5 Texts To Prevent A Man From Pulling Away

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How many times have you met a seemingly great guy, only to have him pull away, or even vanish from your life? Sadly, most of us know that feeling all too well. What if I told you then, that there are certain text messages you can send a guy to stop him from pulling away? Interested? Stay tuned, because that’s exactly what I’ve be covering here today.

Hey ladies, Amy North here, welcome to my channel! For those of you who don’t know me I’m a relationship coach from Vancouver, Canada. You may also know me from my program, The Devotion System, which is a complete guide on how to not only find love, but also how to lock down the man of your dreams and have the relationship you want and deserve. Whether this is your first time popping by my channel, or you’re a regular viewer, thanks for watching!

As I briefly mentioned, today I’m going to share with you four text messages that you can send a man to prevent him from pulling away. While this sounds like a hefty claim, believe me, these work! But, before I get too far ahead of myself here I’d like to quickly ask that if you enjoy this video, or find it at all helpful, then please take a quick second to subscribe to my YouTube channel. To do so, just click the red button below, and remember, it’s your support that allows me to keep coming out with new content for you.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get started.

The first type of message you can send your guy is what I like to call the “Escape” Text.

But, contrary to it’s name, this is the kind of text you WANT to send to a man to stop him from escaping.

So, what is the “Escape” text? Well for starters it’s a fun, creative message that you send to your man. But what is really great about it is that by using the simple but powerful words I’m going to teach you, you will be able to give him something that no one else can: a brief break or escape from reality.

Since Escape texts are designed to get your guy to think outside of the framework of everyday life, these kind of messages not only let his mind wander to another, perhaps pleasanter place, but they’re also great conversation kickstarters. So, if you’re looking to be his breathe of fresh air, then the secret is to come up with creative, intriguing questions to text him — the kind of messages that will give him an opportunity to live in make-believe for a moment or two.

For instance, instead of sending him a plain ol’ “tell me something” text to get a conversation going, or asking him the same boring, routine questions, spice it up and make your texts exciting. A few good examples of Escape Text messages are:

“If you could have one superpower, what would it be?” or, “If you could live in any era, which one would you choose?” or, “If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where you choose to go?”

As you’ll see, these text messages are short and to the point. You don’t need to dress them up because when you ask a question that’s interesting enough, it’s compelling enough on it’s on so you don’t need to add all the bells and whistles.

Just be sure to ask questions that will make him feel a spark of childlike wonder again. The kind of questions that will set his soul on fire and make him think good thoughts. Have fun with these texts and make them your own. Remember though, while this is a great opportunity for you to learn something new about your man, be prepared to answer whatever questions you ask him, too!

The Escape Text is a great way to keep him close and to make time for the two of you to converse in your own little bubble for a few minutes. Plus when you’re the one giving him these mental vacations, he’ll look forward to hearing from you.

The next type of text message to prevent a man from pulling away is the “Wish you were here...” Text.

As you may conclude from the name, these are the kind of messages you can send a man to tease him and create sexual tension. The kind of messages that will make him want to drop what he is doing and get to wherever it is that you are. Now, that’s not to say that he will or should actually drop his plans, but the point is that these kind of text messages will evoke THAT MUCH emotion in him that he may for a moment or two consider doing so...

Of course these texts can be as PG or R rated as you’re comfortable with, but that said, keep in mind that even though your man may not come right out and say it, every guy wants sex. So with that said, you may want to get a little bit frisky with these.

*** More from Amy North: ***
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Your videos are solid gold! I've used your tips over the past month since I discovered you and the guy I like hasn't been able to get enough of me! thank you!


As a married man of 15 years the thing I would love to have literally more than anything would be text or a call that wasn't always asking me for something: can you get the kids, get milk, fix this or do that. Its killing me! Ladies if you use these tips before you get married, don't forget to use them occasionally AFTER you get married.




Yes, thanks for highlighting the importance of trusting while giving them the space they need to process their 'stuff'


I'm in a 4 years relationship and I watch all your videos, even if their addressed to single women. I love them all <3 And I think I always profit from them and learn something that will be benefitial for my relationship.


Thank-you, for your advice! I must say that you are "right on"! I've tried all of them and they definitely work. It's good to keep our men drooling & on their toes!


Its nice hearing to keep busy, its hard but us girls need to have our own things going on other than our man. After all, they do :) This was a hard lesson for me but worth it 😊


I basically do all of these tips, except that I don't lie to him, even just to make him think I'm interesting if that's not what I'm. I think saying I'm at home doing nothing is fine, I still have my wit to keep him continuously smile and laugh while talking to me. Lying is definitely unacceptable. I mean how long can you keep the real you hidden from him? If you look for the life time relationship, that's not what you should do.


If he wants to leave, imma let him. Obviously if I can’t keep him by my side from the git-go, there’s someone else out there who will WANT want to stay. Why would you teach people how to waste their time and energy on the wrong man, especially via text??


I just sent a couple of texts, my man texted me back like instantly, it’s fun
Thank you


I did almost all of these things. I have to say they absolutely worked, but the problem in my case is that he doesn't want a story now. There's an amazing physical attraction between us, but he said that he doesn't feel ready for a 'serious' relationship. So I stopped writing to him and he stopped too :-/


Amy North is generally a really cool name


I was falling for a full blown narcissist . I am so glad I realized.


Thanks these tips have helped but I'm in long distance do you have tips on long distance relationship


Thank you for this... I forget to do other things and just focused on him.. lol


When you date a man, you are already walking on eggshells


Awesome video I know your video help my relationship because it hard in a long distance relationship but everything you say it works thank you


Looking gorgeous Amy! 😍 love the nose ring & your style! You also look more tan! You give the realist advice.


My boyfriend said he has wanted to ask me out for years, but was afraid of rejection. Well, in October 2017, he asked and I said yes, I would love to go out with him on a date. Yet, there are a few issues. #1 We only went to fast food and most usually I paid. #2 He ignores me for days, sometimes weeks. Then when I complain, he says I am being selfish. After we used to spend A LOT of time together. #3 I have caught him in stupid little lies, and other bigger lies. He always tries to play it off like I'm stupid and didn't hear him right. #4...well, he's emotionally abusive in that he ignores me and doesn't validate my feelings. Please give me advice. We are only in the 5tg almost 6th month!!


Hi Ms North Listening the way you talk makes me imagine being in the Best relationship ever Your advice is sooo working Thank You so muchh
