Flight MH370 Vanished 10 Years Ago. What’s Happened Since? | Insight | Full Episode

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10 years on, are we any closer to knowing what happened to MH370? For a decade, scientists, investigators and journalists have dug deep into the mystery of how Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 vanished on March 8, 2014. But many questions remain unanswered.

Meanwhile, family members of the missing passengers are calling for the resumption of search. They’re also seeking civil compensation from Malaysian Airlines, aircraft manufacturer Boeing, engine maker Rolls-Royce and insurance group Allianz, over the loss of their loved ones.

00:00 Introduction
02:28 What happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?
08:20 The plane vanishes from radar
12:24 A missing passenger's family in China
14:27 How did MH370 vanish without a trace?
21:01 Was it an act of suicide by the pilot?
29:52 Chinese families file a lawsuit
34:36 Does the Chinese court have jurisdiction over Malaysia Airlines?
37:51 Outcome of 3-year search for the missing plane
42:28 New theory and hopes for a new search

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12:55 - The man writing over 2000 poems for his missing son... I lost it there. So sad. 10 years ago today. Thinking of the families.


"Knowing someone personally" is the most absurd excuse to defend the pilot. That's the dumbest reason to say on tv because you don't know someone 100%. Even family members kill each other at the heat of the moment.


Every single piece of MH370 debris we did find was somewhere in the Indian Ocean, most of it on the east coast of Africa. There is simply no way in hell that a modern civil airliner flies from the Gulf of Thailand to the Indian Ocean without any of a thousand systems noticing. Except if the one controlling that airliner knows precisely what they're doing.


The narrator said he was to return on Sept 8 2014. It was march 8 2014... if you're gonna do a documentary, at least get your dates right and check it before releasing it with the wrong information


The last old man said, he just wants his son to return so that his mother can make dumplings for him 😢😢😢 so painful. So painful.


I still think the Malaysian Gov, knows something they're not sharing.


Iam a 777-200 pilot, its a coverup, no way a plane like this can be lost, only the pilot can shut up the communication manually..


My heart was absolutely breaking for that poor gentleman who believes his child could be alive and may come back!! Forgive me if I was misinterpreting what he was saying, but the likelihood is so small as to not even be negligible it absolutely breaks my heart. I am deeply saddened for every single one of these families I would never give up hope either of finding that plane finding an answer!! But I don’t know if I could ever believe for 10 years that my love one, maybe still be alive and unable to get home I think that would break me!!!. I think a lot of people don’t understand, how extremely extremely difficult it is to find anything in the ocean even if you know it’s location finding it is still ridiculously hard and retrieving it is even harder it would be like looking for a pin size of a car that is lost in a haystack, the size of a continent, I wish nothing but joy, happiness and peace to all these people and that they win their settlements and go on with their lives, loving the family that they have left and remembering always those they have lost. I’m so very sorry.❤❤


There is so many conspiracy theories regarding the disappearance of MH370. But what is more believable is that there is only one person who is in the best position on the aircraft who can perform all these necessary functions :
1. Switching off the radar transponder.
2. Performing a turnback
3. Plane flying over the Malaysian airspace during the turnback and then heading towards the Indian Ocean.
4. Someone in the cockpit of Flight 370 re-programmed the aircraft's autopilot to travel south across the Indian Ocean.

5. The flight data transmission system were turned off deliberately by someone trying to hide the plane's position and heading.
All these can only performed by one pilot Captain Zaharie


Without finding the black box and substantial evidence, there is no point accusing people on the plane of doing this. This was a much more complicated mission than people realize. Several documentaries did a better job of explaining this. In the meantime, the family is definitely due to deserve more compensation than what they were offered. I can't imagine being in their place. The agony in anguish, it's completely unfair what happened to those passengers. The airline didn't act quickly in time with 239 people disappearing and waiting hours to take action.


Mr Lee's hope is admirable but I don't think anyone from that plane is alive after a decade


It is very suspicious a huge plane flying off the route and disappeared. There has been no Boeing-777 related accident in the last 10 years. The aircraft is fine. It leaves only one conclusion: MH370 was the result of someone deliberately making the flight crashed.


The greatest aircraft mystery for decades, there's no doubt that the aircraft did not act on her own, she did not turn her own ACARS and transponder off at the exact location where she had no direct and defined air traffic control from any surrounding air space, she did not incapacitate the first officer and/or cabin crew and passengers and she did not head to a location in the extremely remote Southern a location that had been visited numerous occasions on the Captain's high tech home flight simulator


Even sometimes parents dont see their child is capable of horrendous acts. But history shows us its true in many countries with different cultural background. No one person is ever certain of another. Every one is different. No matter how hard it may sound, its still a possibility.


I feel so bad for the families because how can they get closure when no one finds out the truth? It must be so hard not being able to say goodbye. I hope this puzzle will be solved one day for everyone involved


The people most responsible for and capable of finding the plane are also the ones who would be hurt most by its discovery. Perhaps they would be more motivated if the lawsuit sought annual payments of the full damages to those families every year until the plane is found.


God bless those who lost their loved ones and their lives


it's surprising how its been 10 years and they still haven't found what happened..


Sunday, March 8, 2014 At 5:03 am, some people saw a plane crash near Mizoram
Could it be mh370?Did it fall in Cambodia? Inside Myanmar?
take action quickly!


It should be physically impossible for a pilot to deliberately decompress an airplane once it is airborne. Also it shouldn't be possible for them to turn off the transponder or ACARS system.
