What's the meaning of Genesis 3:15? - The Case for Messiah

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Some have claimed the New Testament is wrong about Genesis 3:15? Is it just about the natural hatred between people and snakes or is it a foreshadowing of the biblical story of redemption? In this episode, we defend the Messianic interpretation of this verse. Dig deeper into the scriptures and let the roots of your faith be strengthened by this powerful podcast!

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Gentlemen, these "The Case for Messiah" videos are so valuable to me, as a Gentile believer in Yeshua. Your respect for the challenges brought forth by those who disagree with Yeshua being Messiah, and the extremely careful and detailed refutations you offer up in the videos, make this series an amazing blessing. I pray that these videos will strengthen faith worldwide, and I humbly thank you for your work on them.


I have to thank the podcast presenters and their team for your videos! There is just so much packed in one verse of God’s Word that we all should be humbled to even be allowed to read it. In addition, I’m in such awe about how narrow my understanding of that Word was. Growing up, I was a Southern Baptist who always felt there was even more to what I was hearing. It took me over 30 years to engaging with different perspectives and using those perspectives to help me better understand and appreciate the Good News beyond my cultural or social lenses. Thank you


This channel is one of the most important voices in media. Every Christian needs to consume this content.


I love how they asked in the beginning to read the text and at the end to re-read it again. Now that’s actual teaching.
There are only two religions in the world—the believers of Messiah and the non-believers of Yeshua. God Bless to all!


Valuable to look at the analogies between the curse r/t Adam's sin -vs- Cain's sin, curse r/t Adam in the Garden -vs- Noah in his vineyard, etc. Thank you for this discussion. The Word of God is perfect.


My mind is a bit scattered today so am watching twice, so enriching always!


Much love to all who call on the Messiah in spirit and truth ...thanks to you for this study and all your efforts


It can only be the Holy Spirit giving you two the knowledge of these texts. Bless you in Jesus Name and keep up the great work !


May the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord's face shine upon you may the Lord turn his face toward you and Grant you peace amen hallelujah


Love your insight as a Christian. The thing I have come to understand is that When Jesus came, His first mission was to defeat death that was the result of original sin, and to fulfill the OT law that was impossible for "Man" to do by himself.


Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.


My goodness, I will have to study the passages you indicated, it is so precious and challenging for me who is a passionate follower of your podcasts. Awesome job 🙏🙏🙏

Be abundantly blessed !


Thank you dear Golan and Seth for this in-depth well documented study! Praise God! 🙏🇮🇱❤️🙏


"My dear hatted friend" 😂😂😂you guys are gold to my ears, I'm trying to absorb everything, these lessons are so good!


I always enjoy both of you getting together to bring forth greater meaning to the Holy Scriptures! Your excitement is very contagious as you give the Jewish perspective that, sadly, most Christians don't have.
One takeaway that I gleaned from the material was in Genesis 22:17: "...Your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies." It brings to mind that Yeshua Ha'Messiah "stole (took possession) of the keys to sin and death" ( I hope that I have that correct.)
Thank you so much! Shalom!


Pjesus crushed the serpents head when he was sacrificed. He did not say it was the end of the serpent. This comes later


Good study from both of you. As a Christian Gentile, I took the entire bible (King James Version) for face value. Why? I was raised Roman Catholic, but left that because of the apparent hypocrisy and double standards and idolatry. Having had a personal experience with God outside of the Roman Catholic influence, I accepted Jesus Christ at his word. (Yes, God is not dead; Jesus Christ is alive and well. If God were limited to Old Testament prophets only, then how would that classify Him as Almighty? God still does as He pleases daily. And, I personally know of many, many other born again Christians, who, like me were saved off the streets by a miracle of God which we consider irrefutable, because God got Personal with each one of us.) Therefore, I simply accepted that the Messiah would crush Satan's head eventually. After studying the entire bible through, and since 1976, that has occurred numerous times, it is obvious that there is a war going on. The New Testament teaches we fight not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers in heavenly places.(Ephesians 6:12) The miracles that Jesus is recording to have performed (by many, many witnesses then and today in 2023) were done by the power of God. Jesus himself said he liberated a crippled woman from Satan (Luke 13:16), and he told his disciples (that includes all genuine believers) that we have power, that is authority, over all the power (the dynamic power) of the Devil.(Luke 10:19). But it's not a bragging right, it's our duty as Christians. (Luke 17:10) That said, Christianity has been perforated with too many erroneous teachings, and these are called Denominations. Roman Catholicism; Protestantism; Mormonism; and many more 'isms' have been taken as Christianity, but they clearly do not line up entirely with the scriptures. Idolatry, same sex marriages, lukewarmness, political correctness, all these things are refuted by God in both Old and New Testaments. The carnal mind cannot receive the things of God because they are spiritually discerned (2 Corinthians 2:14). It is amazing how God would turn me, from a Jew hater Gentile, into a God-fearing, Jew loving child of God; and all by his mercy, (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17), and I look forward to the day (coming very soon) when God shall fulfill his promise to Israel, as he said in Jeremiah 31:31-35. Until then, brother Golan and brother Seth, keep clarifying the truth of the bible. Thank you.


The depth of the bible.
Emanuel, God is with us.


Thank you. I have watched several of this video series and there is so much that I didn't know and so much to learn. It is good that you treat these subjects the way you do and I find that it helps me to see the real meanings of the different texts. I hope to continue to learn.
As a gentile Christian I have read through the Bible many times, but it is only in my later years that the Old Testament has taken on a greater importance. It is the foundation on which I can base my understanding of the New Testament and see the hand of God at work. I thank you for increasing that understanding. I pray the the Lord with continue to Bless you and Strengthen you.


Thank you! I was swept away how scripture interprets scripture! Thanks for all the research you both have done to glorify our God and help the body of His Son!!!
