Hidden Evidence for Mary’s Role in Salvation

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Joshua Charles explains how typology can be used to show connections between the Old Testament and Gospels as a way to show the validity of Catholic beliefs about Mary.

Purchase Bible Mary - The Mother of Jesus in the Word of God

Mary as the New Eve

Did Jonah Die in the Whale? (Article by Jimmy Akin)
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Fulton Sheen said "Mary was the first person to recieve Jesus body, blood, soul and Divinity in her womb" Mary was given a title "mother lof the Eucharist"
Mary was the first Tabernacle of Jesus for Nine months, Mary was the first Temple were God dwells in the New Testament, she is the Arc of the covenant. Also Isaiah 7:14 "therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: " the maiden is with child and she will bear a son, and will call his name Emmanuel" (written 800 years BC) God chose Mary before time began to be the Theokotas the God bearer.
With Mary our Blessed Mother the Angels, Martyrs and Saints we give all Glory to the Holy Trinity.
Ave Maria 🙏


I don't know why I've never heard that Jonah actually died in the whale before. But sure enough in chapter 2 it does certainly sound that way.


“The New Testament lies hidden in the old. The Old Testament is unveiled in the New.” St Augustine


I am so inspired to see a Catholic man wear the rosary.

Way to witness. Holy.


Without Mary’s free willed consent, there is no Man/God to redeem us! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink


Mary is the lady of revelations 12 fulfilled at Fatima.


MI HUMILITY — ‪“JESUS CHRIST will not be born in the soul except through MARY IMMACULATE." +St. Max, ‬ ora pro nobis


All glory to God and his beloved mother 🙏


How can the mother of such a great person not be great herself?


"She gave milk to our bread."

St. Augustine


The same way in the old covenant Jewish people where saved by a woman, Ester, Judith, Ruth.
In the new covenant God's people are going to be saved by a woman.
In the new covenant the enemy is Satan.

Revelation, A woman will crush the head of the serpent.


With due respect to Mary and whatever typology you had attributed to her. This idolatry of Mary has reached a crescendo in modern times, with movements within the Catholic Church pushing for her recognition as “co-redemptrix, ” a notion that would place her in an unprecedented role in the salvation narrative. However, a rigorous examination of Scripture presents a starkly different view, one that does not just challenge but outright refutes the notion of Mary playing any role in salvation. Thank you.


Come on Protestants enough with the Mary bashing, You are offending Christ, Stop and think before you say Mary was nothing, she is the Mother of Our Lord, do you think he likes to hear you say she is nothing? Please stop and see your error.


Mary is an example of obedience, humbleness and love to all generations to come. She brought birth Jesus her saviour. But it stops there. No where in the bible it says she is a divinity.


Our Lady is also the burning bush who contained the divine fire of the Almighty God without being consumed.


Typologically...but somehow not MENTIONED


Respectfully, while I agree typology is rampant and it is possible Jonah died in the whale….even though he is in constant prayer in Chapter 2….Mary does not have a role in salvation Biblically. Jesus is the one way. He never said, “Ask mom and if it’s okay she can ask me.”

Seriously, though in my opinion and from what the Bible teaches about Mary, she was an amazing woman. She was highly blessed and worthy to give birth to Jesus. But, a lot of Catholic doctrine it seems put her as sinless. Which contradicts the Bible. The Bible clearly says Jesus was the only one without sin. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” To put Mary in that category is wrong. To put her as a stepping stone to salvation, which I have heard Catholics preach, is unconscionable. Preach the Gospel! Just like Peter and Paul preached it. At no point in any of Peter or Paul’s letters did they even mention Mary. If she was important to salvation why didn’t they?


Was Mary ever mentioned by Jesus or other disciples to be the typology/similar to all those she is assumed to be the typology of? Jonah was explicitly mentioned, thus, we can see the typology there. Jesus and Adam are also found. But Marry?


When we receive our lord in the blessed sacrament we also receive our mother because they share the same blood.


Jonah never died. He was alive inside the fish because he prays to God. Jesus however, actually died.
The comparison between Jonah and Jesus was the period of inactivity.

Mary, although she would have been a wonderful woman, never plays any pivotal role. She didn't even believe that Jesus was the Messiah until after Jesus had died.
Happily, Mary was among those anointed when the Christian Congregation was formed.
