Mosiah 1-3 | Scripture Gems (Come Follow Me readings for April 22-28, 2024)

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In episode 16, Jon and Jay explore the words of King Benjamin to his people in Mosiah 1-3.
0:00 - Introduction
01:15 - Mosiah 1
21:12 - Mosiah 2
50:44 - Mosiah 3

PDF of Slides from the Show
The Official Church Map to Study Book of Mormon Lands
Book of Mormon in 8 Minutes
Susan Easton Black, “King Benjamin: In the Service of Your God,” in A Book of Mormon Treasury, BYU 2003
Knowhy #82 - Why Does King Benjamin Emphasize the Blood of Christ?
Todd Parker, “Abinadi: The Man and the Message (Part 1),” F.A.R.M.S, pg 4-5
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There videos seriously help keep me a float. I was taught opposite of the gospel at home even though we went to church on Sundays. I know what I felt as a little girl when I prayed about The Book of Mormon. I took time to read it before I was baptized at age eight. And before I turned twelve I read it planning that near my twelfth birthday I would pray about it. I did. I didn’t see an angel but I cannot deny what I felt. I am now 40 and I have struggled reading it from start to finish. I have read it, but struggled reading it in order. When I was little I was read versus for people who were really bad and I was told Christ would cast me down because he didn’t want me- church was confusing yet so helpful. So these videos are helping me to get the courage to start the Book of Mormon in order at the Begginings of the year 2021. I am going to read it now and see how far I get but I will follow come follow me for it with the Doctrine and Covenants along with it. These videos have helped me hold on so tight. I just can never thank you enough. I didn’t give up. And of course I have a lot of opposition to it. But I’m going to do it!


For the past four years, ever since my daughter recommended you to me, In have begun my weekly scripture study with you. I’m happy now to be doing Book of Mormon again with these videos that now seem good friends. Thank you


Thank you the more l know the more I loved l can help but to cry too now how infinity is the love of my Heavenly Father 😢


Thank you so much. One of your insights about service to our fellow beings was a direct answer to something I had been praying about just this morning. God was truly speaking peace to me through what you said. I appreciate it more than you will ever know.


Wonderful episode! Great explanations!


Man I love you guys .thanks for all you do loving it so very much .


Thank you for all your hard. I appreciate your efforts and look forward to your podcasts each week!


thank for all you put into these lessons. I have a greater understanding of the atonement now.


That was really helpful about the two Nephite nations and the narrative going on in tandem. I'm a visual learner and that helped me a lot. Thank you.


Very well done! Great information! I especially enjoy the quotes from the general authorities.


Thank you Brethren for a great way of learning!


Thanks for the explanation of the two lots of Nephites. Love the pictures too. You explain things so well. I know it is in the Book of Mormon but you help simplify and unmuddle things for me. I love sorry re spelling Sissal singing Slow Down. That helps me open my ears and hear. Just slow down be still and give God the time to talk. Put that on the altar. Receive pure love and inspiration back and act on it promptly.


Do you think every family had a set of scriptures? Do you think every person was taught to read a uniform language even possibly reformed Egyptian?


What is the link for the Vincenzo Defend Video


My family loves these. They are a part of what we do every Sunday in our study and worship routine. Thank you Brothers Fullmer. One thing, among many, that I like is the shading and labeling you do; giving us the topics of groups of verses. I have a running spreadsheet that I share with ward members regularly. The first episode or two didn't do as much, so I have a few holes. Is there a place where you have a complete list?


Greatly appreciate these videos. As an FYI I ran a search of the General Conference Corpus, and there is no record of Elder Stapley saying this phrase in Conference. I do find the phrase as far back as the 1940s, so who knows who originated it.


Loved this episode! Would you be able to post the name of the movie of which you showed a clip?


I enjoy your insights and appreciate the time spent teaching and sharing the gospel. My only concern is the sometimes speculative ideas presented- in this lesson- Abinadi being the angel who speaks to king Benjamin or Sam being special needs from an earlier lesson. There is so much to teach and without adding unsubstantiated information. Please forgive my froward comment. It is meant with good intention.


Thanks fullmer brothers very edifying and thoughtful. A lot to ponder


John and Jay. Thanks for your efforts to teach the Book of Mormon. However, your BYU fantasy map (similar to the fake BYU Virtual Scriptures map, the Daniel H. Ludlow map, and the bogus John L. Sorenson Isthmus of Tehuantepec map) has absolutely nothing to do with the setting of the Book of Mormon in America, the promised Land. You know the church is neutral on Geography.

Please stop promoting the Mesoamerican Model! About 1/3 of the artwork in the Come Follow Me Manual for Book of Mormon 2020, promotes the Mesoamerican Model. Why would King Benjamin bother to build a tower next to a giant Mayan pyramid? Makes absolutely no sense. Instead of building a tower, he could just walk up a few stairs on the Mayan Temple and then speak to the people. By the way, cut stone and stairs to the temple are against the Law of Moses (Exodus 20:25-26).

25 And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.

26 Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.

Clearly, Mayan temples violate the Law of Moses. If you look at the ancient mound builder sites in America, they had ramps to their temples. Take a close look at some of the amazing drawings in "Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley" by Squire and Davis.

The Book of Mormon is true and it happened in America!
