A Spoiler Free Guide to Reading Sarah J Maas: How to read Throne of Glass, ACOTAR, & Crescent City

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Hello, Lovelies!

I am proud to say that I'm always getting texts and DMs about how to read Throne of Glass, how to read A Court of Thorns and Roses, and how to read Crescent City. With the release of House of Flame and Shadow, now I have people asking me out to read the entire Sarah J MassVerse! Having read and re-read her books, I am happy to be your guide for all things Sarah J Maas.

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☼ age: 23
☼ camera: Canon g7x Mark llI
☼ editing software: final cut pro x


sub count: 481 🌼
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Someone please suggest me a novel series which are similar to tog bcz i wanna read tog for the first time again but thats impossible! 😭❤


I read Assasins Blade first and will die on this hill that it should be read first.. breaking the flow to throw that in at some other point is so weird to me especially considering how the endings of Sarah's books always have so much going on. I think knowing about her past is a great place to start, and as you start meeting new characters in throne of glass/crown of midnight you understand why shes guarded and not wanting to share the past (that you already know at this point) and so when she finally does share it feels like you can breath again with her. AND since she keeps secrets from even the reader, its nice to know something about her LOL


Your expressions at around 13:00 to 13:16 is exactly why I love reading.

The other day my 6 year old daughter wrote in her journal, “I love reading because it is like watching TV in my head” #proudmommoment 🥲


Just finished ACOTAR. I haven’t read fantasy for a long time and that got me back in the game! Thanks for showing me what to read next ❤


I am new to fantasy, thanks to Forth Wing, so I am planning to start the series this year. Thanks for the video it was a big help.


I started ACOTAR last week. I have been out of reading for a long while, but I've missed it so much. I kept trying to start books including Thrown of Glass and honestly it was a struggle. I am already sucked into ACOTAR and am enjoying it so far. I am brand new to Maas universe but I'm excited to be apart of it and leap in. :D Also, love your video.


i really adore these kinds of videos, that show catalogues of an author's work instead of individual reviews. youve earned a subscriber


I've started "Throne of Glass" and divided each book into chunks, so my daily goal is to read one chunk to maintain my motivation. I'm on the first book and currently at chapter 26. It's not bad, but it takes me a few pages to really concentrate. I usually read a lot of romance, and the romance in this book is almost non-existent 😂. This is my first book by Sarah J. Maas, and I'm also a rookie in fantasy. I’m not sure why I chose "Throne of Glass" instead of "ACOTAR"—maybe I wanted to read everything in order 😅.


This was so well done and comprehensive! I personally chose to read empire of storms and then tower of dawn (SJM’s recommended and intended reading order) and really like it! By the time EOS was done I was beyond irritated with Aelin’s secrets and arrogance and kind of burnt out of the constant action, so TOD felt like a nice change of pace :)


Then there's my reading order. Read Acotar some years ago but didn't finish Silver Flames. Read the the 2 Crescent Cities last year. Decided to try to read the Throne of Glass series in January before Crescent City 3. Got through 3 books a part of Assassins blade. Decided to reread Acotar 1 and 2. Currently reading Crescent City 3 and will go back to read Silver Flames and the rest of Throne of Glass😅


This is my most highly anticipated read!!! Just got ACOTAR last week can’t wait to start this journey!!!


I appreciate the work real readers do make it easier for the ppl really trying to get into reading at this intensity- THANKS


I'm saving your video for later. I just started with ACOMAF and I love it. Glad I've started with the romance fantasy first 😄This reading order will definitely help, so thanks! :)


I started with Crescent City series first and I loved it!!! I Just started ACOTAR and honestly it is taking me longer than CC. I have put it down to read other books. CC was just that good it keep me reading well into the night and going right to the next book. I am so pleased to hear she is continuing the series ✨🤍


Just started reading ACOTAR, and I am LOVING the world! Bookmarking this for my future reads - thank you!


This is so WELL EXPLAINED! I'm reading ACOMAF but really looking forward to read the other two series but I had so many doubts about how to approach them. Thank you so much, I'm suscribing <3


I really loved this video!! So helpful… I have 200 Pages in ACOSF and already bought the first 3 books in ToG. So looking forward to it & seeing what else you post on this channel 🎉 great job!!!


Thank you so much! I just finished the ACOTAR series and my heart needs help, so I’m picking up TOG. I’m so excited because they told me the hugest spoiler from it 😭❤


I agree with you 100% on the read order. I started with ACOTAR and this series got me back into reading. I then went on to Throne of Glass and had a bit of a hard time with it throughout but I will have to reread it. I am now on Book 2 of Crescent City and I was very lost at first. If it hadn't been for the other two series and reading up on how the books are within the same universe but different worlds I wouldnt have continued it.


I've never done a tandem read before but you convinced me!! Just finished Queen of Shadows and it was my fave so far.
