Dualshock 4 - Fixing Acceleration Issues on R2 Trigger

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Quick and Dirty way of fixing the R2 / L2 triggers in cases where they no longer correctly register their end-of-travel.

Usually this manifests itself by you not being able to accelerate in racing games and losing more crushingly than ever.

[Mac App] Controllers Lite

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I sucked at f1 and GTA time trials even when I completely nailed the corners. It was bc of my R2 button, I did this and now I’m up 5 positions in f1. Big big difference!


I already knew what I had to do but must say these are the best close-up views so thanks for this.


This video helped my problem! I had 70-80% when pressing the R2 button and after some silicone it was at 100%. TY!


My controller just keep pressing R2 even though I'm not even pressing it but when i switched to another controller it worked fine. any ideas to fix it?


Thanks a lot for this video. My R2 trigger was reading at 20% strength, and after opening it I saw that the original rubber had worn down a lot, so I applied silicone and left the controller over night. When I tested it the next morning, the pressure went up to 255, but the last 5% of the pressure gauge filled in slowly, and I couldn't get an instant 255 reading by pressing the trigger all the way, which is what I saw with the L2 trigger. I figured I just slightly underestimated how much silicone I needed, so instead of waiting another half a day, I reopened the controller and put a tiny dab of super glue instead. After it dried, I finally got an instant 255 reading when holding the trigger all the way.


Pro tip for anyone who’s doing this, if you have a broken or spare parts controller, the L side triggers rarely see this damage since they’re rarely used, so you might get more mileage using a recycled L side rubber piece than adding epoxy


I bought a scuf impact back in 2017, it arrived with this same problem.
I didnt have time to send it back, moved to another country.
Ive opened and fixed it many times by canibalising old ps4 controllers, replaced that same rubber twice, as time passes it happens again, never thought about using silicone....i will try this tonight!
Thank you 🙏


not really fix my problem, it's still got like 70-80% pull
i've tried to change the spring also but don't know what the problem is


Hello, i have the opposite problem, its pressing by itself, it aims automaticlly in games even tho i dissasebmled the controller and got that rubber on L2 out, could it be that the that film is broken or something else?


Oh man, you are completely addicted to this silicone stuff...😂


Super cheap alternative is to cut a thick elastic into a little square and glue it inside the housing of the r2 button. It works trust me. You don’t even have to glue it in either. I just set it inside and put the controller back together and it works just fine for me now. It’s been like this now for the last three months and o saved myself $70 or however much ps4 controllers are going for now.


Nice, after I opened my controller, I just switched the rubber cushiones, R1 for R2 and it works great for now...


I just cut a little piece of toothpick with some wire cutters to fit the space inside the rubber thingy and it worked very well, no need for silicone or epoxy, I'll be trying it and seeing how it holds. I chose a toothpick because it's soft enough that it shouldn't deform anything inside there. I'll report soon with an edit.


Hello, what program did you use when measuring the pressing of the R2 button?


Always wondered why i drive alot slower than my teammates in Rocket League...


I can’t put the two parts together anymore. I don’t know why but the top won’t fit on the bottom anymore.


My r2 is keep on pressing itself after 30min of playing but if i restart my console it is okay but the problem starts after 30min again any solutions ??


Im finishing in the top 5 in gt7 currently, cant wait to clean it


basically i have an issue where my L2 is sensitive when i push it down just barley and when i mean barley BARLEY pushing it down will make it do what L2 does in games which is shoot or throw something which its get annoying when i play fps games and i accidentally lightly tap it and it stops me from running and my R2 is sort slow when i push it down


My problem is that when i press my l2 trigger, it doesnt even respond. Not even 1%... Tried openning it but i dont see anything. What would be a potential fix?
