9 Steps to Save $10,000 on a Low Income 💵 Money Saving Tips for 2025!

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Half of Americans have less than $500 in their savings account. Only 16% have 3-6 months of expenses saved. If you are one of these people, let's make 2025 the year to create a full-funded Emergency Savings account 💵 Especially with the unstable economy that we have all experienced the past few years, having money in savings will bring you so much peace of mind.

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0:00 Save Money on a Low Income
1:45 Step 1
3:22 Step 2
3:50 Step 3
7:24 Step 4
10:27 Step 5
13:10 Step 6
14:39 Step 7
17:23 Step 8
18:10 Step 9
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Last year I made almost 3, 000 extra in side hustle money. This year my goal
Is 8, 000. I really want to build up my emergency fund.


It’s gonna be a big year. We want to pay off our house, finally, and add 5000 to our 10, 000 emergency account. Barring emergencies!


I also set goals every month. I am planning on downsizing next year so I am either giving to charity or trying to sell stuff online. I am slowly renovating rooms too so I can maximise my selling price next year. So my savings have taken a big hit, so I am trying to use my online sales instead. Thanks for keeping me inspired to do more.


These tips are great. For 2025 I plan to save 10k to have homeowners insurance deductible, vehicle insurance deductibles and a few thousand $$$ for any unforeseen vehicle repairs put aside.


Hello there!! I have watched your channel for years, ever since the girls were in elementary. I love your down to earth and realistic way of living and budgeting. Your husband has been an added blessing and a wealth of understandable information. I am currently facing $2325 in monthly rent. It literally gives me a headache and has brought me to tears. We are a very large family, so housing is limited. I am at the point of wanting to sell everything and move into a travel trailer. I'm so fed up with the cost of decent housing. Not fancy, luxury, or elaborate, just decent. Lord willing, 2025 will be the last year I pay over $30, 000 to make someone else wealthy. Thank God I am frugal and I am a natural saver, but I could save so much more without over the top housing costs. Without housing costs and expenses that go with it, my bills would only be $1000 per month, and I could cut that down to $850-900 easily. Thanks for letting me vent.❤


Love your videos!! Have a lovely Christmas and New Year 😄


We're saving for a new furnace & air conditioner. We want to pay for it with our income from next year instead of pulling money out of savings. Once we've paid for that we will be saving for a new set of tires-they're still fine but we know that's coming up.


Rather than a high yield savings account or keeping of cash for a savins plan, I like gold. The gold is rising in value and i don't have to worry about the bank doing a bail in. The FDIC insurance is only funded to about 10 percent. Also, banks can take several years to make you whole. Having the gold in hand is better. It keeps up with inflation. Example: purchased a cold one ounce coin for 2053.00 in May of 23, it is now worth over 2650.00 and still going up.


Really needed this to motivate myself for 2025!


Great content! I bought a budget planner like yours a few months back and plan to use it for this next year and I opened a good savings account this last summer so I’m going to really try to be more disciplined so I can hopefully get some land in the future . I really like all your videos, you are very inspiring and I love how you promote a simple smart lifestyle that saves you so much money! Also you’re right about the power of side hustles, I’ve been reselling on Poshmark for a while now and it’s a great second source of income. I definitely recommend it!


Great video, wonderful tips and suggestions 🎉


Great video! Ally has a great online high yield savings account also. If you can't buy food without using credit cards, you may benefit from the food pantry>often giving away food that would be thrown out by stores!


Just curious what does your family and siblings think of your frugal lifestyle and are they like you and asher?


Currently trying to reduce my transportation expenses, I could potentially save around 20% of the usual amount by walking for 20 extra min per day…


2025 we will pay off the furniture and car and 2026 we will pay off mortgage and we will be debt free!!


Hopefully in 2025- If I don’t have any more added- I should be able to pay off my medical bill- the remaining balance- and a good chunk of a credit card.


We have four vehicles- it’s just my husband and I- we can’t talk him into selling two of them, extra insurance, tires, gas etc. My kids and their husbands have tried, to no avail!☹️☹️


The amounts you quoted and the amounts on the charts are not the same- they don’t come up to $100, 000 on the chart


Having your money in a bank account nowadays is not safe


We have four vehicles- it’s just my husband and I- we can’t talk him into selling two of them, extra insurance, tires, gas etc. My kids and their husbands have tried, to no avail!☹️☹️
