How to Deal with a BJJ Training Funk & Create Your Own Motivation

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I get questions about losing motivation all the time. So in today's Q&A video I wanted to share an idea that's been useful to me with motivation. Also, I'll explain why I probably look at motivation a bit differently than you do.

Most people associated this feeling of excitement to do something with motivation. I only see that as half true. In my eyes motivation is actually created by you. And this is important because when most people don't have that excited feeling, they feel like something is wrong and that they lack motivation. In my mind they like something else and there is a way to create motivation that's a bit different.

Again, this is how I see it and what's been useful to me, my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. But it's also been useful off the mats as well.

Hope the idea proves useful to you as well.

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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This is so relevant at blue belt! I'm just under 3 years of training.. and I am definitely feeling this topic .. life happens. New job, kids, house ... ect... but I'm pushing 2 to 3 times a week still.. but a times only one night a week.. gotta keep grinding!


I rarely ever miss a class and it's been this way for many years. I'm the ride guy for a bunch of teammates who don't have a car 😅 so I feel like I need a good explanation to tell them I'm not going. I recommend this setup for anyone who struggles with consistency 😂


Thank you for this great advice, Professor Chewy.
Be well.


Just what the doctor ordered… I am in a funk now lol


I am a white belt who recently got his first stripe and I feel the funk. I got decimated yesterday during my rolls, felt like I had little to no idea what I was really doing and I also stuffed my shoulder. Need to see a physio now and have been feeling sorry for myself today and thinking long and hard about what I am really doing and questioning why I put myself in harms way every second day! I know the reasons I decided to start doing this and they haven't changed. I am doing this to improve my flexibility and my general fitness and that a big part of doing this is to step out of my comfort zone and do something that is challenging mentally and physically but it isn't always easy putting that gi on...


I'm kinda there right now. I want to get to be a belt and know there is a ton of stuff I don't know yet when I look at the white to blue curriculum. I've decided that I need to get on the stuff i don't know and I've gotten my motivation back.


as a purple belt i really lost all my motivation. I took my passion TOO seriously and competed as much as i could with some success and some failure. 6x days a week, week in week out and i just had nothing left.

i took some time off. simple. and let the hunger build back up. when i came back i had a different focus. to just enjoy being in the moment.
life is short. dont take it so seriously,
enjoy being amongst friends, enjoy the little things, and enjoy training.


I love how you embrace the corniness "Idea to Chew on" LMFAO!!!


Hey Chewy, let me start by saying I’m a big fan of your channel . Recently, at the Pan Am in Orlando I was certain I spotted you . I approached with hopes of a selfie with you . Turns out you have a twin :)


Hey chewy. Would you do a video about training while married? How to find that balance between happy wife and enough training? I didn’t check if you already do have a video on it.


Can someone send me the link to Chewy’s intro music?


Can we hear your thoughts on the Jack Greene case?


Hey Chew, can you talk about the Jack Greener case?


with how you have said that you never felt dissapointed or bad after a training session. i am getting the opposite, i am feeling like i have failed in both of my martial arts sessions recently because i havent achieved every thing i could but i have still acheived the goal i set for the night. if you respond to this please keep me anonymous


Sign up for a competition when in a slump. Give you a reason to get to the gym.


I’m back training 3 weeks after 5 years out. Someone heel hooked me sparring and we heard something snap or pop.. seen your video on it and exact same thing happened to you.. any advice on how to not be discouraged haha I’m not sure I can take another injury in my life 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 sorry this has nothing to do with the vid
