Musicians Who Can’t Stand Phil Collins

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I met the Everly Brothers one time they were so kind and their manners were impeccable. They cared about what you had to say. They invited you to sit at their table in Las Vegas after their show, and just carried on a decent conversation. No egos at all especially Phil I just love those boys.


Jamel… You’re not too far away from “the magic million” mate!!! 👍😁. I’ve always been a Phil Collins fan since his days with Genesis & despite these views of the man, they’re not about to put me off listening to & enjoying his music. I’d just like to wish you, your family & ALL of your subscribers a very safe & Happy Easter 🥚🐇🥚. All the best mate… From Australia 🇦🇺✌️😎🇦🇺


Only one of three artists ever to have sold over 100 million in a band and as a solo artist. He's in the elite section of the Hall of Fame.


Regarding Oasis... they're nothing but second rate Beatles wannabes, last ones to talk, and regarding Live Aid, Page is utterly out of his mind on booze and/or drugs (watch it - it wasn't Phil's fault). Say what you will about Phils solo albums, the guy was one of the best drummers on the planet... and those 70s Brand X and Genesis albums are brilliant.


Phil Collins is great. He donated a ton of expensive memorabilia to the Alamo because he thought they should belong to Texans. One guy was upset because he said Phil is politically right. So what? Phil is so talented it is truly amazing. Sounds like some who don't like him can't measure up and are jealous. I love Phil Collins.


There was a time in the late 80s and early 90s where it was like every 4th song on the radio had something to do with Phil, and this appeared to encourage people to dislike him.
If Phil's so bad of a person, why was he playing drums on Peter Gabriel's first solo album? Peter had just fallen out with the band and left. If nobody liked him why would he be asked to play at so many charity gigs?

Paul McCartney absolutely had a period of time when he was being overly arrogant.
Gallagher's in no position to criticise anyone, and complains about people as if he thinks it's cool to do it, him saying "selling a lot of albums doesn't mean you're good" is a perfect description of himself.
Zeppelin at live aid; one guy was too drunk, the other was "overstimulated" and literally drooling, and the other drummer was trying too hard like it was an audition. Phil didn't have reharsal time, and you wouldn't think anyone else did either.


The thing that really sucks about music beefs is that it’s completely unnecessary. Musicians aren’t in competition with each other. It makes it awkward for the fans because we feel like kids in a divorce that have to pick sides between mom and dad. Just don’t do it. I met Thurl Bailey. He’s a musician and he played for the Utah Jazz. He was very kind to me.


Alice Cooper lived in my town for many years and across the street from a good friend, super friendly, funny, everyone loved him, never heard a bad story,


Kurt Cobain, you were never fit enough to lick the boots of Phil


Phil Colllins is an icon in the music and entertainment industry. Decades in front of the public and managed to stay relatively clear of public outbursts. Decades. That's impressive in this business. Refreshing compared to today's flash in the pan, TikTok wannabees. Phil Collins has true talent.


Phil Collins is such a talented guy that many other artists are bound to resent him but if you watch
any of his concerts through you can see he has a terrific sense of humour and is really self
depreciating if anything. I think it's jealousy tbh. Watch the film Buster he did where he stars as
Buster Edwards, one of the British great train robbers. That's best way to get a flavour of Phil's
real character. Lovely, lovely guy


Kurt Cobain hated the Grateful Dead culture. He hated that ppl would say peace and love but then just get hi and rock out to the same old songs and do nothing. He thought they were posers.


I wouldn't put too much stock in that Kurt Cobain quote. When Nirvana was just starting to see success, Grateful Dead was experiencing an incredible rebirth after the release of Touch of Grey in 87. I'm sure alternative artists like Kurt, who were the new counter culture, were more jealous than actually disliking the the band. I'm sure it was more a dislike of deadheads than the Grateful Dead's music. The guy wound up putting a shotgun in his mouth. He wasn't a happy person.


Phil is a mega talent who takes a bad rap. He has written some gems. Love his voice. Jealousy is a dangerous thing. Love your channel!


One reason they hate him is jealousy of his success. Also, about a year ago a pro-Led Zeppelin channel posted a video going over the Live Aid reunion and how Collins wasn't responsible for ruining it. It's pretty detailed, so I highly recommend it.


The Jimmy Page criticism of Collins is laughable and delusional. Anyone with eyes and ears can watch that Live Aid footage and see Page was off his face and a stumbling, drooling mess. The only thing more embarrassing than Jimmy Page that day is the bizarre cognitive dissonance whereupon he blames Collins to this day, as if the evidence proving the opposite isn't readily accessible.


One of the best drummer in the world in one of the best bands ever (70-77 Genesis is one of the highst peak of music ever), and one of the Greatest solo carriere of all times…Of course they hate him XD


I met the original members of ELO years ago, and they were all very nice, and I really enjoyed talking with them. They were happy to sign my copy of their album and ticket stubb. All around, cool guys.


Gallagher, Waters and Cobain are legends in their own minds.


I’m not a fan of PC’s music, but he has played on many of my favorite artists albums. An outstanding drummer. He gets a lot of hate which is undeserved.
