Epoxy Floor Coating Over Plywood Subfloor (Amazing Result!)

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Learn how to apply an epoxy floor coating over a plywood subfloor with this DIY epoxy floor coating installation!

I applied a metallic epoxy floor coating over my shed's plywood subfloor but this same application method can be used for any plywood subfloor (bathroom, bedroom, basement, etc.).

Below are the steps you will need to follow to effectively apply an epoxy flooring system to a plywood subfloor.
00:00 - Introduction
00:32 - Prepare the Plywood Subfloor for Epoxy Application.
01:28 - Select Epoxy Floor Coating System and Products.
02:10 - Fill all Plywood Gaps, Cracks, etc. with Epoxy Crack Filler
04:39 - Apply Flexible Epoxy Primer
07:24 - Apply Waterborne Epoxy Primer
09:14 - Prepare and Mix Epoxy Color Pigments into Epoxy Resin
11:50 - Mix Part A and Part B of the Epoxy Floor Coating System
13:12 - Apply Epoxy Coating to the Plywood Subfloor Application Area
14:50 - Apply the "Accent Color" Epoxy (if applicable)
17:25 - Apply Protective Urethane Top Coat (Optional)
19:27 - Finishing Touches

I am super happy with the Epoxy Floor Coating result I achieved within my shed. It completely transformed the plywood subfloor into an eye-catching and durable shed floor.

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In addition to the tools linked above, here is the Epoxy I used:

Check out my other videos in the"Modern Shed Build Youtube Series".

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*All content on the Andrew Thron Improvements YouTube channel reflects my own opinions. Please seek out guidance of professionally trained and licensed individuals before making any decisions. Links in the description may be affiliate links.
Рекомендации по теме

Dude thank you so much. Being a young homeowner no one wants to give me solid advice or help because they think I’m some stupid kid. YouTubers like you keep my home in a great looking space and can’t wait to have these in my shed!


We put industrial epoxy (I forget which) over a US penny floor in our kitchen. I was too cheap to buy those expensive shoes for a one-time project. I took dollar store flip-flops, traced around them on a piece of scrap plywood, cut out the shapes with a jigsaw, then attached the flip-flops to the wood with leftover drywall screws through the foam, pointy end to the floor. I made one pair for myself, and one for my husband. They worked a treat and cost $2 total instead of $100/pair.


I've been on epoxy binge for the past few days. Of all the different ones, your design outcomes are top notch! Thanks for posting this!


No one explained like this guy wow he’s too good


Great job Andrew. Wow! Your shed is nice enough to live in! Very detailed instructions too, and i'm sure this will help a lot of folks apply epoxy! It's super easy and so fun! Can't wait to see your next video!


Excellent tutorial, and very much appreciated. I'm using Spartan products over a 290 sq ft OSB floor in my woodshop and if anyone's interested I can speak to getting that material ready for epoxy. (Plot spoiler: I wish I had plywood instead. But you work with what you got.). Before anything else I used Spartan CF100 crack filler for any gaps between sheets and countersunk nails (should have been screws, but I learned that too late). Spartan recommends applying KILZ2 (not 3, for whatever reason) before laying down the Flex. Needed two gallons.

Next the Flex, which I had trouble spreading out and distributing evenly maybe because I didn't have a rubber notched squeegee, only a notched metal one for concrete...useless. So regular straight edge rubber is what I used. **One thing you might want to stress is how much time you have to spread the stuff before it starts to set and becomes super viscous.** Don't dilly-dally. I barely made it. Also, Spartan indicated one gallon would be enough to cover my 290 sq ft but in hindsight I wish I'd had two. It's good enough, I guess.

I'm applying the WB primer today. Will let you know how the rest of the project goes. BTW I'm not doing metallic, just the flake "cast" as they call it mixed in with the Clear. Also adding a can of Spartan's non-skid. At this time I'm not planning on HPU top coat. Will let you know how it goes. Total cost of Spartan materials: about $1000 (2024). Not cheap, but good.


into the 1st minute of this and I already love it....YES!!!


High quality DIY project video for sure. Good job. Thanks for the video.


I watched so many videos on applying epoxy an yours is the most user friendly I’ve seen 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


That's exactly the same color and look of my Leggari counter tops we did a couple of years ago. Looks awesome.


Awesome well done this tutorial help me with what I was looking for. Thank you so much buddy.


may do this in my bathrooms and kitchen in my renovation property looks great


I watch many tutorials and For me you're the best thank you for teaching us ❤❤..


Great, informative video - Thank you for great work, looking forward to your next one


Great explanation made it seem so simple great work done 👏🏽 🔥🔥


You just made the coolest shed .. 😎 my kids would want me to make it their cottage its so good looking!!
Thank you for sharing your valuable information.


Nice video and results! I would recommend using construction paper along the perimeter with the tape to protect the walls. But overall you did a great job on this floor! 🥰💚✨


Absolutely incredible video, hit every point without dragging anything out. 10/10 Boss. 👍


You guys do it faster every time. Love your shed.


Great Job, I have to say I enjoy watching your content and learning
