3 Things You Should Know About PSA Tests

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Dr. Stephen Graham discusses the top three things you should know about PSA tests.
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Its not just the PSA number that is important, but also the rate of change from one test to the next test. That is why it's so important to start PSA testing early, and establish baselines for comparison.


Hey doctor thank you for information, you were the most clear and asertive in all the videos I have see so far about this exam that I got my results, I am 48 and I have 1.3 in the PSA test. Thank you very much


4. MRI and biopsy are needed to ascertain prostate cancer.


im 56 and just had a complete blood test and my psa was perfect at 1.91


I just got a 10.4 PSA result. First PSA test in 20 years. Second test a month later was 11.2 with 16% Free PSA. I'm 67. Excellent health. No symptoms. No family history. No biking recently. Prostate is smooth and soft. No bumps or lumps. No pain when massaging or at any time. Never found any blood in urine or stool. I suppose my prostate is a little bit enlarged, but it doesn’t feel like it is much larger than a walnut. I only need to get up once in the night and the flow is decent most of the time. Sometimes there is some urgency to go, so it must be a little enlarged. Can just an enlarged prostate be the cause of a PSA as high as 10? I've been doing vigorous prostate massage for a couple of years. I thought that might have caused the high PSA. How long would one have to stop massaging to let the PSA clear the system and retest? Some say a few days. Others have said 30-40 days. What else, besides cancer can cause a 10+ PSA? Herbs? Supplements? Blockage in the spermatic cord, seminal vesicles or ejaculatory ducts? I am waiting to see the Urologist. It takes weeks to get in to see one. Thanks!


I am 63. My recent PSA jumped from 4.5 to 5.1. My primary provider referred me to Urology. Urology told me to recheck PSA in 3 months. It jumped to 5.5. I did my own research on the internet and learned that ejaculating within 24 hours prior to a PSA blood draw will cause a higher than normal test result. I knew I had sex and ejaculated the evening before my PSA test of 5.5. I waited 3 months, made sure I did not ejaculate for a week and rechecked my PSA. It dropped back to 5.1. Why aren't primary providers and urologists educating their patients not to ejaculate 24 hours prior to a blood draw.


2018 1.1
2019 1.1
2020 1.1
Got Covid November 2021
December 2021 PSA 1.1
May 2022 PSA 2.7
September 2022 PSA 4.7
Prostate size approximately 35-40 cc
Retest in 3 weeks
Last test was not the same lab as previous test. Labs matter.
I'll be going back to original lab.
There is direct connection between Covid and prostatitis and elevated PSA.
Also my doctor didn't say anything about MRI which I would demand before biopsy.


Ever check a runner after doing interval training?


I noticed the Doctor did not mention the test 4kScore, which is another test that's more comprehensive. Do this before biopsy!


I go Monday and I am nervous but I don't feel any pain, not often do I fo to the bathroom twice when I am in bed


My psa was 4.55 after antibiotics it went down to 4.1, urologist putting me on antibiotics for. 5weeks and retesting psa before biopsy


Hi, I’m 58, PSA =6. After 20 days PSA=5.5 . Biopsy and ultrasound clear no cancer. No symptoms. Doctor told me we gonna test PSA after 6 months. He didn’t told me anything to do. Please your advice. Thanks.


My husband has been on dialysis for 9 years and he dont wont to know if he has prostate cancer. His psa 49.


I think we ought to try PSA test in a different way. Seeing the connection between stress and elevated psa results.
I take my blood pressure every morning and is usually around 107/68. When at the doctor it has been as high as 180/ 80.
I had a doctor about 5 years ago let me do my psa early in the morning and my blood pressure and it was a lot lower.
Do doctors ever do studies? If not it’s time for us to see if doing blood test remotely is more accurate.
In 1996 my psa was around 4 and the doctor told me how bad that was. Since then going to a doctor is like going into a war.


Another thing the urologist probably will not tell you is there are 20+ reasons for a high PSA only one is cancer driven.


He doesn't mention that your PSA is irrelevant unless you know the size of your prostate. As you get older it gets larger. Get a sonogram first which will give you the size of it and also show any abnormalities of prostate


Please go see your doctor and ask plenty of questions. They will have all the information you need. Some of the commenters on this video are misleading and some are flat out wrong.


Very educational.

I am 49 and got a home kit prostate cancer kit.

There was a dark red line on the C and a barely visible faint line on the T.

I only had the test because my dad and his brother had prostate cancer about 20 years ago. They are now both in their 80s and healthy.

I am scheduled to have a “proper” PSA test next week at the hospital.

I instigated all this and had not had any discussions with my GP or any other healthcare professional so I am left worried as the line next to the C is indicative of a positive result however I could only see it when shining a bright white light on it. Otherwise it is not visible. Can you please maybe theoretically explain what this might possibly mean? I could understand it if it was a clear red line against the C but it’s barely visible. I also added three drops of the buffer liquid instead of two as directed. I did the third one about 2 mins after the first two buffers as directed. Would this make any difference to the result. It was also stated that the result is not accurate after 10 minutes.

Based on the information I have told you especially with not following the directions down to the t and the very barely faint line against the C on the cassette what do you think this would suggest?

Thanks so much!

PS my bathroom habits haven’t changed and I don’t feel pain urinating. I don’t constantly need to go to the toilet. My libido is down but I think that’s normal as we age. Many of my friends similar to my age have the same experience in this area.

I would be really grateful if you could at least shine some light on this as I am left confused and worried. Thank you!


Tested every 3 months. it's 0.01.


Do not do a biopsy insist upon an MRI prostate test instead as it’s much less invasive much more accurate and the only reason urologist wants to do a biopsy is because he makes a small fortune on each patient and makes nothing on the MRI. the MRI is much more accurate and non-invasive!
