The secret to longer life may be in where you live, not exercise or supplements

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ABC News’ Phil Lipof spoke with Dan Buettner, National Geographic Explorer and author of “Blue Zones: Secrets for Living Longer,” about how certain lifestyles can be reverse engineered for long life.

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I used to be sick all the time until I moved to Japan. I am rarely ill as I have changed my lifestyle completely. I walk more than 10, 000 steps per day to commute under all types of weather. Although it’s not easy to connect deeply with people, I enjoy connecting to flowers, trees and nature.
I agree that longevity and health status is the product of our environment!


Its all about keeping active, on the move, not overeating, eating simply, avoiding processed food, and good genes.mum at 86 has alzheimers but was overweight from middle age onwards. Dad at nearly 94, is slim, always on the move and apart from not seeing well, is great.


A tax break for elder care needs to be adopted...


My ethiopian grand father lived until 101. He walked ever morning to church until 101.


I am one of those, but do not live in a blue zone.
I am 86, full of energies, compose music write essays with a bright view of life, that gets marred from time to time by skeptics.
It was difficult to convince my doctor of my age. I do not suffer from any illness or discomfort, neverthless keep a close check by regular blood work, which has not changed since the past decades that I remember.
It is pribably only a mental state that prompts an attitude and how one conducts life.
I am also writing on the subject of Consciousness, that brings about all these considerations of life.
We always say "may you live upto a 120" at the passing of each year.


My great grandmothers live to be 100. Yes, all 4 of them. My grandparents are alive and well in their 90s. I am 40. I am a grandfather and I still have my grandparents. It's surreal. Edit: Oh, Hi from Asia, we eat whole grains, veg & beans and we drink. But I think the secret is less stress. And we walk everywhere in town.


My mom worked for decades taking care of older patients, people near the end of their lives, and this is her anecdotal aging advice: a healthy lifestyle will not necessarily make you life longer, but it will make you healthier longer and your end of life decline in health will come later and be shorter. So you will still eventually get sick and die, but you'll spend less time being sick. An unhealthy lifestyle means more health complications sooner so you live with poor health for longer before you pass.

Of course, your genetics will be a big factor and we still don't really know what causes lots of autoimmune conditions and cancers, but for things with a clear cause (heart disease, for example) you really can do a lot to improve your end of life quality of life by being active, social, and eating well.


This is nothing short of common sense. Yes, if you have toxic waste water drained into your waterways and land, live near military bases full of pollution, in a food desert, with poor access to healthcare, high crime neighborhood, living in an apartment with disease carrying bugs, lots of noise from neighbors and traffic, and have above average stress because everything about where you live adds physical and mental stress. It is nothing short of amazing that people don't understand how much money improves the quality of life, which improves lifespan greatly. Live in a neighborhood with lower pollution, better air quality, where toxic chemicals are not dumped, access to healthcare, access to grocery stores, live in a home without bugs, neighbors that don't play loud music, no sound pollution, very low crime, and the difference is huge on life expectancy. I just cringe when this is news. Come on people no surprise here. You live in filth without access to basic needs being met and die younger. Yep.


Genetics, mindfulness, healthy eating, water, mountain biking and a hit of pot now and then serves me well. Everyone is chemically different so figure out what works and be kind to people. 💕


My dad lived to 90. He ate better and healthier than anyone I’ve ever known. He loved to cook. Everything was homemade. He ate a big bowl of salad with vegetables and no cheese or dressing almost every day. Zero fast food restaurants. Zero soda. Full disclosure: he did eat meat and drink beer, but everything else was on point. Loved learning from watching PBS and did a crossword puzzle every day. He worked as a sign painter in his own large studio connected to our house and owned a golf range. I always thought it was healthy that he could take frequent breaks from work and take a dip in our pool or come up into the kitchen and start cooking. I have always felt that sense of freedom to take breaks or time off when he felt like it was healthy. He died in the hospital of colitis 2/26/22 with me at his side. His brother and mother both died in their early 50’s of cirrhosis of the liver from some serious hard liquor drinking. His dad was hit by a car and killed at a young age, so no statistics on him.


Automobiles and cheap food are cornerstones of American culture. It's amazing we don't have shorter lifespans.


I agree with your
Happy life's & Enjoy love
At 79 years old, I am grateful to be given a healthy body, without consuming supplements or medication. From a young age I diligently drank traditional drinks, namely boiled turmeric, tamarind with a mixture of bay leaves, lime leaves and a few stalks of lemongrass and a little palm sugar [all blended]. I drink it every 2 days every morning, before breakfast, then do light exercise.


It's all about support, loving, caring, stress less environment. That makes 95% of good health.


I think some of the big problems are. It's hard to buy anything in the US that doesn't have a ton of sugar in it. Are fruits and vegetables sprayed with chemicals. Even organic ones. The water we drink is laced chemicals. The air is polluted. Just try to buy anything that doesn't have inflammatory ingredients in them. Like seed oils palm oils. It's almost impossible. These companies use it because it's cheap. It's a slow death. It's hard to buy fresh items in the city. I don't know why the FDA doesn't do more to protect the people. Everything seems to be acceptable level. But I don't think so. It shouldn't be. Large amounts of sugar and salt. The average American doesn't pay attention to all the garage that is put it our food. I tried to buy peanut butter. Crazy how many things they put in it. I go and grind my own. I guess it's cheaper for companies to add chemicals to it. More and bigger profits. What about the US. What is the best place for longevity


Not everyone can control where they live but u have more control on what you eat and how often you excercise


On ither words, be:
- Active
- Nourished
- Rested
- Social
- Stress-free


Get some true friends. Spend time with extended family. Maybe a dog?
Do more around your living space. Walk and ride a bike more. Essentially, just move more. If the most walking you do is at Costco you are in trouble.
Avoid the American healthcare system by eating more plants, getting outside, moving more and being around people who make you happy.
Control what you can control.


It is in the genes, too. My aunts lived one to 96, nearly 97 and other 92. Their dad lived to 92 ( simple basic food, sausages etc, no greens) and mother to 80 (she was the workhorse, sensitive and kind). My longest living aunt was overweight, ate little greens, ate sweets and chocolate and so on. Did not drink sugary drinks etc. Had dementia the last 10 years of her life, and was in bed nearly all of those 10 years. The other aunt was also a little overweight, only her last 15 years ate more greens etc due to caretakers. Most of my ancestors did not smoke or drink alcohol. Of course eating healthy counts, but genes count more and determine your longevity. Sensitive people, kind people get stressed and abused easily which shortens their lifespan and resistance to disease.


As a Singaporean, I can say that Singaporean diets is one of the world's worst. However, Singapore does have an excellent elderly care and chronic-illness management system. Tax breaks and many other benefits for the elderlies and their caregivers do help a lot too!


Peace of mind and kind heart... Simple
