The Secret to ESCAPING the Material World | The BANNED Gospel of Mary Magdalene

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Almost lost to history, there exists a hidden text known as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. This ancient manuscript contains secret teachings that reveal the path to escaping the material world forever. However, not only were these teachings deemed too controversial by the early church but the hidden Gospel also contains the shocking revelation that Mary was supposed to replace Jesus as teacher and leader as she was the only one that truly understood his secret teachings, and so the Gospel of Mary was banned from the canon of scripture and destroyed by the church.

Is the material world an illusion? What hidden realm lies behind it? What came before the big bang? We’re going to answer all those questions and more right now.

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Mary represented the feminine identity of Jesus as Jesus was the masculine identity


As a schizophrenia sufferer I can verify that Mary's gospel is int something. She knew everything that I was experiencing.


Jesus basically taught the same thing. He said to leave everything behind and follow him, meaning all material wealth/discard it. I am just surprise that modern day churches that preach teachings of Jesus don't really follow them. The churches were always about the money and never really about the teachings of Jesus. Doesn't shock me any that this Gospel was banned, because the Church never cares about Salvation, they just care about cash-money. Jesus also said to turn away from the church and not follow the Church but irony once more, people go around and build a religion around Christ. Funny isn't it?


Love this!!!! long ago I did an lsd trip and ran into a friend who sat me down and addressed my confusion. years later when I reminded him about this life changing experience he had absolutely no memory of it. I was convinced that it was my inner teacher who came through him. At one point he asked me a question that I later found out was a Zen koan. "When the wind blows through the blossoms of the tree, is it the wind that moves or the blossoms that move?" I sat with it and struggled to find an answer when he said "It's the mind that moves." And I suddenly had an awakening and I saw all the things around me, the trees, the people, the cars EVERYTHING was an aspect of mind. Like the end of the great Gnostic film the Matrix when he sees everything is a manifestation of mathematical formulas. He then said "your life is a manifestation of your mind. If you don't like something in your life, you need to change your mind" I was a 17 yr old runaway but he put a spark of light in me that guided me out of the dark confusing path I was on. I found ways to change my mind, therapy, spiritual practice and the amazing 12 Step programs and today 55 years later I look back on a successful life as a result of my partnership with this light. You are clear and have deep understanding.


Sin may not exist, but good and bad choices do exist. Never underestimate the power of regret.


Thought are Things/matter.
Thought become Things/ matter.
Answer as to what matter is. Thought solidified.
Thank you. Blessings 🙏


The Catholic church officially changed Mary Magdalene's status in the church. Although they have acknowledged for years that she was not the "prostitute", in 2016 they formally named her the "Apostle of the Apostles". Interesting turn of events that took centuries. Also, several of the books that you mention are from the Nag Hammadi Library (which I'm sure you know). And I've heard the story of Yaldabaoth before. How he came from an older universe of deities. He was created but was so hideous and monster-like he was cast into darkness. That's why the Bible starts with "first their was darkness". Interesting stuff for sure. And I agree if Christ was here he would be telling us not to get so hung up on the details because we're missing the bigger picture.


You are 1000 percent, correct brother. The spirit is strong with you.


Puts a whole deeper meaning to "mind over matter"


You are completely right. Satan and his angels created our material world, God allowed it because he gave his children free will. Now we are trapped in a cycle of Reincarnation.
Jesus taught us how to break out of that cycle, by cleaning our souls from evil thoughts and actions.
That’s why it was so important to him, that we love our enemies. Because if we have a hateful heart, we are still trapped in this material reality. We have to overcome our materialistic thoughts and emotions in order to find our way back to the pure, loving God.
With all that knowledge, Jesus words finally make sense.


So beautiful to listen to the support for Mary the Illuminator…… Jesus and Mary were brother and sister, like twin souls. And Jesus kissed Mary on the ‘Forehead’ blessing her light. Not lips. Thank you for this expression of knowledge in memory of our great Morher Mary and the daughter of light, the light tower.


As for the Wisdom who is called "the barren, " she is the mother of the angels. And the companion of the [...] Mary Magdalene. [...] loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her mouth. The rest of the disciples [...]. They said to him "Why do you love her more than all of us?" The Savior answered and said to them, "Why do I not love you like her? When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness."


The woman is Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus
The anointing oil is pure nard, “a costly perfume”
Mary anointed Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair, a provocatively intimate act


Jesus received these teachings when he traveled to India. That's what our Sanatana Dharma believes. I visited Kashmir in 2005 and in a cave of Chandanwari, some locals gave me a stick to hold and get the blessings. They told us that this stick used to be a messiah's stick, who visited this cave thousands of years ago. I couldn't understand whom they are referring to. But after years, I saw videos where some historians showed evidence that Jesus was actually buried in Srinagar and he also visited Ladakh. One of the major monasteries that poses that information is Hemis. I visited that too.


The link posted below I find to be very significant. Upon reading this I was given vivid images of what i was reading. I was taken to the point in time this happened. It rings true in my soul.


I am glad, I came across your channel. Information all these years I was looking for, truth, nothing but truth ❤️Thank you ❤️🌹🙏


Mary was and is The Christed Divine Feminine. Student of the school of Isis. They’ve never wanted us to know exactly how powerful and adept she really was. She anointed Jesus.


1 Timothy 2:5-6 5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself as a ransom for all—the testimony that was given at just the right time.


In Romans 16:1, Paul mentions Phoebe, a female deacon or servant in the church. In other books, he refers to woman that held churches in their houses, such as Nympha in Colossians 4:15 and Chloe in 1 Corinthians 1:11.


This is the best insightful teaching ever...
