Relational, appreciative, and process-oriented digital storytelling

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Alexios Brailas and Chara Sotiropoulou, Athenian Institute of Anthropos - Greece
A digital storytelling workshop implemented as a relational, appreciative, and process-oriented practice empowers participants to realize alternative, more polyphonic, ways of acting, thinking, and relating with each other. Participants learn how to create their digital stories, share them and get peer feedback, and then rewrite more enriching versions. The digital stories produced become mediating tools for personal and collective empowerment in the context of an appreciative and inclusive culture. In this work we present our experience as designers and facilitators of such workshops.
A digital storytelling workshop implemented as a relational, appreciative, and process-oriented practice empowers participants to realize alternative, more polyphonic, ways of acting, thinking, and relating with each other. Participants learn how to create their digital stories, share them and get peer feedback, and then rewrite more enriching versions. The digital stories produced become mediating tools for personal and collective empowerment in the context of an appreciative and inclusive culture. In this work we present our experience as designers and facilitators of such workshops.