5 Things to Expect When Dating a Younger Woman from my Extensive Experience

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5 Things to Expect When Dating a Younger Woman from my Extensive Experience

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Don't even matter anymore young or old, they all the same. They are just as toxic and juvenile. If you think just cause a girl is younger she's had less men inside her then you in for a suprise. Don't put your guards down because she's young, just enjoy and expect anything and move on if it goes south


If she really likes you, she will break all of her rules just to be in your presence.


Funny I just got back from a date with a woman I’m about 17 years older than. She begged me to come out with her to a dealership where she’s about to buy a car from, to help her check that the car & paperwork is clean before she signs the finance deal. We went out to eat & drink later on.
She’s 27, works full time, has her own place and no kids. Shes so full of life & made me feel so excited. She looks up to me cause I she learns so much from me.


Their is pros con dating younger woman or older woman
Just remember simp for none
Maintain you masculine frame and put God First


It's getting to a point that a man needs to be licensed and certified before he deals with the modern woman. All these rules and do's and don'ts just so we can possibly have a moments peace. Just tragic.


It always amaze me how women date older men like waay older men while in their prime but when they hit the wall, those same women curse men at their age for dating younger women when those women never wanted the guys their age when they were in their prime.


they're childish, liars, time wasters and dont know what they want from my experiences.


facts younger women can go rounds, you gotta be in the gym.


An OG I was working with in a barbershop told me you become a man when you are able to turn women down, not bag them


"She shouldn't be in your life if she isn't beneficial to you." Dr. Boa 10:49 well said!


He's 100% on having the stamina. I almost had to ask for a break once with a young woman I was dating.


When dating Younger Women, just have Fun. And don't get caught up or take it serious. Also don't make it a Habit but prepare too spend money here and there. Especially if you get a Kick out of being with a younger Women because you can. Not every older man has that it factor too pull Women much younger than they are.


Younger women keep me motivated. One advantage us black men have is black dont crack. As long as you stay in shape you will never "look old". I do daily strength and cardio training. At 39 I only deal with women between 18-25


Ive had younger chicks they can be really into you but the thing is its ran by emotions very rarely theyll listen to logic. When they into you they into you but once its over just focus on you and thats it and dont look back if you go back say hello to her emotions and irational behavior beyond reasoning. A younger chick if properly trained can handle whatever you send at her its like a learning computer if she doesnt know teach her when she crosses the line check her and make sure she holds herself accountable for every action so that way when she with the next man shell think before she acts.


Honestly fellas it's just not worth it you will get caught up and it's a dead end the maturity just isn't there if you like banging your head against a brick wall go for it


Thank you so much, BoA! This is my life right now. She’s younger, industrious, cooperative with great potential. She cooks and cleans at ease. She constantly yearns for intimacy. And yes, patience is needed due to the age difference. This message is gold!


Thank you for this. Everything u said in this vid is true. I’ve learned from experience. In the process of molding now. Fellas, get urself together first. Having a young one is and can be amazing. However, it is a great responsibility. We can build or destroy. Don’t take it lightly.


This was a million dollars worth of game doc. Preciate it 💯


I'm 42 with a 28 year old young woman with no children.
I salute you for your info and leadership on these topics.


if you are an older brotha contemplating a young fine sista (25-33+) you will 'first' need to look good and younger for your age at (50- 60+), also you have to be in each other's presence everyday like a job etc. this is where you get to learn ALL about each other. "IF"' she likes you, she will further exercise her imagination about you because she's getting attached and comfortable being around with you. she will definitely go out to lunch with you on the job. but if she goes out with you on a real date, brotha she gonna make you feel really proud of her being on your arm. with all that being said it just time and direction on where it may go.
