Dying Light 2 Stay Human vs Dying Light | Direct Comparison

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Early Access Review code provided by Techland.

Direct visual and gameplay comparison of the upcoming "Dying Light 2: Stay Human" and the original entry to the series, "Dying Light."

This video covers a ton of content for Dying Light 2 - all spoiler free, including various gameplay features, UI elements, and other aspects of the game that have been modified.

Both games are being played on the PC at their highest graphical settings, with ray tracing enabled when necessary. For gameplay sequences - Nvidia's DLSS was utilized to achieve smoother gameplay performance.

Computer Specs used:
RTX 3090 Founders Edition
Intel i9 10900kf
32gb DDR4 (3200Mhz) DRAM
Installed on SSD

RX 6900 XT
AMD Ryzen 9 5950x
32gb DDR4 (3200MHz) DRAM
Installed on SSD

#DyingLight2 #StayHuman #DirectComparison
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Dying Light released in 2015* not 2016. "The Following" expansion release in 2016.

Also, the "ray tracing" options are not nvidia specific as I incorrectly noted here. It appears DLSS is the only nvidia specific feature this time around.


I feel as the developers wanted the game to be more mainstream and new player friendly so they toned down on the grittiness of the atmosphere. The original dying light had me sweating.


Dying Light 2 makes me feel like I'm a superhero, mostly Spiderman
Dying Light 1 makes me feel like I'm running for my life


I feel like DL1 had this "vibe" that really captivated me, that DL2 just doesn't have. I think I enjoyed the "loneliness" I felt in the first one with how rare it was to find other humans around, along with the fear factor of the large amounts of zombies that were roaming around. The orange glow of the sunsets, the creepy atmosphere. The distant echoes of zombies screaming resonating through the quiet city. The ambient, slightly ominous music... It kind of felt like a dream sometimes.


Many little improvements but also quite a few steps backwards.

My biggest pet peeve is the melee combat, the way the weapons just seem to go straight through the enemies whereas in the first one it truly felt like you were hitting actual objects.


I agree with you about the lighting. In DL 1 the first time i was stuck outside during the night was the first time a game legitimately scared me and i refused to be stuck outside at night after that for a long time. From the gameplay you show you can still see most everything during the night, and being able to plan where to go kinda ruins the "run for your life" feel for me.


The atmosphere of Dying Light 1 is unmatched.


I think that the things that bother me the most are:
- the absence of wind sounds while running of rooftops.
- the cool x-ray effect that you would get when you broke a zombie's bone.
- the ability to perform a special takedown when you broke a zombie's bone (which was one of the coolest things in the first game IMO).
- and the ability to throw weapons, i just don't get why they's get rid of it, it was a lot of fun to be able to throw you weapons.
I really do hope that these features get added at some point in the future, cause they were some of the most satisfying things in the first game for me.


Dying Light 1 is one of the rare games which made me butt clench. Hearing the Volatile's heavy breathing and their heavy quick footsteps while behind you was crazy.


The first Dying light still holds a special place in my heart. The level of immersion, photorealism, day and night cycle, intensity, character development as the story progressed and high replay ability. Still roaming the streets at night with the violatiles lol.


Dying light 1 had the best sound design imo. Your movements sounded like they had weight to them, unlike DL2 where everything is so unnaturally quiet and soft.


The sound design during dl1 chases still gives me chills every time it really does feel as though you’re one mistake away from death which is both exhilarating and horrifying 😅


Dying Light 1 had that "the world is ending" type of vibe, the streets where filled with Zombies making it difficult to travel, the slums felt Closter phobic making any encounter with infect a bit more scary, and the nights feel like hell trying to navigate while trying not to tore apart by Volatiles. Dying light felt like the world was falling apart around you.

Dying light 2 feels like a post-post apocalypses, the virus has had a decade and a half to settle in and many people have figured out what works and what doesn't.


At first impressions it seems like Dying Light 2 steps away a little bit from the immersion and genuinly scary atmosphere compared to the original. I noticed this especially in the sound design.


Dying Light 2 looks fun, but I still prefer the visuals of Dying Light 1. Something about it just looks so much more photorealistic than the sequel


Dying light 1 zombies were much scarier and the overall game felt like a survival game dying light 2 feels more like a rpg .it's weird still fun but different


I have noticed that Dying Light 2 has an expanded audio pool which reflects real world events: during the night, you can clearly hear roars and screams of the survivors being targeted by monsters, and if you move in the general direction of these sounds, you actually find them.


I really like the 2nd one, and I don't know which game I like better overall. However, I don't think any game will beat the sheer terror of a night chase in the first game


I've played Dying Light 1 through a few times now, I absolutely love the game. One of my favourites. I'm really Enjoying 2. But I feel like Dying Light 2 feels less like a sequel (so far) and more like a whole different game with DL1 as its inspiration.


Flashlight casting shadows was considered one of the selling points of Doom 3 and The Chronicles of Riddick, released 18 years ago. It's mind-blowing that with all these ray tracing and brand new lighting techniques, we have actually kinda regressed back.
