The New Covenant Explained! | Andrew Farley

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This week of Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. His earthly life and ministry express God’s great love for us, and His death and resurrection ushered in the incredible gift of the New Covenant.

Many, however, have never heard a good explanation of the New Covenant or understood its importance. In this short clip, I explain what makes the new different from the old. I also share some powerful truths about God’s new way as they relate to your new heart, your new desires, and your once-for-all forgiveness.

If you’re feeling discouraged, or if you’re just wanting a better idea of what God thinks of you, I have some great news to share! This Christmas, you can discover that the message of Jesus shines all the more brightly when you understand the amazing news of the New Covenant!

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I'm almost 57, accepted Christ at 17, went to the seminar to study theology, was preacher for many years, gained lots and lots of people for Christ, then I lost everything, my wife cheated on me and I got ill, wished to kill my self, but the fear of God stopped me, started smoking marijuana and that helped my illness symptoms, but I felt guilty every day, today this was the good news for me, today I know under which covenant I am, and I know the rules, and for the first time in ages I feel free, I know the road ahead is not easy, but we will make it home.


Life-changing truths that will set you free! Thank you, Andrew!


That is wonderful news about the new covenant I wish more people knew this!!


Rejoice rest christ rose again the good news, the finished work of the cross, the new covenant 🌹🌑👍


Sorry but 'follow your heart' sounds a lot like 'do as thou wilt'.
No wonder Freemasonry wants links back to Jesus.
I never wanted to find this link.


So are we saying that we go on sinning? We pray the Lord’s Prayer and we’re good? Do whatever you want and as long you have received Jesus you can do what you want?


Andrew can you tell me if the New Covenant is for the Christian or for the House of Israel?


When was God unfaithful? It's has always been men...the new opportunity is here, don't waist it... remain faithful so that sin doesn't abound in you.


1John 1 : 8 - 9 If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us .If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


Thank our blessed God we do not live under the old Covenant and the Law


Sinning Christians are not under the New Covenant, because they reject the teachings that when Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins he was able to send the Holy Spirit who transforms us to righteousness. They don't believe in the New Covenant. They don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to conquer the flesh and it's desires. Since they have rejected the New Covenant because of unbelief, they are living under the law. They will not receive any of the benefits that are promised. They will have to pay the full penalty that the Law has always required for the disobedient.
Scripture tells us so:
Romans 2:12-16
"For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified;"


No all covenants are a two party contract, to keep God's laws as witnessed by the Spirit with our spirit, and all past sins are forgiven when you join the covenant.


All wrong. I can now throw away1/2 of my Bible because it means nothing anymore according to this sermon. Tell that to "righteous" Abel who was called to be the product of both Covenants as was Jacob, David, Jeremiah and notice, John the Baptist was also redeemed before birth as a fetus, Lk.1:15.


Gentiles were never part of any covenant given by God. The verse itself says it was given to Israel. Parallel verses are in Jeremiah 31: 31-34 and Ezekiel 36:24-28.
This only fits if you think you are Spiritual Israel and not the Body of Christ. Sorry but this is over spiritualizing the verses.
