Trendy Homemaking: The Feminist Nightmare

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Yet again, another stay at home mom creator is getting slammed for representing a different type of lifestyle online.

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I find it so funny how the same people who say that people should be free to live how they want to live get so mad when people choose to live a more traditional lifestyle.


Some people really hate that baking is a hobby for other people. They do it because it's fun.


I’m 14 and my friends find it so crazy how I want to be a housewife we need to normalise this thanks Brett


I'm a teenage girl and I'm very academic and career orientated, but it always makes me smile seeing these families. Live and let live


Hey, more power to her! She lost me at "I asked my toddlers what they wanted for breakfast." I don't negotiate with terrorists 😂


I’m a 23 year old stay at home mom, I just recently got into sourdough baking (and I’ve been a crocheter and seamstress most of my life and have an Etsy shop), and I find this life so so fulfilling. I trust my husband to be our provider, and I provide for him at home. I’m not against having a job, but I refuse to let a babysitter raise my son, so unless I have to, I’ll be at home being a homemaker.


She literally said "my husband was heading out to get cookies and cream soft serve but i told him i'll just make it for him instead". People hate seeing other people be happy man.


People really underestimate how expensive both parents working can be.

An ex coworker of mine once left work to be a stay at home because her entire salary was going to child care for her two kids (both under five), cleaning lady and her commute/work costs. To quote her when we talked about it: “we’re already living off my husband’s salary, I’d rather spend my time at home and do it (raising them/cleaning etc) myself.”


This isn't a new thing. Marth Stewart faced the same kind of backlash when she started her business back in the '90s.


Jealousy is wanting something you can’t have and envy is wanting something so bad that you don’t want ANYONE else to have it because you can’t. That’s what this reminds me of.


These women cannot comprehend WANTING to be with their children and taking care of their husbands. I used to work as a RN. Then, once I had my second child, I wanted to stay at home with them and I was lucky that my husband made enough money for me to do that. Now my kids are teenagers (and therefore don’t need me home all the time) and I’m about to get my nursing license reinstated. I liked working and look forward to going back, but I wanted to be with my kids more. I don’t regret a moment of my time with my kids and husband. Nobody on their deathbed looks back on their life and thinks “I wish I would’ve worked more and paid someone else to raise my children for me.” Your kids are only little for such a short time. If you’re privileged enough to be able to stay at home and want to do that, why do people have a problem with it? Sounds like jealously to me. Also, since when is being conservative a bad thing? What about their talk about free thinking? Sounds to me like if you don’t share their values and cult like behavior, you become the enemy. They cannot stand a woman actually loving their family and wanting to be with them. It’s such a strange thing to be angry about. Why not just live and let live? I don’t get mad at women who prefer to work and not have kids. I feel like they should live as they please. It would be nice if they extended us the same courtesy. Remember when feminism just meant that women were free to choose their own path?


Jealousy is the most contagious virus. People will hate on things and come up with all kinds of critiques of something, but at the root of it, behind all the mental gymnastics, is jealousy of someone else's joy and a deep unhappiness with the self.


Only modern Feminists could get angry over a stable and loving relationship


A lot of these so called “feminist” are so annoying, these are the same people who say “feminism is about choice” & then get mad over tradwives content creators. This is why people have criticized feminists


I'm middle class. I make my own food from scratch every day. If I want a cookie. I make them. If I want ice cream I make it. BTW neither of the cookie nor the ice-cream take more than a half hour to prepare. Baking and cooling take the longest and that's just waiting.


I’m 37 and a proud homemaker and I LOVE my life! I get to be with my sweet girl and homeschool her. I get to raise huge gardens full of flowers and organic fruits and veggies. My schedule is very flexible and far more low stress than when I was in the workforce. I wear beautiful, feminine dresses on the daily and cook/bake delicious food that my family enjoys. I keep a clean, beautiful, welcoming home. And after a decade of working in both medicine and finance, I’ve never been more fulfilled and stratified with my life. Food for thought, young gals! 💗💗💗


There was a girl in my art class who said she wanted to be a housewife someday and my teacher said “WHAT?! Don’t you want a career?!”


She is doing baking as a hobby. These complainers need to post their hobbies so they can be insulted also. Lots of guys like cooking too.


These people are just jealous, and very bored apparently 🤷🏼‍♀️ So having a hobby or enjoying cooking is bad? Literally, they need a reality check.


I've been married for nearly 40 years. The VAST majority of the meals we've had have been cooked from scratch by me in our kitchens (my husband was in the military so there were many kitchens over the years). And yes, that was while I was working full-time outside the home even when the kids were little. It's because that's how I was raised. My mom worked and did all this so I grew up thinking that's how it was done so that's how I did it. These feminazis need to get over themselves. They're ticked because they never developed these skills, don't have them now, and probably aren't smart enough to learn them. It's nothing more than jealousy and envy driving them. But then some people aren't happy unless they have something to be upset and miserable about.
