Don’t Blame the Strain Gage Sensor (10 Strain Measurement Errors)

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A Micro-Measurements Foil Strain Gage Sensor with Advanced Sensors Technology is an inherently precise measurement device, easily capable of resolving one part in a million (PPM) or more.

That capability is primarily due to the exacting standards and controls under which every Micro-Measurements strain gage is manufactured. Yet many technical publication articles discuss errors. These numerous references should not be viewed as a lack of confidence in the intrinsic accuracy of the strain gage itself.

In this podcast, Darryl describes the principle errors that can arise. Often, these errors can be attributed to variables in the way the strain gage sensor is installed or the way the strain measurement is made by the user. We believe that only by thoroughly understanding the error sources associated with the use of a measurement device can the user hope to achieve optimal measurement accuracy.

So before blaming the strain gage sensor, let’s make sure these ten incredibly common strain measurement mistakes haven’t been made:

Рекомендации по теме

excellent strain gauge video... should a temperature compensated load cells change with 20 degrees F swing?


I've worked with strain gages, I attached a couple in a MM course but had much more experienced people attach gages to real applications. In my experience most of my errors was from faulty wiring. We use 4-wire gage wiring (exc and sense) but use a solder pad near the gage. Sometimes the two wires going to the gage from solder pad may be too long because we couldn't get the pad as close as we want. Then simply have to mitigate the temperature affects on those two wires.

Regarding the gage itself, I assume these are perfect out of the package which how does MM maintain quality control. Probably cannot fully answer that question here, I assume the company has a well established process that is always reviewed.


Some of the most common sources of error in strain gage measurements.l I hope you find it useful and thanks for checking out the Micro-Measurements channel. Darryl


Cuando los resultados de las medidas obtenidas no son los esperados, es poco probable que la banda extensométrica esté equivocada. En la gran mayoría de los casos el error suele ser humano y en este vídeo se explican los 10 errores más comunes que se pueden cometer a la hora de instalar una banda extensométrica.
Si precisa de información adicional, no dude en contactarnos. En Vishay Precision España, s.l. (filial española de Micro-Measurements), estaremos encantados de atenderles y ayudarles con sus ensayos extensométricos.


E' difficile che un'estensimetro sbagli. Nella maggior parte dei casi l'errore è umano. Ecco i 10 errori più comuni (ed incredibili) commessi in un'installazione estensimetrica. Per maggiori informazioni:
