David Lynch explains Transcendental Meditation

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David Lynch drawing how Transcendental Meditation works, and how to vanish your negative thoughts and energy.

This video was created with Excerpts From the Doc: Meditation, Creativity, Peace.

All rights reserved for the owner.
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this is the only thing David will ever explain to us, so lets be grateful


I relate to Lynch's switching back and forth between cursive and print writing


When I was 17 yrs old in 1978 I really began to struggle as a result of yrs of drug misuse, adolescent angst, poor concentration, parental alcoholism .... the usual. I was basically rescued by TM that year. Today I worked a 12 hour shift in a Toronto emergency department where I have been employed as a registered nurse since 1989. I worked as a paramedic for 8 yrs before the nursing gig. Over 42 years in emergency departments. It has been an eventful, challenging career to put it mildly.
But today, at age 63, I still value my work, the work of my many colleagues and the important validity of every one of my patients and personal relationships as much as ever. I am in excellent physical health and also enjoy a well balanced life away from my workplace. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I simply would not have made it nearly this far without TM. I still meditate and would encourage others to explore this further. Mr. Lynch draws it all up very well in this clip. If you're still not convinced, trust the Beatles.


This man is a natural story teller. On top of that beautiful hand writing. I am grateful for this video.


I started meditating regularly after my father passed away. I felt so calm. One day i was part of the one. I instantly felt love surrounded me and it was wonderful. I felt a deep connection with everything. The mountain, the people, animal everything. I felt elevated. I knew i was born into heaven.


David explains it so well. Everything he's saying is 100% true. It really is the best thing that anyone could ever want to do for themselves and those around them. Meditate and find out for yourself!


i discovered "the oneness" on psychedelics when i was 17. then, 13 years later i found it again when i was meditating at a buddhist detox center. it is the real deal.


There’s something about this video. It stops my panic attacks . And calms me .


Ohh my goodness i was numbed while watching it, he put everything in my mind, he made me understand this as Einstein said if you can't teach something to a child, you yourself really don't know it. Absolute perfection, david lynch


the most beautiful thing with this video is that I exactly get everything he is saying and that, is what brings me hope in myself and humanity


Such a great video. I have been practicing TM since 1978. It is the greatest thing I have ever done for myself in my entire life. I am so grateful. And it made me a better mother. I made sure my daughter learned TM as soon as she was old enough. I get such a kick out of David Lynch. I also love his TV and film work. Blessings to All. Jai Guru Dev.


I was planning on watching this whole video through and was about 10 minutes in when he mentioned the word DAO… this word has been a thing in my life for about a decade and could never find anything relevant. I gasped hearing him say this word and I feel so deeply connected to something beyond me right now I’m kind of freaked out. I needed this video. Wow


Just watching this made me feel as if I'd slipped into a parallel dimension for a little while. My whole body resonates with this Truth. And now I have an even deeper level of admiration and respect for this guy. <3


It's so nice to see another person who writes in lowercase, uppercase, and cursive all in the same project. Sometimes I feel like my brain isn't operating properly as I do that so often.


David followed his bliss in life and has been greatly rewarded for it


the light of unity destroys negativity


I got there once, without trying. The extatic feeling lasted several minutes - maybe 5 minutes. I didn’t want to move in case the feeling went away. Gradually it faded. I would do anything to get that feeling back. Indescribable extacy feeling - connectedness to everything.


This was wonderful. The mystics of every faith tradition have always known how to access the One.


This is the content that was meant to be transferred to our screens


To explain what cant be explained but only expiereienced directly, (like in the example of the donout) is an art in itself. Imagine a world where this is taught in school…
