Quantum Leap 2022 Pilot Review: A Tale of Two Pilots

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Oh boy! It's a new Quantum Leap series, something fans like me have been waiting for since 1993!

In my first ever review of anything, I recap the pilots of both the 1989 and the 2022 series and offer my critique of both.

Do you agree or disagree with my take on things? Notice anything I missed? Let me know in the comments.

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Fantastic video, very succinct and spot on. Thank you for the mention 👍😊


You hit it. I've been saying it since day one. The truncated runtime and the panic stricken pacing is killing this show.


It's been enjoyable so far but it's getting complicated with Ben saying to Addison that he knows why he leaped...was to save Addison. So does Hal's daughter have access to quantum leap technology and able to leap. The series could have the same complicated ending.


16:45 1935??

FYI the first episode of the 2022 series wasn't the pilot. The pilot was retooled into the 6th episode. That's why Addison has to downgrade to an older "Al style" handlink, in order to match up with the footage already shot.


Just saying, but in the episode with the radio station Al stands too close to the antenna and starts glowing and for a second he thinks that he is going to leap, so they definitely both know what leaping looks like.
I love the original show, but it's not like it's super consistent with the lore.

Yeah, the pilot for the original is great! It's what the first half of every episode should have been, getting used to the extreme changes of not only the decades but the characters he leaps into, but since that would be a drag for viewers they did it in the pilot.


I really like the new show. The OG show had Sam sleeping with different women while his wife new about it. I like how Ben and Addison are a couple.


Well actually I agree what you're saying although I like the new version a lot more than you do. But listening to your review I would say there's a few things I would do to make this series better. First off when I saw the original series I actually wanted to see the "present" cuz I like seeing predicted looks of the future, it's just cool and if you don't see that than it's basically touched by an Angel with dabs of science fiction, so what I might have done is instead of having the present be 2022 I would have made it set further in the future so that you could actually have stuff that looks more futuristic . Say have the present be the year 2040. And I also agree that yeah you need to have the waiting room.
One of the most dramatic scenes in the original quantum leap was when the person who Sam leafed into escaped from the waiting room and they had to actually find him so that Sam could actually leap out. Plus what they didn't do on the original series but could have been interesting is have some point is to see the reaction of someone in the waiting room.
And then there's just the initial thing that a lot of other people were expecting of the new quantum leap. What I and a lot of other people were expecting they were going to do is say on the pilot Sam's daughter that we met in the original series (but didn't actually know that she was his daughter, .) Was going to bring Sam home. But something happens and then she becomes a leaper and Sam takes on the role that Al had. Now obviously the problem there is maybe Scott Bakula doesn't want that much of a commitment but that would have given Sam and his daughter a chance to get to know each other throughout the run the entire series which would give it more of an emotional investment.


Starting at 28:46 you've pretty much encapsulated my main issues with the new series. Too much reveal early on, too rushed. And the leap segments, because they devote less time in an episode (probably 1/3 shorter) most of the leap segments either sucked, didn't develop character enough, or the solution seemed way too easy and Deux Ex Machina (like in that old-west cowboy episode). That has improved with more recent episodes. It's sad that they have to appeal to younger audiences, so the old style of a feel-good family show is out the window. No mention of divine intervention GTFW (because I guess that would offend young woke atheists), and of course this androgynous Ian who everyone seems to call "they" (oh it's one of those things). *KUDOS to you for referring to a person who is obviously male with a male name as HE!* 💯
