Multiplayer In Unity3D - The REAL Options? (NEW unity networking & more?)

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Multiplayer isn't as hard as you think. It's much much harder.


Congrats on another excellent video Jason!
The timestamps to help out everyone are:

00:53 UNnet (Deprecated)
01:34 Mirror uMMORPG
03:08 Stream (video sponsor)
05:01 Photon Fusion - Bolt - Pun
07:05 Unity
08:47 Fish-Net
10:16 Dark Rift 2
11:00 Smartfox


Working on a small scale (playercount) social mmo using fishnet. I have worked with mirror and ummorpg/2d in the past, but switched over to a scratch build co-op system with MLAPI back when it was first coming up, where I learnt most of my multiplayer coding. But the rapid changes during its development made me seitch back to mirror where i discovered fishnet. After switching to fishnet the first thing I discovered was just how smooth the server auth/client prediction was and how much nicer it felt than anything I had built previous. Haven't gone back. I have tested out basic builds with 8 players and over 250 AI all moving around on a live server and it was still just as smooth.


mainly using Unreal Engine networking, after hearing unity's ONE network dev talk about how "Games and Multiplayer are hard, Network is hard" in 2019... I had to just give up on unity and go to unreal. God bless you for helping the pain unity provides. God speed GameDevs!


I am using Mirror at the moment but i just read the documentation and benchmarks of Fishnet and i will swap to it now, it somehow looks like its more fun and a bit easier to develop with it. And i like the fact that they have an official roadmap which also includes an video tutorial series.


Using Nakama at the moment as our internal teams found that the most useful for our applications over others mentioned in the chat. What stands out there is needing multiplayer control across different platforms all in the same session like Unity and a website all synchronised.


Ive been using Photon Pun for a month now for a multiplayer shooter, I think an important thing to mention is that photon aint free if youre planning doing anything other then prototyping, the costs monthly spike pretty quickly if youre getting more then 100 ccu's


I've been building a game in Mirror, and once it "clicks" it becomes very easy to make good progress. I'm now converting the project to FishNet and I've been enjoying FishNet as well. Mirror's community is bigger currently, and there are more resources available for it, but FishNet's community is increasing steadily and the developer is a great guy who is eager to listen to suggestions and offers lots of help.


I actually use node js to make a server and a socket io client in unity to connect to it. May not be the best system, won't work fast, but it's my system and I love it. It's quite easy to set up too and It's flexible as hell.


recently I've been using Nakama for all my games. Paradox is apparently using it for their grand strategy games. it doesn't have fancy features like physics simulation, prediction, lag compensation, etc. But it's performant, open source and easy to use. It's perfect for small games, turn based or any game that doesn't require physics sim or complicated animations like first person shooters. Photon is definitely easy to use /setup, but it gets expensive fast! Nothing beats open source! :D


I use DarkRift 2 and I'm really happy with it. The Support in the Discord Server is very fast and the community is great (grows every day).
DarkRift 2 is very easy to setup and to use. You can make a console based server or a headless unity server (build the server directly in unity).
And there are other cool functions ready to use :)
The devs of DR2 have some cool plans for the future :D


The last one I used was Quantum from Exit Games. The guys that made Photon and Fusion. It was a different experience, since you make all the game logic in Quantum and not in Unity. However, when you get used to it, it feels like making a single player game.


A Review on FishNet in Asset Store: I've been waiting a long time for a networking solution like this. I'm just glad it's finally here.

I've tried Mirror, PUN, Photon Bolt, Netcode for GameObjects (MLAPI), Mirage, Forge. All of them have major hang-ups for one reason or another. Each one of them suffers from various downsides like legacy code, disorganization, or weird ways of doing things. But FishNet? The code base is clean. Like really, really, really clean. And even though it's simple and clean™, it still has all the features you want, and then some.

Don't get me wrong, those other networking solutions have their strengths, for sure, but FishNet just takes all those strengths and bundles them into one package.

Sure, Mirror is easy to use... it's just that FishNet is even easier to use. Photon Bolt is fast... but FishNet is even faster. Unity's Netcode for GameObjects is architectured well... but FishNet is just architectured even better.

I cannot say enough good things about this networking package. It's just so good, and you should try it.


I've been using Unity's Netcode for GameObjects: it's now quite stable although still in pre-release and is very similar in its design to UNet/Mirror. The bite sized samples and Boss Room are useful too and regularly updated but looking for specific examples is still less easy than with Mirror as the solution is more recent. All in all I'm OK with my choice and hoping that the (very responsive) Unity networking team will make performance improvements, client-side prediction and NavMesh integration their priorities over the next few months!


FishNet is definitly the best and easiest solution ! Server Authoritive movment ? Just drag the script in, connect your input and the transform output done.... God i love this asset !


I really appreciate that you are both a knowledgeable person who shares what they know, and also open to the idea that you don't know everything. One thing that drives me insane is people acting like they are the ultimate expert in something, and after you do what they suggested for a while, you learn that they were overselling their knowledge and sent you down the wrong path. I appreciate that you are clear about what you know, what you think, and what you need to learn more about.


I'm using Photon PUN, and for the first time on my new project. Having never worked on multiplayer I found PUN pretty easy to get. I am still learning some of the advanced lobby and room things, but as for implementing gameplay systems and syncing I find it great. The default photonview stuff works great and is very proformant. Thier team is also great, I had a few questions related to cost and they were very helpful. I will say that the cost system is a bit complicated for someone new to multiplayer.


Jason, I really love your content and has helped me a lot in game development. I just want to give you a small feedback for your videos. The red rotating light is a little distracting. Just a thought you might consider. Keep posting videos, we love it.


I am currently working with Fusion on an FPS game, I've started when fusion was still in beta, and now there is a stable official version, it's kinda have everything needed for a fast paced game with the tick rate system, it s confusing to use at the beginning but once you are used to it you won't have any trouble doing what you have in mind


I love how we could experience througout Jasons videos how his room evolves. Im from the "big white lamp in the corner era". You guys?
