What Is Water Baptism? And Does It Save You? Christianity 101: Episode 17 | Jason Camacho

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Above Reproach Ministry: What is water baptism? what does it mean to be baptized in water? Do we have to be water baptized to be saved?
Produced By: Inexisle
Above Reproach Ministry exists to move people towards Jesus by teaching people how to read the Bible, so they can live and teach the Bible themselves. This online ministry was started by Jason Camacho in 2020 with the vision of teaching, training and transforming the world through God's word. You can expect powerful bible studies, sermons, and more every week from this channel!

#abovereproachministry #baptism #salvation
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I literally prayed a few nights ago for better understanding on baptism. You answered all of the questions I had. Thank you and God bless!


Thank you Jason. Very good explanation of these two baptisms. God bless and keep you in the days ahead.


After having been raised in the Catholic tradition, I am getting baptized for real at the age of 60 this fall. In fact I had our 2nd prep class just today. I hope you don't mind if I use some of this for my testimony.


the 5 Level of of Salvation is this and they are all part of faith: Hear the Word, Read the Word, Believe (AKA Trust in the Word Jesus John 1:1-3), Confess/Repent in the Word, Be Baptized in the Word. These are all throughout the New Testament and the Book Acts show the Results every time they got someone to believe there was Repentance than Baptism. When Nicodemius was confused of how can I enter back into my mothers womb Jesus spoke about being renewed in the Water. Baptism when it is accompanied with believe (trust), Repentance, & Baptism is like walking into another door or window or dimension from darkness to light from wraith to mercy. Baptism is the easiest part you go in water and you come out Repentance is Hard because lets face it sin is enjoyable and some of the majority of us don't want to give up our pleasures.


Water baptism, is a covenant with Jesus Christ, When he was baptized he was showing that he would go to the grave for our sins, and our water baptism is saying that we will follow him in all that He does, including the grave knowing that in the resurrection we shall rise and meet him in the air/Heaven., as he promised.


I read that the Roman Catholic Church added “ in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit “ in 200 AD. That the apostles baptized in the Name of Jesus alone. Mr. Jason will you talk about this?


Go behind the Vail and baptize yourself in his name


Its hard to explain because its of the spirit! Born into the spurit. First the flesh then born again thru the spirit! A transformation by the holy spirit that's on the inside! You have to leave one kingdom and go into another. In the world but not if it! 😍 Our citizenship is in heaven!


Good day brother, I'd like to get in touch and discuss with you how the passages you quoted refer to water baptism and not the baptism of the Spirit. Gal. 3:27; Eph 4:4-6; Rom. 6:3-4


Amen! Had to be reborn of spirit and water! Amen! Someone that knows what the Bible says! And doesn’t just repeat man’s doctrine! Read your Bible People!


Why question it, . It can't hurt to get baptized right?


Baptism is a sign of obediance, not a sacrement, not nessessary for salvation.


An immersion water baptism is absolutely necessary and essential for salvation! People need to quit thinking that they’re smarter than the apostles that walked with Jesus! Commanded so yes you do it! Every person they got baptized in Acts was baptized! In the Bible, over 100 times in the New Testament it speaks about being in Christ or in him. It speaks about putting Christ on in baptism. The Bible talks about death with Jesus and baptism and rise up as a new creation in Christ. This guy does a good job studying from the Bible at times when I’ve watched him. Unfortunately, this video is repeating man’s doctrine not what the Bible says! That’s unfortunate because this kid does a decent job at times that I’ve seen when he actually pulls out his Bible! Can’t do that if he tries to say baptism is not required! Because he told you it’s commanded, but not required! You can’t have it both ways Brother. Read your Bible and may God bless you all!


Mat 16:19
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Now Peter later after seeing Gentiles receive the spirt, commanded they be baptized. Act 10:40-48. Didn't Peter by command make baptism of water law in a sense? Where Paul after learning Rom 16:25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, He says later Believe, and you are saved by faith alone and receive the Spirit.. By the way This finally explained Paul's views after years of looking starting with typing Mystery in BLB app, and following up on each of Paul's writing within. What do you think of the secret Mystery given after Jesus rose? Is that the key to understanding Paul? You are an amazing young man..Blessing to you and yours.


Jesus primarily focused on revealing the spiritual truths of God the Father. He did this by giving physical representations of spiritual realities. It doesn't mean that the physical is useless in comparison to the spiritual but that the spiritual reality is the true goal. The physical points to the spiritual. In the resurrection when all things are made new the physical reality will perfectly embody the spiritual reality that's been cleansed by the Blood of Christ. If a professing Christian doesn't want to be water baptized I would question the legitimacy of their faith.


There is a difference in the prepositions. If you go back to the Greek that talks about the holy spirit being on you. Once you’ve been baptized, it talks about the holy spirit being in you. There is a difference between being in and being on. Obviously, because the Bible uses different words this is where man tries to get too smart if it’s commanded to do so, and Jesus tells basically the spiritual leader of the Jews nicodemus at that time that you must be baptized. Otherwise, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven without it. The doctrine of works and faith by the Baptist wasn’t introduced until a couple hundred years ago. Some man thought he was smart and thought that he can break down the difference between spiritual baptism. Water baptism works what’s necessary to go to heaven, etc. But Jesus command you to do it, and says you must do it to enter the kingdom of heaven! I’d say it’s a good bet to listen to Jesus! Study your Bible and quit repeating me men’s doctrine that think they’re smarter than the apostles that walked with Jesus!


Baptism is a official covenant between you and God, that you are willing to die to yourself, and be raised with him, which means that you agree to allow him to workout the sin in your life, this is also referred to as born again. If you do it just because it’s a command, you will just come up as the same person you went under as. Jesus was our example of how baptism works. When you are truly baptized from the heart, the Holy Spirit of God will come upon you and clothe you with his robe of righteousness, you can read this also in the parable of the wedding garment. Jesus wasn’t baptized for himself, he did it to fulfill all righteousness, which means he did it for the people in certain situations that can’t be baptized by water, for instance, the thief on the cross, Jesus baptism covers him. The thief admitted his sin and said they deserved the punishment, then believed that Jesus is the messiah, this is the repentance that John was speaking about, you need to confess and repent. This guy contradicted himself by saying that it’s not a salvation issue, then said it’s a command and we should listen to it. By just doing it because it’s a command makes you a legalist, as did the Pharisees. Spiritual means from the heart, not the flesh, this is the true circumcision.


No. Like Jesus told Nicodemus he had to be born again of the Spirit.


Lastly, Christ kingdom is a spiritual kingdom, which is the head of. When you’re baptized, it says you’re baptized into his death. You put Christ on while and baptism and you were born again as a new creation and Christ. Obviously, God does the spiritual circumcision! The thief on the Cross was part of the old cabinet and it said all went out and we’re baptized by John the baptist at that time. Plus, Jesus show that he was God on earth and could forgive sins and if he told the thief that he would see him in paradise, then he had that authority. That has nothing to do with baptism. Cornelius was then baptized after Peter went to him! Your examples baptism not being essential do not hold weight! Jesus commands it! I do like that. This guy seems to know scripture pretty well, but then he uses doctrine of men that contradict what Jesus says! Or he uses doctrine of men to try to explain what Jesus commands us to do, which isn’t necessary or helpful because it seems to contradict Jesus’s words by the way, the Holy Spirit wrote the holy Bible through men’s hands! God wrote the Bible! People please read your Bibles!


No. Baptism is not an outward show. That's not in scripture anywhere. 1 Peter 3 tells us what baptism does. It is an appeal to God... that's is not an outward show.
