Rotate Your Posterior Baby for a Faster Labor | Sarah Lavonne

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Part 3 - Here's a helpful technique that you can try to turn your posterior baby! Dip the Hip was created by Deb Lawrence and popularized by Spinning Babies®. You can use it before labor starts or during labor if you're having symptoms of back labor, occiput posterior (OP) baby position aka posterior baby to help turn baby so that the back of the head is towards the front of the pregnant person!

I am not affiliated with Spinning Babies®, but they are another resource to you!

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Disclaimer: all information shared is for educational purposes only and framed through the lens of birth in North America. Please consult with your doctor before attempting any of the suggested things. Anything mentioned in any of my videos is never to replace the advice of your doctor or midwife. Make sure to check with them before you try anything suggested in my videos and if you have any further questions. I do not give out medical advice.
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Hi Sarah! I was 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant and my baby was OP. I watched all three videos in this series and did the "hip dip" on Thursday afternoon, (turned the baby, ) went into labor Friday morning and my baby was born early Saturday morning. Thank so much for this information and the birth classes!


My dr told me at my apt today I was 4 cm and the baby was OP (saw on ultrasound). I had been having contractions 10 mins apart for about 10 hours. I did this and some of her other poses from the other video for 40 mins. Boom my water broke. When I go to the hospital (30 min drive) I was 9 cm. Shortly after my dr arrived and I began to push. He was in a great position. My dr was so impressed and so was I. He came out so fast and he was 9 lb 3 oz. Ty so much!!


This truly works, i am nearly on my 38 weeks, and the doctor told me baby was in posterior. I did this only one day and it turned since I started feeling the kicks below my ribs. Today I went back to the doctor n I got confirmation that baby is now anterior!! this exercise is enough to turn the baby. U r a genius!! many thanks


I was 36 weeks and due to be induced at 37 weeks. Gynea told me baby was OP at 36 weeks. Watched all three videos (so helpful). I did hip-dips one day and baby turned. Gynea confirmed the next day that baby was facing the right direction. Thank you so much for the videos


This truly works!! At 39 weeks and 5 days my baby was still posterior. On 39 +6 days I did some spinning babies then the next day I tried this move specifically a handful of times all day. That following night, right at midnight I went in active labor! I was at 9 cm within 6 hours and gave birth to my baby on exactly 40 weeks (his due date!). Thanks so much for making this for us moms with posterior facing babies!


This worked for me!!! I’m 37+2 and my baby has moved from a posterior oblique lie to LOT in a week after doing a combination of dip the hip and forward leaning inversion!! Thank you for your help!


I had an extremely sore lower back and was told my baby is back to back with mine which is what was causing the pain. I came across this video and within 4 days the pain was gone. Honestly was shocked as I’ve had this pain prior to being pregnant and I will continue to do this exercise even after baby! Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤ you don’t understand how much this has helped me, I would be in tears and couldn’t even put pants on properly.


Jeeez. U just helped me sista 😳 It was one day before my due . Was scared about getting artificial induce.. came across your video. Tried dip the hip. The next day early morning mild contraction started after few hours went to hospital I was 2cm dilated.. Again tried in the mid and delivered my baby girl easily . It's jus magical. Thanks a lot. Those who are in doubt whether this gonna workout. Am damn sure u will feel thankful later. Once again a big thank to your video..


Hi! So not in labor, but I’ve been having soooo much lower back pain at 35 weeks, and this technique has helped alleviate so much pressure and pain for me! Thanks so much for sharing 🥰


I'm 10 days from having my baby who is currently back to back. I have started doing these exercises. My husband plays Marvin Gaye 'lets get it on' through the speakers when he spots me doing the exercises 😂🙈


I'm not even pregnant and I did this exercise lol. honestly my hips feel great lol .


12 weeks with baby #2, time to binge all of Sarah’s channel again


20mins after doing this my waters broke. I'm 40+5 and yesterday was only 2cm dialated and not fully effaced. 4th pregnancy but 1st time baby is OP.
Thank you for this video!!!!


I wish I knew of this sooner, that I found this sooner... Didn't know my 2nd baby, now 6+ months, was OP until I was into labor. Attempted a home birth, and labored for 12+ hours. Was 41 weeks and two days, and baby #2 was already so low and was just impacted or wedged where he wasn't going to budge. Did what we could from all fours to birthing stool, swaying, pulling on a scarf rope... Ended up having to go to the hospital for a C-section... Had swelling happening from pushing for many hours and the back pain became to severe. I have a high pain tolerance, but, oy! I still struggle with, from time to time, "What if I did this or tried that... Would the outcome have been any different". Wasn't experiencing eclampsia, but the swelling wasn't going down down there after getting antihistamine... I felt defeated and crushed. But I wouldn't trade the attempt of a home birth experience for anything and I would do it again without hesitation. My Hubby and I agree that we want at least one more bundle of joy and will certainly keep this video on hand as I will be going for an unmedicated VBAC in the future, and perhaps a water birth at that.


This really works! At 36 weeks I had an ultrasound and baby was head down but facing my left side. At night I would wake up with severe back pain that my midwife said was likely back labor due to baby's head not being in an optimal position. I had another ultrasound planned for 37 weeks so I did this move every day and sat on a birth ball as often as I could and by my 37 week ultrasound he was in the perfect position! And I haven't had the back pain!


Yes, I did this move with my third baby. My first was OP vaginal delivery and second had to have a cesarean after pushing for hours because baby was ROT. So I was determined to have a VBAC without hiccup. I believe this move helped me have the fastest and easiest delivery I've had. Should I be blessed to become pregnant again, I will be utilizing this again.


31 weeks with number 2 and I’m just getting started with Spinning Babies 😬
Thank you! This felt amazing!


I just did this for 10min and this boy is finally off my ligament!!! Boy was OP as could be on monday. Hopefully he's turned OA now. 37+6


Thank you so much for this!! Reading the directions isn’t the same as watching your video. Thank you!!


Hey Sarah! 31 weeks with baby number 5 and you’ve been a huge help with #3, #4, and now #5! I would love to hear about pregnancy and gallbladder problems.
