Ukraine’s Kursk Incursion Continues: Can Russia Halt It?

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Ukraine's recent incursion in Russia's Kursk oblast has been remarkably successful, but it still presents a real strategic risk for Zelensky. So in this video, we'll update you on what's happened so far and how it could impact the future of this conflict.

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I'm now waiting for certain peace-loving people on the Internet to start asking Russia to simply cede Kursk to Ukraine in order to end this war


You know its bad for Russia when TLDR is giving 4 reasons why they're failing instead of the usual three


Its important to point out that Russian military bloggers on telegram are very concerned about the incursion. These aren't Ukrainian supporters, they are pro Putin, pro Kremlin, and pro war, and they have pointed out a lot of important things. Putin didn't know about the attack until well after it started, showing clear divisions in the Russian government, and it has led to a massive cost in tanks for Russia while Ukraine hasn't really deployed tanks. Lastly they have also pointed that the biggest problem for Russia is the lack of intel. They have no idea what Ukraine's objective is, which means they can't properly counter it without weakening other fronts. Ukraine has done something important in strategy, create dilemmas not problems. A problem has a solution, a dilemma doesn't, a dilemma gives options none of which are good.


Honestly, this entire disaster has proven that Yevgeny Prigozhin was right about the Russian Ministry of Defense during the Wagner mutiny. He accused Shoigu and the MOD of massively mishandling the war effort, and it’s clear now that this is absolutely the case. They can’t even defend their own territory.


breaking news: kursk and belgorod have voted that they want to join ukraine in a vote 102% for -2% against with 2% margin of error


Ukraine just made their "special operation". And it's sweet.


Second most powerful army in the world to the second most powerful army in Russia.


You have to admire the sheer passion and courage here. Massively outnumbered and they are actually hitting back.
It is astounding


I'd like to congratulate the citizens of Kursk for their upcoming vote to join Ukraine! XD


Time for a referendum to see who Kursk belongs to, right?


I am Turkish and I remember watching some Georgian, Belarusian, Estonian, Uzbek, Kazakh, Czech, Polish, Romanian, Finnish and Azerbaijani friends celebrated the Ukrainian incursion. I quickly understood what they had gone through under Russia's.


Time for locals in Kursk to learn Ukrainian and wait for a referendum...


Maybe Ukraine should hold elections in the newly self-proclaimed Kursk People's Republic.


The Russian army is the second most powerful army in Russia.
(I know this joke isn't original but it's still funny lol)


Russia: Let's try meat attacks (that's all the minimally trained troops are good for)!

Ukraine: let's try combined arms attacks, (that's what we've been training our troops for)!


As William Spaniel helpfully elaborated on his channel, this has so far been a masterful gambit (on top of Gerasimov's spectacular blunder) that puts the Russians in a _very_ bad dilemma. Ukraine has smashed through Russia's internal defensive lines, and the longer they can maintain control, the more headaches this creates for Russia. The internal security forces have basically no hope of being able to fight the incursion, and what little army forces Russia is diverting do not have the luxury of an entrenched defensive line or overwhelming numbers, which has been the only reason Russia is even making gains in the east at all, and so far the Russians often do poorly in circumstances where they don't have the significant numbers advantage or defensive lines as a force multiplier (we're already seeing this in Kurksk, yet again Russian convoys trying to rush to stop the Ukranian forces are being wiped out). If Ukraine maintains control over the areas they've gained or even expand further, Russia would have to divert even more troops from Kharkiv and Donbas, which would risk halting Russia's already-glacial offensive, and potentially even enable Ukraine to prepare another counter-offensive. If Ukraine manages to break through into Belgorod as well, it might even open up an opportunity for the Ukranians to attempt to flank around Russia's defensive lines within the occupied territories, which at worst would force Russia to severely stretch its defensive lines to prevent another such incursion, which would still make it more challenging for Russia to halt a future counteroffensive due to needing to stretch out personnel and materiel over a much, much longer distance.


So last week Kyiv launched operations into Kursk, then they launched operations into Belgorod. If I was a boarder guard in Bryansk I'd be getting worried. 😅


Putin: How's the invasion of Ukraine going?
Gherasimov: You mean the defense of Kursk ?
Putin: The .... WHAT?


Just another example of "military experts" saying "what Ukraine is doing is a bad idea" only for it to work out really well... Almost as if Ukraine actually knows what they're doing, and almost as if most "military experts", well... don't.


Has anyone wondered why when another country says yes we’ve invaded Russia, Putin doesn’t officially declare war on them?
Redlines what are they? 😹
