Why I Feel Bad for New Genshin Impact Players:

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I've Been GRINDING it the past few days, give it a try and see if you like it!

I feel terrible for new Genshin Impact players. Without a change, it will take weeks if not months to even use new characters being added into the game!
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Imagine your first 5 star character is yae miko or shenhe and you needa beat all of enkonomiya to level them up


We desperately need a skip dialogue option. Also a gadget wheel that works.


I wish they had a barter system where we can trade earlier nation ascension materials, like those in Mond and Liyue, with Inazuma and Sumeru materials so we can level up newer characters.


I introduced one of my friends to Genshin and have been helping them. They ended up getting kuki shinobu really early and ended up liking them a lot. This really opened my eyes to how bad it can be for new players. As she’s locked not only behind the inazuma and the raiden boss, but also the end of the chasm with the ruin serpent. Which is horrendous.


Raiden was my very first pull on my account, I agree wholeheartedly. It took me so long to get to Inazuma and because I loved playing with her I thought Inazuma would be fun but most stuff in Inazuma is immune to Electro lol including her ascension boss


imagine when snezhnaya is unlocked and you just get a new character from that region but you still at ar15, that's definitly bruh moment


Haven't watched yet but it's probably you can't build newer characters without going through endless hours of story.


I actually didn't feel a lot of these struggles. I was so clueless that I just played it super casually but I grinded the quests hard to find out what happens. Most of my characters were lvl 40 with lvl 20 weapons when I ran out of archon quests after Inazuma 😂 I was AR 43 when i found out I could heal from statue of seven. I had the most fun playing genshin when I was clueless.


People say they’re less concerned with appealing to veteran players by appeasing them with endgame content and are more focused on bringing in newer players (mainly to syphon money out of) but putting the locations for this awful balloon collecting event in later areas like the desert just goes to show how little thought they give about newer players. Oh well, i’m really looking forward to collecting coins in a boat with my endgame characters. Make sure to pull for Alhaitham! He’ll really give you an advantage against those coins!


I actually found the biggest detractor for starting as a new player was how many options you have avalible. While its nice to have so many potential paths, it also makes knowing which one to pick or what to do a huge pain. Id liken it to returning to Destiny 2 at the very end of a season where theres so many quests in your tab or in the tower that it becomes overwhelming. And thats just with 4 regions, and were supposedly gonna get up to 7.


Veteran players: the game is too easy because my characters are too powerful which makes the game boring

New players: the game is too hard. I can't level up my new characters because the materials are story locked


I just started playing 2 weeks ago and you are literally describing the struggle that I have been living.


Agree 100%. I'm new player here, played for around 1 month already. I have to grind main storyline to inazuma so that i can level up my raiden and play her and also to join events for the rewards before it runs out. It's very frustrating cause i felt like i've missed a lot of things along the way. I think the best way the dev can do to deal with this problem is to enable player to convert some amount of let say monstradt materials to inazuma/sumeru material every week. That will definitely make the game more enjoyable for new players.


I feel like they should have a character specific event, which unlocks if you get that character and it teleports you to a separate domain and then it gives you enough material upon finishing to get a character to lvl 60 not including books and mora, as it would be great for new and old players who just got a new character.


Another issue is the missing story archs from the past updates like Archipelago etc. Which can be annoying if you've started recently and wanted to know how the story progresses


The test run of the characters already give required materials to ascend the character once. I think they should give materials to ascend the character at least twice when Fontaine comes out.


I personally think there should be more ways to transfer regional items from other items, like say the sakura blooms. You could transfer some philanemo mushrooms and make them into sakura blooms using dust of azoth. Same thing with talent books, enemy drops, and world boss drops. Honestly, I started playing this game exactly a year ago, and I still feel I have missed so many events like the one with Albedo and the first Golden apple archipelago.


I think this problem can be solved by the crafting table mechanics similarly like the weekly boss materials. By farming an early normal boss material and change it with that salt you could buy from paimon, its gonna solved it without any problems. Only downside I could see would be the crystals that you’ll suffer to farm or change it along the boss material.


Just started playing about a month ago and I got Raiden. The farming and grind through the story and quests were serious to get her materials. The trial giving materials helped a little but still stuck at level 50 because of lack of Inuzuma play.
