Understand THIS Method to Restore Pain Free Movement

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I find it truly surprising that so many people push back against the idea of mobility training. Many weightlifting advocates will tell you that, as long as you're doing your deep squats, you don't need to worry about doing specific mobility training. Others suggest it isn't needed by most people. That it is less important than strength...
In other words: pretty much anything as long as it means they don't need to stretch!
Here's the thing: I actually think that mobility training is the MOST important type of training for many people. You can live without being able to bench all that much. But if you can't squat down to play with your kids, or bend over to tie your shoelace, then that is going to impact your life in very real ways.
Likewise, if you find you get pain when squatting, or if you have bad knees or a bad back... then it's madness to ignore the only type of training designed to address these issues. Pain free movement should surely be top priority in our training, no?
I mean, if you literally have no aches and pains, no limited movement, then carry on...
(Though it may be wise to start thinking ahead!)
If deep backsquats on their own were enough to improve mobility, then surely anyone with a big squat should also be able to do pistol squats... right?
The reason so many people try to avoid mobility training is that it feels uncomfortable and it often doesn't offer immediate results. It can also be a little boring, if we're being honest.
But a lot of that comes down to the fact that you may be doing it wrong. Mobility training isn't just about getting into the most extreme stretches you can manage. In fact, you might not even NEED that much ROM.
Rather, it's about reducing tightness. It's about learning to move parts of the body independently. And it's about teaching correct movement patterns.
THIS is what will help you achieve pain free movement AND awesome skills. And that's what I'm discussing in this video, what do you know!