What Is Dispensationalism?

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Explanation of key beliefs of Dispensational theology

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Thanks Mike! Non-dispensational here, but I commend you for your care and charity on the subject. You model very well how theological debate and in-house polemics ought to be done. Great example for all of us.


Excellent explanation of the key beliefs of Dispensationalism. I plan to send this out to our church family here in Nebraska. This will be a blessing to them. I am a Dispensationalist and have taught these theological truths to our church through my expository preaching ministry for over 30 years because these truths are the result of sound exegesis of Scripture. Thanks and God bless for your faithful ministry to the body of Christ.
Pastor Fred Anderson


Great video. We need more of this on social media.


Muchas gracias por la clara y oportuna explicación querido hermano Vlach!


Dr Ken Johnson does some good presentations on the beliefs of the early church (2nd snd 3rd century) concerning eschatology. Well worth watching.
You and Ken are pretty much on the same page.


Odd….this is exactly what I read in my Bible. ;) thanks for the video. I’m currently pre-wrath in my rapture view, but I like how you say rapture timing is not an essential.


We are in the dispensation of grace right now.


Cool. I get to go to seminary for a refresher... ;-)


Thank you Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour for freeing me from all kind of ism. You are my life and dying a gain.
You are the great I AM.
You are the Son of the living God.


Thanks for the video. this is how I've always heard dispensationalism explained as well. Make me wonder why it's called dispensationalism if it's not really about the dispensations. It seems to me the biggest problem we have today is a lack of teaching on sanctification. A lack of warning about false philosophies of our time. What does the Christian Life look like? How should we be living as Christians?


I would love to hear what the view of dps's is on JN Darby. How his life is perceived, the church groups he led and the outcomes there. I suggest it is a very important exercise to undertake.
Secondly, the same applies to the worldview of those subscribing to the Rapture idea. How will their Christian lives manifest?
Why is it that the USA has over more than 150 years, supported the ideas of dispensationalism and birthed
at least three major christian linked aberations characterised by heavy gnostic overtones? (Mormons, SDAs and JWs, to which you could add the "faith movement " with their overenacted eschatology ). Thank goodness for ( albeit what appears to be a minority)some excellent scholars


I may have it wrong, but there's a biblical teacher called Les Feldick, who I think teaches that you have to keep in mind (in scriptures) Who is talking, to whom are they talking, and then look at what is being addressed. Also with that, the idea that the PRIMARY focus of Jesus teaching is geared towards the Jews and Israel and lays out The Kingdom of God, and the twelve Apostles generally follow that also, but Paul on the other hand is focused primarily on the Church and the people in the Church, whether Jews or gentiles, but mostly towards the gentiles. This may seem obvious, but his conclusion is that the Church and the Jews/Kingdom (while sharing the same salvation) are two fundamentally different gospels, because the two groups are driven by different tasks, purpose and destinies. I'm sure I'm explaining this poorly, but basically, the two groups are, so to speak, under two different dispensations, have different purposes, or different fates. The Church for example being The Bride of Christ, and the Jews having more to do with The Kingdom of God on earth once Christ returns? Something like that anyway. As I said, I may be totally delusional, but that's what I thought that he was saying. And if it's correct (& I'm NOT sure if it is) it explains the difference between the various outlooks on eschatology and the end of days.

Also, I apologize that I can't tell you which one of Mr. Feldick's (many) videos lays this out. 🙏✝️🙏




Does your faith alone include the type of faith mentioned in Colossians Chapter 2? Particularly verse 12?


Some books in the New Testament are describing what happened in the Old Testament. I'm not a Jew and I'm not under the law.


I like when people cite these mantras "grace alone" "faith alone".... If it is grace alone then it cant also be faith alone based solely on the word alone.


A literal interpretation of scripture shows that Israel and Judah were sister nations married to the LORD. Israel was the 12 tribe nation which became part of David's kingdom 7 and half years after David became king of Judah. 10 tribes of Israel were torn from David's house and given to Jeroboam who started a competing religion in his nation, Samaria.
God divorced the 12 tribe nation but kept the remnant tribes of Levi and Benjamin as refugees in Judah while the 10 Samaritan tribes of Israel were exiled.
When children of Judah came back from Babylonian Captivity, the only tribes that returned were Judah, Levi, and Benjamin. Zechariah who prophesied after the Babylonian Captivity declared the return of the House of Joseph (i.e., the father of Ephraim and Manasseh to whom Jacob gave, both, the birthright and the blessing that came from the Angel that named him Israel) as a future event.
Zechariah is the same prophet who prophesied the separation of Israel and Judah by cutting the staff "Bands" into 2 sticks after Ezekiel prophesied the restoration of Israel and Judah with the image of 2 sticks becoming one.
Hosea prophesied the coming situation between Israel and her Husband by naming one of his kids by Gomer "Not my people" and another "Not mercied". Hosea prophesies, also, about a restoration of matrimony to the Lord- something the Lord could NOT do while under the law of Moses. To remarry the divorced Israel, the Lord would have to, both, die (and let the law of the husband pass away) and be resurrected.
Both Paul and Peter used the prophecies of Hosea to explain how the gentiles were coming into God's new covenant with Israel.


The distinction between the church and Israel with a special separate plan for Israel is the major doctrinal error with Darbyism. Mark and avoid.


jon fienberg, sounds really legit man


Never mix law with grace or you will have neither.
