@How to connect multiple LCD 16X2 display using Arduino UNO and I2C interface adapter ?

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This video will present 2 LCD display using Arduino UNO and I2C interface adapter. The video demonstrates the method to connect two LCDs screen to a single Arduino UNO board. It I2C interface adapter to connect the LCD screen to Arduino UNO. The two LCs screen are sharing the wiring but have different I2c back packs. The addresses of the those I2c back pack have been changed to have unique address of each one. It minimises the physical wires. During the run time the addresses of the LCD are changed dynamically to send the messages.
The liquid crystal library was modified to accommodate the changes.

The accessories required:
1. Arduino UNO
2.2 LCDs display
3.I2c interface adapter that will sit on the back of LCD display 16X2

Arduino IDE.

#interfacearduinounoand LCD
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