Gangplank - Before the Rework

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What was Gangplank like BEFORE his rework?

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I don't play new gankplank nearly as much as I did back in the day, but I can see how it is a good rework. However, that feeling of making a soraka see god with a single press of Q with Critplank will forever be a fond memory of mine.


So Gangplanks "re-work" was something I never knew happened but its interesting to see what his kit was, as for him dying I was funnily enough told that only recently and found it hilarious. Also I will stand my ground and say we need jhin as an announcer.


I feel like the only thing truly lost from old GP mechanics-wise was the absolute hypefest ultimates. You ult the Dragon pit, is every cannonball gonna hit the dragon and steal it when their jungler panic smites? Is every cannonball going to land outside the pit, but directly on their ADC's head? Are you somehow going to land a single cannonball for the entire ultimate despite their being 6 targets inside the aoe? Who knows? I sure didn't, my teammates didn't either, hell, Riot Games themselves didn't know. The easiest one taps could turn into the saddest whiffs, the most unheard of kills could be yours for the low low price of building AP and literally gambling every fight around RNJesus.

Was it competitive? Hell no, but was it fun? It was a magical pirate defying demons with citrus and occasionally dropping enough ordinance on someone's head to make the US Defense budget go "Woah buddy, calm down there". So yes. Yes it was.


The only thing I miss about old GP was his personality, I liked how goofy he was back then.
And I've been saying for a while that they should do champion/different announcers. It's common in other games like smite and dota. I would definitely pay to have an Aurelion Sol or Kayne/Rhaast or Kled announcer pack.


Interesting fact I completely missed, Old Gangplank's E, like REALLY Old Gangplank's E could kill his own minions to "inspire allies". Here's the ability:
E: Raise Morale
Passive: Gangplank's attack speed and movement speed are increased. Gangplank doesn't receive the benefit of the passive while the spell is recharging.
Active: Gangplank kills an allied minion, inspiring nearby champions to receive Raise Morale's passive benefits for 10 seconds.

Lasted until V1.0.0.116, which was also the release of Rumble, back in April 2011. I would've started playing around Summer 2012 just after Rengar released.


For the longest time I missed old GP because raise morale was basically an assist button with massive range.

But I realized Riot's gameplay philosophy no longer welcomed free steroids. Champion interactions have costs and engagement methods that involve more than pressing a button. what I thought, then Yuumi released.


I would say that the biggest "rework" that GP ever got, really, wasn't even a GP change at all. I think the biggest difference between "old" and "new" Gangplanks is just the existence (or lack thereof) of the old GP5 items/runes that used to be in the game. There really isnt any sort of gold-hoarding builds now, and building "BankPlank", rushing heart of gold into an insanely early statik shiv or just more gold gen items, until you eventually made the switch to full blown CritPlank, only when you had enough to go from 0 crit to near 100% crit in a single back.

The next fight after that back was always sooo fun, catching everybody off guard with Qs that used to do a couple hundred dmg and now do almost a couple thousand XD


8:45 Windwaker's Inside The Pirate Ship song was such a perfect choice


Amazing video recapping Pirate Boy.
There's just one thing I wish you'd mentioned:

Way, *way* back in the day, Gangplank's E would instantly kill a targeted ally minion on use. This made him the only champion in the game capable of killing their own team's minions, denying gold and XP from the enemy.
It's a mechanic that was obviously left over from the DoTA roots where Denying CS was an actual mechanic and was removed in early 2011.


The Bilgewater event is the best one we have ever had. I absolutely loved the story, which wasn't as boring as The Ruination. And I miss soooo much Black Market Brawlers. I still don't know why can't we keep Butcher's Bridge for ARAM instead, it looks so much better than Howling Abyss...


I'll never forget how satisfying it was to walk up with just statik shiv and nuke their whole health bar with a single q


The music that played during the event for ARAM is still stuck in my head years later


Pre-rework GP used to be one of my favorite junglers, along with Trundle. I was quite disappointed when his rework ended up confining him to laning. He also used to have a great /laugh for taunting.


10:29 ….brb I’m gonna go cry in a corner….man the nostalgia of that map combined with GP’s aram…I miss it


I actually really miss the old gp. Something about criting with his Q, autoattacking and his ultimate felt very satisfying.

I actually enjoy it a lot more than the new GP... those gigantic cannon balls before the rework made it seem like it hit harder than normal... idk starting with that 4% brawler gloves for 400 gold and hitting a critical at lvl1 sheesh


As a Gangplank one-trick back in the day, my life ended when he died and I had no idea what to do with my time afterwards...

Jokes aside, pre-rework Gangplank was something magical. He felt extremely flexible and could flow in whatever direction you wanted to send him. I've done Critplank, Blueplank, Tankplank, Bankplank, Gankplank, Feralplank (Udyr build and pathing), Supportplank, Rainbowplank or whatever other item combination at some point just because the only thing that really mattered was hitting that Q and hoping your bombs didn't orbit around your target.

During the event I loved the full upgrade he got to his model, voice lines and skins, the Captain skin only made it better, and I would have bought that announcer pack in a heartbeat if I could've, but I personally was not a fan of his new darker persona upon his return, preferring the stalwart and cocky "invincible pirate of Bilgewater" energy he had from the new skin. The kit on release was insane and learning how to efficiently barrel truly made for some incredible moments of "good GP players vs great GP player" expression.

I may not be as devoted to him in recent years compared to before; being a Jungle GP one-trick is harder with all the changes pushing him to laning; he still gets the occasional game or two from me just because of that dedication I gave to him in the beginning and how oranges are truly the superior fruit.


For those who didn't have the chance to live that moment: Bilgewater is to date THE best event Riot have ever made and it's not even close


Omg, i forgot about this old ass meme from league back in the day! Ty for bringing back some good memories lol


Seeing the old icon and aura effects of red and bluebuff just hit me with nostalgia


I remember back when I played league in season 4 a couple weeks after starting to learn the game I faced my first level 30 and he went 5 infinity edges and 1 static shiv. He went around one shooting everyone. Needless to say I hated facing him after that but I loved his personality to much.
