(New Vocals Katakana!) Japanese Katakana Alphabet - AIUEO Song - Learn Japanese / Lean katakana
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🌟We’ve RENEWED the vocal for “Learn Japanese KATAKANA Alphabet - AIUEO Song - Funnihongo”!!🌟 For this time, a singer with a cheerful and bright singing voice sang this song for us. The vocal is clearer and more natural compared to our previous version. With this video, you can learn the pronunciations of Japanese Katakana alphabets more easily. The Hiragana subtitles are added to the Katakanas to help the viewers easily remember Katakana. Hope this will help you associate Hiragana and Katakana without confusing which is which!
For the pronunciations of AIUEO in this video, the Hepburn style is used for ‘Romaji (Roman letter)’ spelling. ‘Romaji’ is a phonetic symbol written with the English alphabet, to show how to pronounce Japanese sounds
ア/あ(a) イ/い(i) ウ/う(u) エ/え(e) オ/お(o)
カ/か(ka) キ/き(ki) ク/く(ku) ケ/け(ke) コ/こ(ko)
サ/さ(sa) シ/し(shi) ス/す(su) セ/せ(se) ソ/そ(so)
タ/た(ta) チ/ち(chi) ツ/つ(tsu) テ/て(te) ト/と(to)
ナ/な(na) ニ/に(ni) ヌ/ぬ(nu) ネ/ね(ne) ノ/の(no)
ハ/は(ha) ヒ/ひ(hi) フ/ふ(fu) ヘ/へ(he) ホ/ほ(ho)
マ/ま(ma) ミ/み(mi) ム/む(mu) メ/め(me) モ/も(mo)
ヤ/や(ya) ユ/ゆ(yu) ヨ/よ(yo)
ラ/ら(ra) リ/り(ri) ル/る(ru) レ/れ(re) ロ/ろ(ro)
ワ/わ(wa) ヲ/を(o) ン/ん(n)
For the pronunciations of AIUEO in this video, the Hepburn style is used for ‘Romaji (Roman letter)’ spelling. ‘Romaji’ is a phonetic symbol written with the English alphabet, to show how to pronounce Japanese sounds
ア/あ(a) イ/い(i) ウ/う(u) エ/え(e) オ/お(o)
カ/か(ka) キ/き(ki) ク/く(ku) ケ/け(ke) コ/こ(ko)
サ/さ(sa) シ/し(shi) ス/す(su) セ/せ(se) ソ/そ(so)
タ/た(ta) チ/ち(chi) ツ/つ(tsu) テ/て(te) ト/と(to)
ナ/な(na) ニ/に(ni) ヌ/ぬ(nu) ネ/ね(ne) ノ/の(no)
ハ/は(ha) ヒ/ひ(hi) フ/ふ(fu) ヘ/へ(he) ホ/ほ(ho)
マ/ま(ma) ミ/み(mi) ム/む(mu) メ/め(me) モ/も(mo)
ヤ/や(ya) ユ/ゆ(yu) ヨ/よ(yo)
ラ/ら(ra) リ/り(ri) ル/る(ru) レ/れ(re) ロ/ろ(ro)
ワ/わ(wa) ヲ/を(o) ン/ん(n)