How to Set Up Your Fly Line, Leader, Tippet, & Flies | Module 4, Section 2

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About this video: Learning how to rig up your fly rod can feel like an overwhelming task as a beginner to fly fishing. Today, we will walk you through a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up your fly line, leader, tippet, and fly using the loop-to-loop connection or nail knot, the clinch knot, and the triple surgeon's knot. All these knots will prove to be valuable tools while you are out there on the water. Let's do this!!

#venturesflyco #livereellife #flyfishing #beginnerflyfishing #howtoflyfish
Рекомендации по теме

Whenever the fish are rising and my fingers are trembling with excitement, I like to remember this very simple explanation of how to tie the right knot. Thank you!


Turning 76 years old this April and decided I'd do something I haven't really done except off and on or now and then. I want that fun back I had as a Got some Bee Flies delivered today and my wife had a fit... OH! Well.... When I cook her up some bluegills, she should get over it.. I Hope.


Well done guys. I was trying to teach two of these knots to my 10 year old a week ago! The timing of your video is uncanny. It just saved our relationship😂


You make the best videos on fly fishing and I've watched many many videos on the subject. Good job!


This taught me everything that a 150 page book didn't in a fraction of the time. Thanks.


A life-saving tutorial man. Finally, I can get this rod rigged up properly 😂


I’m 68 with pain in my hands and fingers also not much dexterity.
I know I’m not alone.
So thread through the eye and the tag and the leader between my right thumb and first finger with the exact amount of tag end ready to thread the loop.
And with the my thumb and first finger of my left hand I roll the shank about four revolutions toward me. Now you are ready to thread the loop and pull. This is quicker for me. I get cramped fingers quick.
I love your videos Thank you for getting me fishing after all these years!


Thank you very much. After your lessons, I can now ask the right questions.😃👍


Amazing tutorial! Best one I’ve seen by far! thank you!


By FAR the best video on explaining leader/tippet connections. I watched the other video also and they are excellent in helping understand something so basic. Thanks!!


As beginner flyfisherman, I think the knot is actually my favorite when it comes to tying hooks

When I wasyounger in Boy Scout We learned surgeons, knot haven’t done in a long time. This was a good refreshervideo. 😊


This series of videos have been so incredibly helpful and entertaining! Thank you for all of these!


I’m going to learn to fly fish this weekend without cell service. I just screen recorded anything I may need to review! Thanks for all the great videos!!


I enjoyed the video. Great photography and production, straightforward and easy to understand.

Well done.

For what it's worth, I was a licensed guide on Utah's world famous Green River at Flaming Gorge for 12 years. And even though I'm not very smart, I still learned a few things worth knowing. One thing I learned was a very reliable and fast way to tie on a fly. I'd like to share it with you and your viewers.

Hold your fly in your forceps when tying it on, not your fingers. Now all your flies have a handle the size of your forceps. The forceps give a more secure and reliable grip than your fingers ever will. It's a no brainer, particularly with small flies. (I don't have a brain, and I figured it out.)

Here's another thing that might sound a little more radical.

Spin the fly, not the tippet. I hold the fly with my forceps in my left hand, thread the tippet through the eye of the fly and point the end back at the fly. Then spin the fly and count the wraps.

My right hand hasn't moved, and I haven't had to regrip the tippet even once, instead of 12 times if you spin the tippet. My tag end is in perfect position to stab it through the loop in the knot and pull it tight. It's less fiddly, lightening fast, and reliable.



Thanks, guys. The triple surgeon's knot has been a booger until I followed this tutorial. Also I just watched the video on mending and learned a ton. You guys are awesome!


Lo que funcionaba hace cuarenta años lo sigue haciendo a día de hoy, y si algo funciona no lo cambies, perfecto el vídeo 💯👍👌


That was me today… I was caught in a no cell zone wondering how to tie a nail knot. Figured it out eventually


This is by far the best tutorial video out there. Thanks mate!


I haven't fly fished before, but would try it. Thanks for infomative video.


I am a regular hunter and fisherman.

I have always used rifles to hunt and regular rod and reel setups for fishing.

I am now transferring to bow hunting and fly fishing because I feel more of a connection to the experience this way.

Anyway, I am BRAND NEW, to fly fishing. Never even tried it before. It’s a lot to learn.

This is the best YouTube video I have found for beginner info that I was actually looking for.

A lot of other videos assume I know what fly line, leaders and tippets are. I don’t. Don’t even know how weights work yet.

So this was super helpful, thank you.
