How to have a Transcendental Experience

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What is a Transcendental experience and how can it benefit us?


“A ‘transcendental experience’ – from the Latin transcendere, meaning ‘to go beyond’ – denotes a brief, uncommon, ecstatic and revelatory period in which we are able to loosen our hold on our characteristically narrow ego-specific concerns and can identify with a totality that is larger, older, greater and deeper than we are – and feel intensely unburdened and liberated thereby…”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Deanca Rensyta

Title animation produced in collaboration with

Graeme Probert
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Solitude, nature, books, self-reflection - These are true assets.😊


Whenever I spend time in the mountains, I experience this. It's so liberating and makes me feel so connected to existence. Sometimes I even sense like I would just climb a mountain, entirely dissolve myself into the cosmic consciousness and become endless.


Transcendental experiences offer a rare chance to break free from our narrow concerns and connect with something greater. Nature, solitude, music, and even psychedelic substances can trigger such moments. In these instances, our worries fade, and we become part of a timeless, beatific whole, reminding us that we don't always have to be defined by our struggles and shortcomings.


My child was tasked with the assignment to find the oldest date in the local graveyard. We found one that said 1812 for their death, but many were so worn that they were likely older and we were actually finding the oldest that withstood erosion. It made me realize that in only a short 100 years we too disappear and erode from all memory.


For me it’s surfing at dawn. In the water right as the sun is coming up. It’s cold. It’s quiet. The city is still asleep. The waves are powerful. The fog rolls away. Gliding down the face of a powerful wave, that traveled thousands of miles just to have a tiny human harness it’s power for nothing more than a smile. It’s pure bliss.


I went on a date with a girl from my class. i liked her alot and she did too but she was too shy to confess, i bought her a small bracelet on my way back when i was dropping her home, it was hot summer that day. Later that night, i was alone in my room, my friend who i used to live with had gone home to see his family. It was 3am i couldn't sleep, i have insomnia but it was also due to the fact that i was so happy and lost in love. I was smoking a cigarette lying down close to the window watching over the city and out of nowhere it started raining. at that moment i felt the infinite, i felt like nothing could bring me down no matter how tragic or disastrous
i don't know if this relates to the experience that you just described and i hope that I've put my feelings into words as best as i could since English is not my language.


I don’t think you guys understand how much I love and appreciate your videos. They almost feel like a warm hug that makes me feel like I’m not alone or maybe someday I’ll be able to accept myself. Thank you School of Life I’ll always be grateful for this channel❤❤❤❤❤


_The Greater Reality is like the stars shining above you. They do not only shine at night. They shine every moment of every day, but perhaps you only care to look up at them for brief moments, very infrequently. But they are always there._ — Marshall Vian Summers


“We let go of it all in the name of an identification with the totality of existence”


This felt like someone wrapping a velvet blanket round me! Your thoughts, words and voice soothe me so..!


Timing could not be any better.
I wish I could post a screenshot here


There was a great work 'The Idea of the Holy' that captures transcendence as this video does, if in a different way. Mysterium 'mystery' a wholly other, and in its presence we are silenced. Tremendum 'terror' it's at this point that we realise just how feeble we are next to this unutterable power. Fascinans mercy and grace; a charity paid to us and of which we are unworthy. Alain nailed it too in the astrophysics video: it's important sometimes to be made to feel usefully insignificant.


Listening Enya music while it's raining, the kids asleep n white sheets on my bed


I'm glad this channel has as many subscribers it has. It's all well deserved.


I love how all of these vids have different but authentic animation/illustration styles.


There was an episode of Star Trek where a character had an experience like this. It was fascinating. I'm not sure I understand the exact definition of a transcendental experience, but I'm going to share a few experiences I've had. The first one is dreaming. I feel like almost everyone experiences some degree of transcendental experience when they are dreaming. Sometimes my dreams have clear connections to my waking life, and other times they seem completely random. I don't remember ever feeling pain in a dream, but my dreams are very vivid. Just as real to me as if I was awake. Most of my dreams are positive, and often they are in a combination of third and first person perspectives. I am in my body, but at the same time floating above it and watching myself doing things. I've never experienced anything like it while awake. Often things in dreams only make sense in the dream, then they don't make sense when you wake up and remember your waking life and compare them. I had a dream one time that I could control the rain. I was standing outside some version of my house, and I remembered, oh yeah, I can control the rain. Then I did it, completely naturally, as if I'd done it a hundred times before. It stood hovering in the air, I made it go back up a little bit, I admired how beautiful it was, then I let it fall again. I find rain, snow, and night time beautiful. Some people say they are depressing, but I think they are wonderful. There was this one time about a month ago where I went to a store late at night. As I was walking through the parking lot with the cool air, fewer people, and dimmer light, I paused and turned my head up towards the sky, enjoying the moment of peace in a place that usually felt so overwhelming. This also happened during fall during the day in the parking lot of a different store. There was a person playing music in the background, the sky was overcast, and the wind swept the orange leaves off the trees and they fell all around me. It took me out of my worries for a moment and reminded me how beautiful life can be. Going to the top of a mountain on a hike is also similar. There was a time I was reading a really good book for the first time and I was so engrossed in it that my teacher had to call my name seven times before I looked up. There was one time when I had just woken up from being asleep, and for just a second in that in-between state, I had no memories and no identity. I sensed my nana's death when I was in elementary school, I have seen a ghost once and sensed spirits near me a couple of times. You know the feeling where you know someone is looking at you even though you aren't looking at them? It's like that. And that kind of experience makes me remember how everyone and everything's energy is connected. I often learn life lessons and feel very connected to fictional characters and their worlds. And some music... wow! It's like some kind of magic for our brains, it can make me feel anything. I really like Celtic music and Instrumental Lofi, and some 80's music and Christmas music, and some ones from when I was younger. Oh and also I had de ja vu one time when I went to India and was watching a blazing red sunset over the ocean on the beach, as my family spread my nana's ashes. I love spending time alone.

I have some really good music to recommend that I discovered recently. It's Avatar The Last Airbender inspired Instrumental Lofi, and I swear it feels like real magic, it's incredible! It's by Simon Gross and also on Spotify. Here's one of the videos, there are 4 volumes/videos with multiple songs in each. Each volume is roughly an hour long. The link is for either volume 1 or 2.

Here's the title of one of the videos: "Avatar: The Last Airbender🌊 ~ 1 HOUR OF LOFI CHILLOUT MUSIC"

Hope you like it! ❤


It is so important to have transcendental experiences regularly. I have them daily and it makes all the difference for my outlook on life. I believe being a part of something bigger than yourself is essential for sound mental health.


I've had this just yesterday, very briefly when I was contemplating on Alan Watts


This doesn’t have to be a thing we do or experience under specific circumstances. It can rather be a thing that we are, can be a prism through which we view our reality as a whole. It’s all about how we frame things.


I think a nap can be also giving you this small moment of strange feelings and realising our place in this world
