Healing Trauma Sleep Meditation | Mindful Movement

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Meditation, sleep meditation, mindfulness exercises, and positive affirmations can be useful tools for healing from past trauma. When we experience stress in our lives, whether it is chronic low levels of stress, or intense traumatic events, a cascade of events are triggered in our mind and body that can lead to disease. As we gain awareness of this process, we are able to practice realigning the communication between our mind and body to experience greater well-being.

What you are thinking about right before you fall asleep will set the tone for the quality of your sleep and your mindset for the next day. You have the choice to change the way you look at things. These thoughts before bed send a message to your subconscious to help you heal.

Trauma can be very serious. Please seek support from professional help if you are struggling.

Meditation was written by Les Raymond and read by Sara Raymond

Do not listen while driving. Meditation and mindful movement are powerful tools to support you. This is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.
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This was one of the things that got me through PTSD. I listened to it every night as I went to bed for two years. Thank you.


To anyone struggling, you're not alone and it will get better ❤


*I’m capable, i’m free from my fears, i’m strong enough, no one can abuse me, i’m worthy, no one can judge, stress me, i can protect myself, i can stand up for myself*


I am at the end of a very painful divorce. My marriage left me with PTSD and anxiety. Panic attacks and a mind that couldn't rest. Then my therapist recommends listening to this for my anxiety 🦋🌈 life-changing! How amazing it is to wake up with a rested mind and positive thoughts. The messages my mind gives me throughout the day are now helpful and healing❤ words can't express my gratitude 🦋🌹🌈


4 challenging years, and PTSD haunts me every now and then.
All I know is I am so strong for trying.
I am so resilient and Im so worthy of compassion.
I’ll get through this.
We all will.
Sending love.


I just left a relationship, I am now safe, and that is the biggest thing .
This is helping me drastically.
Thank you thank you thank you 🙏 😭


My mom sexually abused me when I was 5 years old . I haven’t had the courage to tell anyone and accept it until now 20 years later. I’ve started my own successful business and am currently completing my MBA, but as I’m working on my business old traumas resurface. The abuse has conditioned me to feel like I must hide and that I’m not safe for being myself. I know that it’s holding me back in my marketing and sales efforts, it’s impacting the work I do and therefore impacting my business’ potential. Thank you for sharing this as it’s helping me help others more and allowing me to move past and through blocks to achieve my dreams ❤️


Both of my parents recently passed away and now I am dealing with new forms of grief including a lot of anxiety and physical discomfort. This meditation helps me so much. It’s my favorite one to help get me back to sleep. Saying that we are safe and thanking our body is the acceptance and comfort I need to hear when my body is shaking with fear. I was able to sleep again last night when it happened. Thank you so much for your nurturing words 💜


About the third time listening to this last night and some positive strange things happened. I was still very concious and saw different bodies leaving mine as if the trauma was leaving me. Hard to explain but it was quite extraordinary! There were other stuff that happened but can't remember now I've just woken up.
I wish everyone here Love n Healing Energy.
And Thank You for this video.


In my recovery from covert narcissistic abuse, I have been blessed with so many healing tools and people. I've come a long way in the past 5 years since discovering that my husband was a covert narc. I asked him to leave shortly after. He returned after 18 months and seemed changed...but not really. After another year, my daughter self admitted into the hospital for a suicidal episode linked to his abuse, I told him I was done and told him he needed to leave for good. A year later, here we are. My internal body was shutting down because of all the stress of being hyper vigilant for 25 years. My blood pressure, blood sugar, adrenals, liver, endocrine system, digestion, etc have all been shutting down. I am a Healing bioenergetics practitioner, so I've been working hard on myself and my young adult children because of the effects from the covert abuse. But I'm so grateful for guided meditations when I feel isolated and anxious sometimes. I stumbled upon this one in particular, last night when I was experiencing physical symptoms that put my brain in overthinking mode. As the anxiety built, sleep fled. Thank you for a specific meditation addressing the effects of a traumatized brain and body. It is helpful in disarming the anxiety. Blessings!


I pray healing and nothing but love and happines for each and every one of you.💙🙏


I have listened to this video so many times and it has taken me out of fight or flight mode. Thank you for creating it. It is helping me to heal from a previous toxic relationship with a narcissist.


I lost my baby girl 8 weeks ago when I was 5 months pregnant. And this makes me fall asleep…. I wouldn’t say it’s helping totally with my anxiety and PTSD but it’s still early days and I’m hoping the more I listen the easier it gets. Thanks for this …. At least I can fall asleep if nothing else ❤


Everything is so harsh in this world. I want to see gentle colors and gentle people.


This is one of my favorite meditations of yours! Love your channel! 6 months sober!


i'm capable i'm free from fears. No one can abuse me. No one can hurt me. I am protected and safe. I radiate positive energy wherever I go. I release the past. I am living in the present now. I am ready to take the leap to feel fearless again. This battle is over. I am free. I love myself. My family love me. Everything will be okay. Nothing defines me.


"I have more power in developing my own well-being than I'll ever know." Thank you. After seeing yet another doctor, who offered no help, but actually insulted me, I needed to hear these words.


This has helped me greatly. I have PTSD and anxiety. I listen to this every night. Thank you for the sleep that I am finally getting. ❤️


“With this holy breath, I am healing this holy body, .” So many tears of grief and joy. After three years of intense therapy for severe childhood trauma that has held me captive to my mind and body for 47 years with CPTSD and chronic pain, I am slowly feeling the holiness of my body and soul. I still have a long road ahead, but I am finally feeling a little hopeful. Your meditations help me find the healing within myself through love, patience, nature, and the divine. Thank you. 💜🙏


Has anyones elses anxiety panic attacks severly increased agter whats going on in the world right now. My anxiety is convincing me i cant breathe and somethings wrong triggering horrible panic attacks lasting all day. Been listening to these videos, they are literally saving me right now..dont know what id do without them 🙏
