Common fix for a sticky key while tuning a piano #piano #pianomusic #pianotuning #grandpiano #tuner

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Here is a common problem I run into as a piano tuner. There are temporary solutions to this problem, literally. There is an alcohol based solution that can be applied to this center pin that will help free it up temporarily. I don’t mind showing temporary fixes if it is something the customer can try easily enough. Like the front rail pin quick fix. This will come back if all you do is apply a solution, and the customer can’t really keep pulling the action out to do that. For that reason, either I fix it properly like this, or I don’t do it. 😊

I am a registered piano technicians with over 29 years of service. Piano tuning is the primary thing I do. I also sell and rebuild pianos. Check out my website

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I love the content . I would like to give you an advice if you could move the subtitles, a bit lower and smaller it would be great.


That's a proper way for sure, but I personally usually first apply some Protek CLP to pin and bushings. That alone might be enough to make sluggish jack to move well again. I believe when replacing the pin, size should be next (larger) pin size and bushings should be reamed to fit new pin loose enough. Larger pin ensures it will stay tightly in jack. That applies to every wooden part in piano action where axle is pressed in. 👍


ha I use to take the top section off to remove whippens but loosening the hammer rail is a time saver


I would to watch a video of a piano being manufactured


Great job posting informative videos like this. It may motivate young people to take on this work because frankly the piano technician guild is turning into one large geriatric body of technicians with about one dying per day nationwide. I do not lie about this fact. With over 100 million pianos to maintain in the US alone with less than 4, 000 technicians. New blood is needed ASAP.
