The Doctrine of Justification

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I love this man and I know that I will see him in heaven


Jesus said Without Him We Can Do Nothing. We need to believe Him!


Praise to the Lord( Jesus) and thank you pastor John for sharing The Doctrine of Justification in Christ.


Thank you King Jesus for John Piper’s preaching❤


I have been doubting my salvation so much because of my struggle with an eating disorder for many years. I kept thinking I was not bearing the fruit that Christians should be showing and knowing that I had this issue that I was not trusting God enough and maybe I was never saved. But after hearing your sermon of this subject confirmed to me that God did save me and not of my own doing. I trusted in Christ to save me from my sins at a young age and as an adult the struggling with doubt that maybe I didn't mean it by my actions. But thanks be to God that I see in his Word that he did save may and I don't have to doubt every time I don't measure up. I need to keep reminding myself of God's truth to remind me that I am his.


Wow... hallelujah..oh Heavenly Father thank you for this understanding of justification.... thank you for sending your son to clean up Adam's mess.... help me to never forget this part of the gospel and apply it to my spread the good news the best way I can with the Holy Spirit's Jesus precious name... amen and amen hallelujah!!!!


Praise Jesus !!! For a clean everything!! No matter if it's dirty, woooo


This is wonderful. Thank you, Lord God ❤


Amén Aleluya por usted mi hermano
Gracias a Dios por su vida!
Solo por El y para El Amén Amén


thank You Lord for justifying us so we could come to You help us to be faithful!


I have been searching for this for some time now… thanks be bt


I read God counted as righteous. This is biblical doctrine. Praise God for counted us as righteous


The fact that man makes this child-like glory so complicated and convoluted is proof that God really does justify the ungodly!


J. C. Ryle’s chapter in Holiness on assurance is superb.


Unless your legal status has changed, you have no reason to believe that any of God's blessings and promises are applied to you.


Sola Scriptura. Sola Fide
Scripture alone. Faith alone


Get ready to have your whole understanding

Listen to "Justification from Eternity" by Bill McDaniel. Also 2 sermons by Jim Casey.


Mt 7:16 You Will know them by their fruits (works). You don’t do “works” to gain everlasting life; you do works to show YHWH you Love and Trust Him and you want to please Him. HALLELUYAH


By Dictionary Definition... the English word JUSTIFICATION is a noun which means... a GOOD reason/ground/just for something that exists or has been done.
By Theology (Biblical) definition... JUSTIFICATION is Known/Revealing the RIGHTEOUS acts/deeds done in the Sight of God... Amen.

Therefore, AFTER becoming a CHRISTIAN by Believing, Accepting, Repenting, and undergoing Water Baptism... the Christian "FAITH" in Christ Jesus by God's Grace is "JUSTIFIED" through "GOOD Works (Deeds/Acts.)"... Not just any Kind of Work (Deeds/Acts) but based on the "Law of Christ" that comes with LOVE for God above all, followed by the love towards their neighbors (foes alike) just as they love themselves... For FAITH without Charity (love) of GOOD WORKS based on the Law of Christ is a 'DEAD FAITH" (Ref.: James 2)... Amen.

TRUE FAITH does not always PRODUCE Good Works (Acts/Deeds) based on the Law of Christ... HOW/WHY?... let us analyze... based on the Parable of the VINE... (Ref.: John 15)

The Bible narrates that Christ Jesus is the TRUE VINE, God is the GARDENER, the Christians are the BRANCHES, and the FRUITS are Good Works/Acts/Deeds based on the Law of Christ...
One of the requirements for the Branches to be able to BEAR FRUITS (produce Good Works/Acts/Deeds) is to be ATTACHED first to the VINE (Christ Jesus)... But it does not mean that just because the Branches are attached to the VINE, the branches could AUTOMATICALLY produce FRUITS

Take Note:... Being attached to the VINE (Christ) means having a TRUE FAITH... logically speaking, nobody can be attached to the VINE if they have a FALSE FAITH... It is either True or False ONLY... But why do some BRANCHES that are already attached to the VINE (Christ) do not bear/produce FRUITS (Good Works) that the Gardener (God) has the needs/requires to PRUNE the Branches to produce fruits and if still do not bear Fruits, the Gardener (God) will have to remove/cut off the Branches attached to the Vine and throw them into the FIRE?

Take Note:... No one can remove from Christ Jesus' Hand, those that God had given unto Him, (correct!)...but God also has the POWER and AUTHORITY to remove them from Christ's hand (by removing their names in the Tree of Life)... therefore, only the Gardener (God) has the Power and Authority to remove/cut-off the Branches attached to the VINE (Christ)...

Remember, God is both the "GIVER and TAKER" of life, who can destroy both Body and Soul and can divide/split/separate the Soul and Spirit... while the Son, Christ Jesus is not the TAKER (Death) but the "GIVER" of life... "I am the only WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE (not death)... (in part)"... "My Father (God) and I are ONE and the same, but my Father is greater than I AM." ... There are certain things that the Son can not do, that only the Father God has the Power and Authority to do...

So, why do you think some BRANCHES attached to the VINE do not produce/bear FRUITS?... because of their PRIORITY of INTENSION... Some Christians with TRUE FAITH in Christ Jesus (attached to the VINE), focus more on DOING Good works based on the Law of Christ because of the Promise REWARD/PRIZE of Salvation that at the end they failed ... rather than doing Good Works based on the Law of Christ because of the LOVE for God with all their Hearts, Soul, Mind and Strength and love towards their neighbors (foes alike)... They do it out of the Promise Reward of Salvation in the Afterlife... instead of Doing it for LOVE... I did not say SALVATION is not important, it is a matter of PRIORITY of RIGHTEOUS INTENSION (right cause of reason)...

In conclusion, TRUE FAITH in Christ does not always automatically produce/bear FRUITS... but TRUE LOVE for God, always automatically produce/bear FRUITS (100%)...

Some FOCUS more on what the Bible had to say, that they forget the "TRUE ESSENCE" of WHY God had sent His only Begotten Son to His own Death on the Cross... "LOVE"...


I didn’t want to be born why would God force me into existence? I didn’t ask to have an eternal conscience, this isn’t fair. I don’t want to go through anything I don’t want anything, why am I forced into all of this?. It wasn’t my choice to have all of this responsibility. Why couldn’t God just leave me alone
