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The New Covenant is all over scripture (Ezekiel 36 verses 24-28, Ezekiel 11 verses 17-20, Jeremiah 32 verses 37-42, Ezekiel 39 last few verses, Ezekiel 37 verses 24-28, Deuteronomy 30 verses 1-10). They all depict the time period where all Jewish people return back to israel from the diaspora, as depicted in Isaiah 11 verse 12, the same time period where "Knowledge of God will cover the earth as water covers the sea bed" isaiah 11 verse 9 & Havakuk 2:14, as well as full observance of the Torah, an end of time event, where God removes the spirit of impurity from the earth (Zechariah 13 verses 1-6) and free will as we know it today will no longer be, hence what it says in Ezekiel 36 "and I will CAUSE that you go in My laws and commandments", parallel to Deut 30 verse 6's removal of the foreskin of the heart, ALL so that we can fulfill deut 30 verse 10 "to keep all the laws in this torah" forever. Of the time of the "New Covenant" it says "no man shall say to his fellow 'Know God' for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them" (Jeremiah 31:34)? If the New Covenant came, there would be no need for this discussion even.


Umm... Jesus rose from the dead. That validates anything He said over your misinterpreted passages.




Iesus said unto them, Behold a new law I give unto you, which is not new but old. Even as Moses gave the Ten Commandments to Israel after the flesh, so also I give unto you the Twelve for the Kingdom of Israel after the Spirit.
    8. For who are the Israel of God ? Even they of every nation and tribe who work righteousness, love mercy and keep my commandments, these are the true Israel of God. And standing upon his feet, Jesus spake, saying:
    9. Hear O Israel, JOVA, thy God is One; many are My seers, and My prophets. In Me all live and move, and have subsistence.
    10. Ye shall not take away the life of any creature for your pleasure, nor for your profit. nor yet torment it.
    11. Ye shall not steal the goods of any, nor gather lands and riches to yourselves, beyond your need or use.
    12. Ye shall not eat the flesh, nor drink the blood of any slaughtered creature, nor yet any thing which bringeth disorder to your health or senses.
    13. Ye shall not make impure marriages, where love and health are not, nor yet corrupt yourselves, or any creature made pure by the Holy.
    14. Ye shall not bear false witness against any, nor wilfully deceive any by a lie to hurt them.
    15. Ye shall not do unto others, as ye would not that others should do unto you.
    16. Ye shall worship One Eternal, the Father-Mother in Heaven, of Whom are all things, and reverence the holy Name.
    17. Ye shall revere your fathers and your mothers on earth, whose care is for you, and all the Teachers of Righteousness.
    18. Ye shall cherish and protect the weak, and those who are oppressed, and all creatures that suffer wrong.
    19. Ye shall work with your hands the things that are good and seemly; so shalt ye eat the fruits Of the earth, and live long in the land.
    20. Ye shall purify yourselves daily and rest the Seventh Day from labour, keeping holy the Sabbaths and the Festival of your God.
    21. Ye shall do unto others as ye would that others should do unto you.
    22. And when the disciples heard these words, they smote upon their breasts, saying: Wherein we have offended. O God forgive us: and may thy wisdom, love and truth within us incline our hearts to love and keep this Holy Law.
    23. And Jesus said unto them, My yoke is equal and my burden light, if ye will to bear it, to you it will be easy. Lay no other burden on those that enter into the kingdom, but only these necessary things.
    24. This is the new Law unto the Israel of God, and the Law is within, for it is the Law of Love, and it is not new but old. Take heed that ye add nothing to this law, neither take anything from it. Verily I say unto you, they who believe and obey this law shall be saved, and they who know and obey it not, shall be lost.
    25. But as in Adam all die so in Christ shall all be made alive. And the disobedient shall be purged through many fires; and they who persist shall descend and shall perish eternally.

But there shall arise after you, men of perverse minds who shall through ignorance or through craft, suppress many things which I have spoken unto you, and lay to me things which I never taught, sowing tares among the good wheat which I have given you to sow in the world.
Then shall the truth of God endure the contradiction of sinners, for thus it hath been, and thus it will be. But the time cometh when the things which they have hidden shall be revealed and made known, and the truth shall make free those which were bound.


And that’s why all the embarrassing stuff, or stuff that you want to ignore, in the old testament can be selectively ignored and only stuff that you want to cherry pick for a specific argument can be used to justify being horrible to others.

What a shame that god was incapable of inspiring someone to explicitly edit the old testament to make it clear what is in and what is out in the new covenant so
people don’t have to guess.

I guess it wasn’t important enough to bother about ensuring people knew slavery, incest, rape, racism, homophobia, etc. were no longer okay because the victims of all of that were not worth the effort or something.


It’s all the about the numbers in scriptures


Every man will die for their own sins, means our own death pays the spiritual debt for ourself only. No sinful human can pay the debt for someone else. That is why we need the sinless Son of God to pay our debt for us. I think Jesus was pretty proficient in Torah.
Like Isaiah 53:5
He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Vs 6....the Lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all
Vs 10 ...and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin...
Vs 11 ....and he will bear their iniquities.
Vs 12 ....For he bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors


But but but....Christianity doesn't work unless you omit key content and context of the texts.


He didn't make a covenant with gentiles .


Jesus Christ is our lord and savior Amen Amen Amen ✝️🙏🏻


No it is not. Jesus taught how to keep the spirit of the law. In stead JUST keeping it by the letters of it. He came not to abolish the law but to fulfil it. See it in Matthew 5:17-18.


This is the image of the beast not of Christ of the bible. The new covenant was to Israel only (the natural Jews the brown people) not to the gentiles.


Jesus is Sinless Spotless Son of God and hence can take away the sins of all mankind. Jesus fulfilled the New Covenant. This was acceptable proven by His Resurrection. Sinful man can't die for another sinful man. Not fir the Divine being in the God-Man. Jesus Christ is the Second Adam.


Those people who do not know God do not have the Torah in their heart.
The knowledge of God is faith in Christ Jesus, the Son of God, the One who died on the cross and came ALIVE out of the grave.
All who know Christ Jesus through faith in His crucifixion and resurrection are alive to God in His righteousness and walk in the new life.
Their sins are broke off of them and they are cleansed from all defilement of their sins.
Still dead in your sins? Still dead to God and have no knowledge of God.


He came to restore the old laws.


(The new testament wasn't written yet. The old law was the Torah.)


