How to lower your apoB

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This clip is from 276 ‒ Special episode: Peter on longevity, supplements, protein, fasting, apoB, statins, & more.

In this special episode of The Drive, Peter discusses a variety of topics, breaking away from the typical deep-dive format to explore a wide range of common questions submitted by listeners.

In this clip, we discuss:

- Do you need pharmacology to lower your apoB?
- What foods to cut to lower your apoB
- What Peter takes to lower his apoB
- And more


The Peter Attia Drive is a deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing longevity, and all that goes into that from physical to cognitive to emotional health. With over 70 million episodes downloaded, it features topics including exercise, nutritional biochemistry, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, mental health, and much more.

Peter Attia is the founder of Early Medical, a medical practice that applies the principles of Medicine 3.0 to patients with the goal of lengthening their lifespan and simultaneously improving their healthspan.

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For most people all you need is a balanced diet of minimally processed foods. I do believe some supplements are beneficial like vit D, vit K2 and fish oil. Don't panic about all these lab numbers because no one knows when your time is coming. I worked 30 years in cardiac critical care and saw many pts who had excellent lipid panels but still developed heart disease. When I worked in general care I saw many older pts who had crappy lipid panels and NO heart disease. Try to find joy in life and embrace gratitude.


Former cardiac nurse here, now practicing functional medicine, and the daughter of a life-long cardiac nurse . . . statins do not prevent CVD or keep people from having repeat CV events! LDL particle size is how you know your true risk of CVD. Statins inhibit production of protective cholesterol - not good! Genetics definitely play a role. Inflammation is the largest predictor of CVD and disease of all forms. Focus on lowering inflammation through managing stress, getting enough sleep, minimizing toxic burden, avoiding high inflammation foods (gluten, dairy, processed oils, processed and fast food, junk food, pesticides), pay attention to how foods affect you (do you break out after, feel bloated after, feel tired/hungover after, does your heart race after, does your face get red after, are you itchy, do you sneeze after . . . all signs that food is inflaming to you!), get sunlight everyday, get a good sweat going most days of the week, drink clean, reverse osmosis water, replenish your nutrients (minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants), eat minimally processed, grass-fed meats, eat organic whenever possible (EWG Dirty Dozen and Clean 15), move your body regularly . . . I could go on and on. Disappointed at the statin push in this video. That's like putting people with weight loss resistance on ozempic . . . there is so much more to do to achieve weight loss than a drug that has known risks and creates metabolic dependance. UGH!!!! Check the thyroid, check the gut, check stress/cortisol, check hormones!


1. Repatha (evolocumab)
2. Nexlizet (bempodoic acid)
3. Ezetimib (blood thinner like compounds? but w/o statin)


Thank you Dr. Attia for the detailed description about how the liver receptors respond to apoB


I was on OMAD keto for 3 years then went to a whole plant-based diet, oil/ sugar/dairy-free diet, and lowered my LDL 64% and Triglycerides 22%. No statins are needed. Those levels have remained for 19 months and the Angina I had has been gone for a year and I am back in the hills hunting again and running around with my dogs on the farm.


As someone who was morbid, had high cholesterol, pre diabetes and things like that, and now have excepcional blood work, it all started with losing weight, Intermittent fasting, and working out, and I eat quite lot of meat and carbs, but because I do what I said before, my blood work is very good, and no drugs. Best


I am a carrier of two copies of ApoE4. I consumed a predominantly whole food, plant based diet that includes egg whites and fish. My diet is high in COMPLEX carbohydrates and low in saturated ApoB, my A1c and my triglycerides are all low. I think that it's very important to distinguish between complex carbohydrates and simple. There is a vast difference when speaking about lowering carbs. I thrive on a high carb diet....but complex carbs, very little or no simple carbs. Because I am a carrier of two copies of ApoE 4, I also thrive on a diet low in saturated everyone needs to eat more saturated fats to lower ApoB.


I respect any 'expert' who says "probably" and "I don't know".


ApoB and blood sugar have a multiplicative effect on CHD risk. ApoB can be higher if your blood sugar peak levels are lower. It is even plausible that ApoB is only problematic because it correlates to glycosylated ApoB.


I have an ApoB of 146 😢 TG is between 55-75. Going to speak to my DR because I have been working hard on lowering it for more than a year.


I wonder how my Grandfather who was born in 1911 in a farm in Russia was able to live through 3 wars, a 30 year factory job at Ford, being an alcoholic for most of that time, and who ate plenty of saturated fat was able to live until 2007 without a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, or cancer. No Statins or APoB lowering drugs either. Same for my Grandmother.


I was in good shape on a strict keto diet, with an ApoB of 186. I added two cans (~600 g) of beans/lentils per day, cut out red meat and eggs, and dropped my ApoB down to 85. Apart from reducing SFA and dietary cholesterol - for those of us who are hypersensitive to such things - the easiest way to drive down cholesterol is dietary fiber. Since I am fit with good BP in my 60s, I'm happy to have my ApoB in the 80 to 90 range.

I don't want to take drugs, because then I wouldn't follow my diet so strictly. I just want to feed my body what it seems to want.


61yrs old, got my first CardioIQ test. Only had standard lipid panels before, HDL 71, Tri 68, LDL 131. All my other stuff is good. Then just found out yesterday my Lp(a) 49nmol, seems good, ApoB 103mg seems moderately bad. I'm not on low-carb. I don't count calories, but I did cut back on carbs, since I used to always eat rice, bread, potatoes, pasta etc. Now, I still eat those, but try to eat them less often.

I'm going to cut back on the saturated fats, a little, and see how the labs go in 5months when I see my PCP next. If still concerning, maybe a CAC score next.


High non-hdl cholesterol increases "risk" of heart disease but has no effect on mortality. So trying to keep ldl and apob down is chasing ghosts. Also, seed oils are promoted as heart healthy because they lower LDL yet study after study shows they damage tissue throughout the body including causing atherogenesis. Add to that high fructose sweeteners causing fatty liver and now you have CAUSES. Seed oils and high fructose are causes. High LDL and ApoB are not causes but rather side effects of these causes. Relying on statins shows incomplete understanding of causes and physiology.


I eat a whole food vegan, salt, oil and sugar free diet. I tested my ApoB and it was 73. I'm 70 years old and have abundant energy to do whatever I want.


I am doing research on my husband and he claims his doctor didn’t explain what or how to get a lower numbers!
Thank You! You took a lot off my
Mind and heart. My husband is my Best Friend and I would be lost without Him! ❤😢


Love the level of detail provided in these videos. Excellent video.


Love the way Peter speeds up when he saying unnecessary jargon. Very impressive, even though 99 percent of the listeners may have no idea what what he's saying or whether it makes any sense. I am so impressed with the difference between his intelligence and my stupidity! Pity it doesn't teach me anything.🙂


it would be great to see you have a podcast with Dr Paul Mason


My apo b went from 121 to 80 on 3 months of low saturated fat . 60 yo
Trig - 38
LDL 88
HDL 54
Total 147
