out there for the world to see.

Not only does taking offense make you look extremely superficial, temperamental, and ridiculous, it has the ability to stop your progress towards a worthy goal dead in it's tracks.

In this video I talk about why you should learn not to get offended. I also cover three reasons we get offended in the first place, and three ways you can overcome taking offense to every little thing.
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We are the generation of butthurts and the offended. This applies to males and females


I see so many people going way out of their way to be offended.


Why does such an important video have so few views?



just kidding man, great video.


Taking offense always puts the offended in a weaker position. And effectively they lose every time they do it.


This is useful to me as a woman. Great advice!


The 16 dislikes must of got offended 😁


In the past I have been offended over little things. I pray I am making better choices now.


Just found your channel. Thanks for the content. Very useful stuff. My father told me, when I was very young, that if someone says something that offends you it’s your problem. I didn’t understand it at the time, but now I see what he meant. People have the right to say whatever they want. If you allow yourself to be hurt by their words then it’s your problem. The are only words and opinions. They mean nothing unless you allow it. Being a man means being bigger then that. Let them say or think whatever, you should know the truth. So words shouldn’t bother you.


THIS is such an issue. People get offended over EVERYTHING. I was just under a video where a bunch of teenage girls danced the hula choreo from Lilo and Stitch. It wasn´t perfect but it was a good attempt. They did it for international day...because thats what you do...( either pick your own country or another and research and do something about it ).
People were butthurt AS HECK. So offended! I was livid to be honest. It seemed to go COMPLETELY over their head that there was no malicious intent. That they simply did this because they LOVED the movie and wanted to show love and appreciation for a culture. We stopped giving people the benefit of the doubt, granted : humans can be terrible, but we shouldn´t assume the worst right off the bat. Instead of people writing "I know this is a choreo based on a kids movie but its nowhere close to actual hula. I would´ve liked to see that! Good attempt! " They were absolutely VILE. Calling them all the names in the book. People stopped assuming that "Hey even though they may not be from my culture, they might just be interested in it...and even though its wrong and slightly cringey ( maybe even offensive ) I can appreciate their interest and effor". No, instead they cry cultural appropiation. Cause honey it ain´t. They tried to portray it accurately. They showed love and dedication. Its not like they completely dragged it and made some hip hop break dance hula out of it.
People have gotten to comfortable and bored with day to day life that they search for thrill, or something to stir their emotions. Today it might be a movie. Tomorrow it might that person that had geniuine interest in their culture. The saddest part? Human relations, innovation and progressing is based on SHARING cultures and knowledge. But we are regressing. Regressing because SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES get offended over people showing interest in their culture. And because people are afraid of going beyond their own cultures. Scared of sharing their own.
Humanity would not be where it would be now if everyone was such a whiny baby.
Personally, I think anyone should be AVID to teach their culture to others. Heck, even though they are hailed as the devil by modern idiots ; When I lived in an arab - muslim country, even when I did things that were offensive, they would be absolutely thrilled to educate me and talk about their culture. They were THRILLED when you showed interest in their food, celebrations and past.
And the saddest part is that we are unable to share all our wonderful cultures, to love them, appreciate them, preserve them and grow together. SImply becuase of some special snow flakes. Here is a news flash : No one cares if you are offended, if there is no legit base behind it. With legit base I don´t mean an accidentally wrong repesentation because of a kids movie choreo, but people with malicious intend...or simply out for a good laugh dragging cultures.
I´m sorry this is long. But I´m absolutely livid.


Excellent! I've come to realise the resentment the easily offended show when they are offended is more fuel for their gutty egos.


This is good stuff !! This is one thing I’m actively working on is me taking offense so easily !!
Every day I learn and get better !
Love yourself and love life !!


good words. just the other day i got sucked into a nasty youtube comment war with idiots. it was a waste of my time and effort.


This was ahead of it's time. Everyone needs this video nowadays.


Shared this. So many more people need to see it!


Social media and the constant back and forth arguments does make us bitter and take away our key energy.


Your videos are so well done! I am a woman but still love them! They are actually pretty common sense and universal and things we all need to hear sometimes to remind us that life is always just a learning opportunity toward being full circle productive citizens of earth. Please don’t stop making these. Make some directed to us gals too! I enjoy having someone just tell me like it is.


Oh, this is so good. I started laughing so hard and learned so much about myself. OOM is quickly becoming my go to source for recovery.


👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Im really impressed about how you explain this in a logical way and your video don’t just show us how to not get offended but it also helps me to know how to respond 😘😘😘


Truly blessed to have learned that today.
Time to live by it.
