How to Reposition a Posterior, or 'Sunny Side Up,' Baby

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I liked this video a lot. 4th pregnancy and 1st with this issue. Thank you for being direct and, frankly, not annoying about it. 😁


My placenta is anterior and baby is sunny side up with my 32 week scan. Is it advisable to make baby turn? Is there any risk?


Hi, I just started to have 35 weeks today and found out baby is OP postion Can I try polar bear position from now to make baby move?? How many times a day and how much time I need to be that position??


Thank you for this video ny baby is in rot position and I'm praying he changes. He is head down. I feel optimistic after watching this video and reading the comments. This will be my first vbac .


Great video thanks. Will the polar bear technique put me in labor early? I don’t want to induce labor (I’m 37 weeks) but I would like to turn my posterior baby to the optimal position.


My baby is in posterior position and head is not fixed..what should I try for normal delivery?


Hello I'm 36 weeks 2 days pregnant my baby position is cephalic posterior position how can turn baby OP to OA


I’m 37 and already panicking because I had a back to back labor with my last baby and we had a really difficult time. I can feel this baby’s knees at the front now! And I’m freaking out!


Can having a posterior baby make it take longer for you to go into labor? can it effect the way u dilate before hand? And can it effect having contractions/Braxton Hicks before labor?


Thank you so much Bailey for making this video!!! It was really helpfull! I found out my baby doesnt want to move because my placenta is in the way for the optimal position... so I think he will move in labor...


What about ROP with an anterior placenta? Is there anything you would do different?


Hi Bailey, i am 32 weeks and I found out that baby is in ROA position, doctor said it s not the ideal position for birth. What exercises can I do to move baby on the left side?


Can the ice pack be combined with the downward dog/polar bear positions?


Hey Bailey, how is a posterior baby confirmed? My midwife thought my baby might be posterior and asked if i had back pain to which I do. Baby is still not engaged (atleast at my 36wk appointment which is fine, im 38 now). Would doing these activities do any "harm" if its not even confirmed if baby is posterior or not, as in would it flip him into posterior if he is already in the optimal position? Thankyou x


I already had 2 babies in the posterior position. I read that once that happened the chances of having another baby in a posterior position increases. Is that correct? If so, is it possible to deliver a posterior baby in a home birth? I ended needing an epidural for both births because the pain was way too high.


My baby is head down, back to my right side, butt in the middle, and legs to the left. I’m just understanding that this can be an issue if he goes full on posterior. 36 weeks now and praying he turns.


Hello, im 39 weeks and had my cervix checked today, or technically didn't, they said that I am at a +1 station but my cervix is too high and posterior to be able to check, leading me to believe baby is also OP and not allowing my cervix to move anterior for him to be able to put pressure on. Could I combine the polar bear position and crawling by (carefully) crawling up and down my carpeted stairs? I've been having horrible hip pain and wondering if his position is the cause.


I appreciated watching your video, and also appreciated how succinctly you gave the instructions! So many videos I come across go on and on for what feels like forever haha :)

My first was absolutely OA for essentially the whole pregnancy. This baby on the other hand has been a stinker and stuck in OP position (head down, fortunately), so I am trying to loosen everything up to encourage him to turn.

Thank you for the helpful and fast tips!!


Thank you so much for making this video. I'm in my 38th week now and in my ultrasound I get to know that baby is in LOP but in my pervious ultrasound it is LOA. Don't know why the baby has changed the position. Do I still have time to change the position of the baby. Because I want a vaginal birth. Please help me


Hi, my wife is now in 38th week of her pregnancy ... The baby is head down but in posterior position which makes us pretty nervous . Can we still try for vaginal delivery ?
