Malaysian MH370 Missing: Was MH370 deliberately downed by Pilot? Debris offers new clues | WION News

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Malaysia Airlines jet MH370 vanished on March 8, 2014 carrying 239 people - mostly from China - en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. New evidence was found in the possession of a Madagascan fisherman which gave clues to the mysterious circumstances in which the flight disappeared.

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i was in malaysia for studies when this accident happened.. my professor who was Malaysian said word for word “ this was a targeted incident, and in a few years they will find parts and pieces of the aircraft but not the whole aircraft “ i was studying Aircraft maintenance engineering course at the time.


It's no longer a mystery. We know the following:
1. According to close friends the pilot was depressed and isolated himself for months after his wife was planning to leave him when she found out he was cheating on her.
2. The timing of the plane "going dark" electronically occurred right after leaving Malaysian airspace and before entering Vietnamese airspace. Only the pilot could have timed it this precisely!
3. The plane then made a sharp left turn and flew back over Malaysia according to military radars.
4. Inmarsat satellite data indicates the plane was up in the air for 8 hours before plunging into the Southern Indian Ocean.
5. The data found at the pilot's home flight simulator indicated he flew an almost identical path a month before the flight.
6. Dozens of airplane debris have been found around the Southern Indian Ocean and some indicate that the landing gears were down at time of impact. Contrary to the stupid Netflix documentary, many debris were found by local residents, not all by Blaine Gibson. This means the pilot was in full control until the very end!

As far as how he kept things calm inside the plane? He made the co-pilot leave the cabin to get something and then locked the door behind him.
He then proceeded to quickly de-pressurize the place and climbed to 40, 000 feet at which altitude the passengers would go unconscious in less than a minute!
Using reserve oxygen supply inside the cockpit he waited until all the passengers were incapacitated (less then 10 minutes) and then re-pressurized the cabin.
He then proceeded to fly the plane into the Southern Indian Ocean Ocean until it ran out of fuel and then pointed the nose straight down to cause as much damage and leave very small debris behind. He did that so nobody would know what happened or find the black box. The man was a total psychopath and airlines need to do a better job at vetting their pilots. Let's not forget Germanwings Flight 9525!
I hope the pilot is in an extra hot place in hell!
May the passengers rest in peace!


One day, the flight would be found the same way as titanic with multiple stories buried💔


So basically we still don’t know what happened…


This smells like a cover up. Diverting attention from the real culprits and casting blame on the pilot. Isn't there policies and procedures to prevent one person from doing this? No way a copilot would have allowed this to happen. Flight attendants would have been on high alert the second they heard the landing gears lowered.


Its frustrating that the truth is known but not by the people


8 years later they are waking up from long slumber of investigation, to dig up graves of affected families. My boss won't let me sleep for 8 days without getting the report let alone 8 years. Shame on the Authorities!!


This is one of the worst and mysterious air disasters ever to happened.

Like most terrible air disaster it was most painful.

Theory upon theory no concrete information has been established since this terrible disaster.
But most airline expert are suspecting one of the pilot of the ill-fated aircraft to have willfully or deliberately crashed the airline with a view to committing suicide and killings the passengers including co-pilot and other flight crew.

May God Almighty continue to comfort the family of the victims of this man made disaster.


Now that 40 countries agreed to have 1 pilot per flight to save cost i was wondering wht other scenarios we will encounter once it is already in effect.


Are we all nuts " We belong to the highly advanced technology Era" ...with all the most sofciticated advanced communication " James Webb " Advancing into more unknown, AND STILL HERE IN DOWN EARTH WE COULNDT FIND A LOST AIRCRAFT MH370 FOR 8 YEARS .


What if the plane is on a nose down free fall and the pilot engaged the landing gear to slow it down for some resistance? Is it a sound theory?


Sounds like someone wants us to believe the pilot killed everyone 🤔
Smells fishy to me.


The fact that the oil worker saying he saw something burning in the sky and the lady who had seen the satellite images of the debris (Even the claim hadn't even once been investigated properly I mean we clearly have no idea if there are claims it is better to search into it why would they completely ignore that and stop searching operations)


The result of the truth to MH370 is no one will never know what happened. The truth is buried with everyone on that flight that fatal dark morning May 08, 2014. May god bless their souls.


After of all these years, still no real solution but still resorting to same kind of lies.


The initial report came stating that the passengers mobiles were still active for 3 days. So how can it happen that it crashed in the sea. If it did than the mobile phones of the passengers would immediately be destroyed in water. So....
It is still a mystery.
Go on guys.
Carry on with your investigation.


The Pilot in command who deliberately downed the plane is Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a 53-year-old Captain and his co-pilot was 27-year-old First Officer Fariq Abdul Hamid.


A HUGE coverup.
That plane was either accidently shot down or purposely shot down due to the cargo it was hauling. If it was accidentally shot down, it is usually admitted as it has been done in the past.
It is somewhere south of Vietnam on route, after its transponder signals were either turned off or jammed.
It blows my mind that with all the satellites and tracking systems, no wreckage has been found
On Google earth, i am even able to see my car parked in my driveway.
So so sorry for the families. We really do have evil living among us.


Why is no one talking about this important detail anymore, when at the last moment, 5 people checked in, refused to take this flight and took back their baggage that was already in the hold?, that the company was sought? I can no longer find the source of the information of a very serious documentary. So how do I know? Who were they, and why at the last moment did they give up on that flight?


Why Malaysia not consider fisherman witness that he saw plane is crashed at Malaca Strait? It could be new information for investigation
