My Biggest Regret as a Computer Science Major

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00:00 - intro
00:29 - regret as a computer science major
02:32 - but why?
04:27 - my advice to you
06:32 - conclusion

In a lot of my videos I talk about the benefits of being a computer science major or a computer science related major. But I thought it could be useful to highlight one my biggest regrets as a computer science major, such that if you are a computer science major, you may be able to learn from it!

I've briefly mentioned this in previous videos, but one of my main regrets pertaining to my computer science education is that I didn't really work on programming side projects. And I only really started working on some programming side projects at the end of my senior year in college.

There are a couple reasons I didn't work on more programming side projects throughout my computer science undergrad at ucsd. First, going in as a freshman, I don't think I knew enough about programming and computer science to effectively build a solid project. Getting acclimated to the entire college atmosphere was itself a challenge and a new experience. Later on though, I enjoyed coding, but my passion for programming never really extended beyond my programming assignments for my computer science classes. I would work on a programming assignment for a few hours, then feel burnt out and not even want to look at code for awhile.

Overall I wish I worked on programming side projects earlier because it would have allowed me to discover new areas of computer science and software engineering that potentially could have interested me. As well as it would have likely helped me land a software engineering internship a little bit easier!

Comment down below your thoughts on programming side projects as a computer science major!


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I do not claim to own any or all of the pictures/footage that may be shown in this video.
All of my opinions are entirely my own and do not represent any company I work for or am affiliated with.
Any financial topics discussed are not financial advice.
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Crazy how underrated you are.. Your content actually has content. Props man.


Hearing about your college experiences is very interesting. I'm currently in my freshman years, and am happy to say that I've been creating projects before college. Unfortunately, I didn't get accepted into Computer Science in my only available university. However, I'm planning on shifting in my 2nd year and I hope I get it. If not, that would be my biggest regret.


Alright, I'm following your content now. I really like the way you present yourself + editing. I also really like that I can watch your videos to have some ideas on how to get into Microsoft. But really, you playing Garen was enough for me 🤣


hey mikie! i go to ucsd and i was wondering if you could do a video on how you transitioned from senior year and graduating to pursuing a full-time job at microsoft. i think you may have a video like this but it would be cool to hear about it in great detail. idk if this comment makes sense lmao.


I’m going into my second year at UCSD and I’m a math-CS major and I feel like I’m in the exact same situation you were in, I am trying to do side projects because I heard it’s important for resume but it’s hard to figure out what to do and to actually complete something that feels significant enough to talk about. I feel like I don’t know how to actually make the breakthrough into creating a side project that is legitimate and something I can feel proud of, in class we’re taught everything so it’s hard to try to learn it on my own, do you have any advice for how you got out of this position and actually moved on to making a legitimate side project? I love your videos they’re so helpful for me as I go through college!


My biggest regret is not getting admitted into Berkeley lmao. Nice rebrand btw


Thanks Michael your insight into the details of the day to day work involved being a computer science major has me really thinking about what school I should apply to. You said you went to UCSD my question to you is if you had a chance to change the program you went to in order to incorporate projects into learning what school would you have liked to have gone to?


wait you are math and cs right? in the math dept correct? not a cs major lol, tryna take our clout and shit hahahaha


Hahaha that was the worst British accent I've ever heard. Didn't sound British at all lolll
