Functional Stairs Tricks • Tutorial (No CC) the Sims 4 | Speed build

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Origin ID (Gallery) : MarmeladArt
1. Moonrise - Reed Mathis
2. Pine Street - Reed Mathis
Building Tips:
1. Use the cheat console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C
Input Cheat Codes:
2.To avoid a grid when placing objects, all you have to do is select an object and press the ”ALT” keyboard button. While holding that button, you can move around your selected object anywhere, as long as it doesn't touch another object or a wall. You can also rotate objects for 360°
3.Press the Right Square Bracket Key [ to size up an object and the Left Square Bracket Key ] to size down an object.
4.The object will move up incrementally, so keep hitting 9 until it is at the height you desire. To lower the object, press 0. If you have your game set to “Sims3” camera controls, you need to hit CTRL+9 and CTRL+0 at the same time.
1. Moonrise - Reed Mathis
2. Pine Street - Reed Mathis
Building Tips:
1. Use the cheat console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C
Input Cheat Codes:
2.To avoid a grid when placing objects, all you have to do is select an object and press the ”ALT” keyboard button. While holding that button, you can move around your selected object anywhere, as long as it doesn't touch another object or a wall. You can also rotate objects for 360°
3.Press the Right Square Bracket Key [ to size up an object and the Left Square Bracket Key ] to size down an object.
4.The object will move up incrementally, so keep hitting 9 until it is at the height you desire. To lower the object, press 0. If you have your game set to “Sims3” camera controls, you need to hit CTRL+9 and CTRL+0 at the same time.