The History of the Equal Rights Amendment: 3 Things You Should Know

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The Equal Rights Amendment was first written by Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman and introduced to the U.S. Congress in 1923. If ratified, the ERA would guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. In this video, HKS Professor Jane Mansbridge gives a brief overview of the history of the ERA and where it stands today.


Jane Mansbridge is the Charles F. Adams Professor of Political Leadership and Democratic Values at Harvard Kennedy School. Her current work includes studies of representation, democratic deliberation, everyday activism, and the public understanding of free-rider problems. In 2018, Professor Mansbridge was awarded the Johann Skytte Prize in Political Science.


About Harvard Kennedy School:

The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University is a graduate and professional school that brings together students, scholars, and practitioners who combine thought and action to make the world a better place.

Our mission is to improve public policy and public leadership across the United States and around the world so that people can lead safer, freer, and more prosperous lives. Harvard Kennedy School teaches current and future leaders the skills they need to effectively advance the public purpose in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. Our renowned faculty and trailblazing research centers pioneer bold new ideas. And as the most international school at Harvard, we convene global leaders in the Forum, host visiting experts in the classroom, and attract a diverse community of faculty, students, and staff.
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Lots of lessons in history. And lots of very real needs.


Time and times… the needs and reality of leadership…


authentic community connections... rights of individuals and groups... feedback loops... humanity... lock systems, local and larger contexts... time and space.... feeling, thinking, working... honesty, kindness.. good work... kindness is not weakness. Eco systems help...


This is so important... think about this... women and their data and by definition, humanity... protecting the data of women, protects us all... Health and community... It is very leadership oriented. But, I am also in favor of this amendment without the privacy component. Stake holder economics help but are not the whole story.

But, I firmly believe we need better privacy understandings in an amendment.


Diversity and reality and leadership and issues of control and fear and actuality of needs and solutions… it’s a lot of moving parts… it should matter because it does… defining and redefining.


Lenses and purpose of actual. Needs and rights of individuals and groups.


Privacy, transparency and proper oversight over long contexts of history and real world needs… breathe ya’lll… defining and redefining. I’m not a woman… but I care about women.


This work matters… minimizing people is not ok… honesty matters.


No comment! I will join into this discussion when people, both men and women, realize that we are created with EQUAL RIGHTS, not EQUAL ABILITIES! Having the right to do something does NOT automatically endow a person with the ability to do so. Allowing a woman to compete against men does not that woman to be any more or less competitive. Allowing a man to compete against women does not alter the fact that the women are no longer competing on a level playing field.


Can anyone tell me what rights men have that women don’t?


What rights do men have that women do not?


The Equal Rights Amendment is NOT about RIGHTS. This video is completely false. Women DO have equal rights in the USA.


So when are women going to register for the draft at 18? Every male is required by law.


Terrible Havard endorses the ERA. The video is very dishonest with what the ERA was and the consequences it would have.


Happy 9 to 5 day… day after Labor Day, just sayin…


I tried to get food when my wife passed away. Wic is another right woman have that we don’t. If they want equality why do they qualify for free food and men do not? Must mean they are weaker.


Women want equality of rights and privileges, not duties and obligations. For example when it comes to the military draft less than half of women are in favor or including them in a military draft.… What happened to wanting to be equal?

“Public support for such a change has divided sharply along gender lines. In a 2016 Rasmussen poll, 61% of men favored extending draft registration to everyone in the 18-to-25 age cohort, while only 38% of women supported doing so.“


Horrible video. Doesn’t explain anything about the objections to the ERA and why most people don’t want a totally sex neutral society.


For better explanation check out phyllis schlafly


clearly there isn't enough public support for this total wrecking ball of an amendment... the wisdom of the original framers isn't present in todays legislators.
