Frieren and Fern vs Frieren's Clone - Frieren Beyond Journey's End Part 1 Ep 25 | English Subtitles

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=Anime: Frieren Beyond Journey's End (Episode 25)
=Scene: Frieren and Fern vs Frieren's Clone
=Animation Studio: Madhouse

=Music, images, animations, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners. It won't be monetized, and 100% of the income from this video will go to the respective copyright owners. This channel does not claim any rights over them, and the video will be taken down upon request.

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I'm surprised no one is mentioning how insane the shields are at the beginning of the fight. They are moving around what area they are protecting to match where the opponent is pointing their staff.


finally a clip that is not edited into a shitshow, thank you


Look at that proud mug on Frieren, that’s the face of “I raised that girl” 🤣


the perfect definition of I don't fear a mage that know a millions spell but I fear a mage that used a single spell a million times.


Those barrier dukes at the beginning were amazing. It's like the they were sizing each other up.


That look she gave Fern when she said Ferns Zoktraak could kill her was probably the highlight of the episode for me. You can really tell there that Frieren is more proud of having taught Fern than she's been of pretty much anything else she's done in a thousand years, maybe even killing the demon king.


What i find the most interesting in this scene is that this is the first time we see offensive spells used for defence instead of barier spell. Using Judrajim with (I assume) different polarity to counter the attack is such an amazing concept! This makes the magic system in Frieren so much deeper... Until now all we were shown were barriers and covering yourself with physical objects (Richter and Sharf for example)


1:05 is the most accurate depiction of your average Raid Group in anime. 2 competent people analyzing the strategy, the rest of the group in the background standing around or actively attempting to kill each other.


2:14 What i loved the most about this fight was that the clone realised that something was wrong and reacted just by reading Frierens facial expression see the way she smiles and the clones eyes change in response these tiny details during the fight are outstanding! I actually think if she hadn't smiled Fern might of been able to end the fight there and then.


What I love is how these top tier spells aren’t pretty or clean, they are almost cursed in appearance, as if some great suffering was needed to invent such a spell.


Its scary to think that fern's copy is just somewhere else lurking and waiting to jumpscare zoltraak them. But dont spoil me, its just my speculation.


Such an amazing scene which really showcase what a battle between two archmages would be like😍


other Mages: *use barriers to counter spells (which uses more mana)*
Frieren: *uses offensive magic with same power and aoe as the enemy's (uses less mana)*

other Mages: *keeps distance to cast spells at safe distance*
Frieren: *teleports to your face to blast your face off*


This show really proves a point with a "less is more" approach. Not that it actually is "less" per say, but the actual fighting part of the fight scene isn't very long. It doesn't have to be, because the story uses the timing of it's music with some very impactful flashbacks to deliver a very emotional climax to the scene.

I think watching the clip of just the fight on youtube doesn't do it much justice if you're only seeing it for the first time though, it's absolutely brilliant when you're watching the episode and everything's in context.


Something I noticed about the episode, this is the only time Frieren doesn't just spam Zoltraak for offense, which she previously called "good enough" to defeat mages of that era.

We got to see how two ancient spellcasters fought, and the power they wielded.


These kinds of replay videos that show full scenes are better than those that kept on cutting some of the scenes


What i love about Frieren is that they dont announce every single attack. They just show dont tell


One detail I love about this fight is at 2:12, when the music goes quiet and changes to a rendition of Fern's theme the moment she shoots zoltrak. Just goes to show how good thematic story telling can be without dialogue and how pivitoal fern was to this fight and the heights she has grown since learning magic.


Man the fact that we havent seen her use these spells till this episode is insane, she truely believes that these destructive flashy spells are only useful to fight against an enemy of her own caliber. I kinda wanna see frieren vs serie bc i fear that no other foe is gonna make her fight like this, its kinda beautiful.


0:40 the lady boss walk is everything!
