What Is Precognition? | Psychic Abilities

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What is precognition? Literally to know something in advance that one cannot logically have known. It's a form of clairvoyants to see something in the future, it doesn't really matter what, that is yet in this timeframe to come to pass.

I'd like to illustrate something very quickly. Again, way back at the beginning of my development. We were told to think about your live at the moment as being in a train. You’re going along, you can see where you're at the moment. You can see behind you. However, suppose you could get out on top of the train.

You could see past, present, and future all together. In this timeframe we like to think about the future still being out there, but of course to me it's perfectly obvious that the big events already exist out there. So, liking it to being just for a moment up on top of the train and getting a little peak into the future pre-early cognition, to know something before the event in timelines as we understand them.
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I've had this experience a couple of times. It's really amazing


this is what is happens to me a random image pops in my head. Than a couple of weeks or months that same image happens..irl


If all of us precogs here meld our minds together thru some apparatus, i think we can see the future :p


To all skeptic of the paranormal who make unqualified comments expeessing their own unqualified beliefs please realise the following:-

1. Wearing a base ball cap doesn't make you a good baseball player.

2. Wearing a pair of football boots doesn't make you a good footballer.

3. Wearing a skeptic's blindfold and earplugs doesn't mean your opinions are necessarally correct.



I have advanced precognition. I knew this video would be crap before I watched it.


Most people always say that they see stuff happen months before or maybe years. For some reason it’s weird for me I can predict what’s going to happen in a couple seconds. I know it sounds weird but I swear. That’s what it’s like for me. Ex. In school I was sitting and the teacher was pulling out those popsicle things with peoples names on them I said. Watch it be me. 5 seconds later it would be me. This kept happening over and over again until I started to guess other people who were going to be called. It worked again. See the weird thing is I can’t be focused on it. It’s weird. I can’t pre plan ahead I just have to say randomly at a random time oh it’s this person. It’s sound weird I hope you can understand this. Lol Ik it’s a lot


All the women on my dad's side of the family have been precognitive or even psychic. I've "known" things that were happening or were about to happen ever since I can remember. My Nona told me I had a "gift" but it never felt like one. I knew all kinds of things but the weirdest thing that I ever "knew" before I was told was when we got a new student my freshman year of high school. My home room teacher was telling us we were getting a new student, her name and where she was transferring from. Then he said, "There's something you should know about her..." and before he could tell us, that "something" came out of my mouth. I'd thought it-I hadn't meant to say it but I did. The teacher turned white as a sheet and asked me how I knew that. I froze--didn't know how to answer. How can you tell a person that it felt like someone had whispered it in your ear. He accused me of going through the papers on his desk but I hadn't. All the students in that class backed me up. He kept demanding I tell him how I knew that specific thing and I never could give him an answer that didn't make me sound like a complete lunatic.


My sister predicted the super bowl after having a dream of horses (broncos) XD it was crazy I have similar dreams too


Sometimes those things i dream of come true or at times i feel as though this happend...


I've absolutely had this. The closest one was by a few seconds, and it honestly freaked me out. It was seemingly always aligned with my sister. I would have a thought, and she'd say it out loud and smile because she knew she was kicking around in my brain. Since she's passed away in 2018, it'd been a lot less frequent. But the night she died I had a dream about trying to get a strawberry banana smoothie and my mom told me later that she (my mom) was in the car on her way to the hospital with the same smoothie for my sister when she got the call that my sister had flat lined.


I've visited a precognitionist, with my mother a year ago in November and she did it for free. Everything she said turned out to be true and happened and she gave us warnings but we didn't pay much attention to those and continued living our lives. Later on, it happened.


So almost like a stronger type of déjà vu?


I came here too find out why I have this lol. Idk why but about a couple of seconds before something happens I will see a silhouette of something resembling what is about to happen before it happens. It's really weird and im wondering why things like these happen to me 😂


I can just see few seconds in the future


I'm presuming this is Claircognisant, I'm Claircognisant since age 2, though my intuition advised me not to tell anyone coz of their strong religious background, they wouldn't understand. I'm so tuned with my Intuition, I can tell it directly to initiate a faculty the night before & it's fully active the following day. Till I need to use it, it remains unused! 🕊️


This happen to me many times it like a foresight but I can’t hear anything I can only see what will happen in the future


I have precognition I know because I always see my sis taking the last cookie every time we buy cookies she try’s to take I’m one step ahead


I had a premonition about the coronavirus is that a thing bad ?


I thought I was the only one, I always get it whenever I sleep I get it sometimes and about months later it happens
I thought I was crazy-
